5 Things Every Employee Should Ask Their CEO | by Gary

questions to ask ceo quora

questions to ask ceo quora - win

I made Silicon Valley publish its diversity data (which sucked, obviously), got micro-famous for it, then got so much online harassment that I started a whole company to try to fix it. I'm Tracy Chou, founder and CEO of Block Party. AMA

Note: Answering questions from triketora. We scheduled this under a teammate's username, apologies for any confusion.
[EDIT]: Logging off now, but I spent 4 hours trying to write thoughtful answers that have unfortunately all been buried by bad tech and people brigading to downvote me. Here's some of them:
I’m currently the founder and CEO of Block Party, a consumer app to help solve online harassment. Previously, I was a software engineer at Pinterest, Quora, and Facebook.
I’m most known for my work in tech activism. In 2013, I helped establish the standard for tech company diversity data disclosures with a Medium post titled “Where are the numbers?” and a Github repository collecting data on women in engineering.
Then in 2016, I co-founded the non-profit Project Include which works with tech startups on diversity and inclusion towards the mission of giving everyone a fair chance to succeed in tech.
Over the years as an advocate for diversity, I’ve faced constant/severe online harassment. I’ve been stalked, threatened, mansplained and trolled by reply guys, and spammed with crude unwanted content. Now as founder and CEO of Block Party, I hope to help others who are in a similar situation. We want to put people back in control of their online experience with our tool to help filter through unwanted content.
Ask me about diversity in tech, entrepreneurship, the role of platforms to handle harassment, online safety, anything else.
Here's my proof.
submitted by corner_illustration to IAmA [link] [comments]

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also banned.

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also banned.
A quick update since the last post.
  • ASCI didn't respond to any of my tweets. The whole news about ASCI taking down WhiteHatJr was to mellow down resentment against WhiteHatJr and give them a fresh clean slate. Their actions of giving WhiteHatJr an easy escape in case of false advertisement is getting more suspicious. They didn't respond on
  1. Why only 5 ads were objected
  2. What about the rest 100s of false ads
  3. Didn't show the email threads regarding their complaint to WhitehatJr.
  4. Didn't tell if they asked who is Wolf Gupta.
ASCI is not a govt body, as it might sound. It's a self-regulation body run by corporates themselves. So kind of their own front to give themselves clean chit when in trouble.

  • A 2 min video of mine asking questions from WHJ teacher finally go viral. Thanks to all the people who contributed to our telegram channel. Got a good SM traction. Things were moving strong on LinkedIn. A LOT of people supported the cause, mostly techies who with a good understanding of coding, who knows the harms of pushing kids in such a rat race.
  • Karan Bajaj does a post last evening (4th Nov 2020) around 6pm-ish and calls us a 'Troll' . He wrote "A troll works hard too but to tear things down to gain fame, followers, and perhaps fortune. Destroying value and lives in the process."
  • I didn't respond to his BS. Although at once I got very angry I decided to not play by their rules and keep my focus on more solid proofs. Finally, I didn't comment or anything under his post. For many people who did, their comments got deleted.
  • My LinkedIn account gets banned at midnight, around 6 hours after Karan Bajaj calling me a troll.
  1. Karan Calling us a troll: Have you ever seen a CEO acting like this? He also said I am doing this for 'fortune'. So the one who is making $300 million for scamming gullible kids is doubting my intentions. Apart from losing 11 kg in 2.5 months and gaining 27k Karma on Reddit, I am not making a dime here. You guys know my intentions. If anyone still doubts, go to my Reddit posts, scroll down, go to the first posts and see I was posting against Crypto scams as well 3 years back.
  2. First, they banned my videos on YT, Quora account, Twitter Id, LinkedIn posts, Panzy Saran tried putting false allegations of harassment on me, and finally, my LinkedIn account goes down. And YET I am a troll and Karan Bajaj is a saint for looting innocent Indian parents.
  3. I tried to not make this public because some of my family and friends are also watching this thing getting unfold, I didn't want them to worry. But it's high time I must talk about the msgs I get in DMs. Ex and current Byjus employees tell me that I must be worried about my physical safety all the time now. A journalist and a good friend told me I am being watched. And even my phone number might be getting tapped. One other journalist told me that I must prepare a dead man switch.
Such msgs are regular these days. And hence I am living in a safe place alone.
  1. One of WhiteHatJr employee (the ones who makes fake profiles all the time on Twitter and tries to do fake +ve reinforcement under my tweets) crossed all the limits. He dared to abuse my mother. And I know these scums would be lurking around this post as well, so listen carefully, I will find out who you are and will make you apologize.
I will SSLY make you apologize.

  1. I am still working on the list I talked about last time. I will try to find out every single post/video/tweet/article that was taken down by them and then try to get every single on them reinstated.
  2. I have updated most of the journalists in my contact about the potential danger to my life, but seems like it's trivial for them. They are waiting for something to happen. Live Mint recently was doing an article on the WhiteHatJr issue and I was working with one of their good journalist Salman. But in the last hours, the article got canned. This has happened with 4 other publications already in the last 30 days.

Now this time it's time for YOU to ACT. You guys do something, write a post on LinkedIn, ask Karan Bajaj why my ID was banned, why his people are falling down to such low levels and abusing my mother, why isn't he answering any single questions.
The ENTIRE tech community is on our side, how come we don't have a say in how coding must be taught to kids. On one side there is the experience of lakhs of years of coding and engineering and on the other side there are a bunch of greedy VCs who wants to make a circus out of our entire educations system, putting lakhs of kids into the danger of life long depressions, and lakhs of parents into EMI traps.
I have been trying my best on all platforms, from one platform they make me run to another one and then to the third one. It's time to put a stop to this. Even after a couple of good articles from The Ken, Morning Context, Forbes are still daring to call us trolls and putting a ban on us. Let's make an example of this scam so that other 'EdTechs' never forget to stay within ethical limits.

United we stand, divided we fall

Please ACT. Tweet, Write on LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, FB, IG, Reddit whatever. But in the comments, this time, let's talk about your contribution to this cause.

Thank you
Pradeep Poonia
EDIT (8th Nov 2020)
WhiteHatJr has started attacking me personally and putting false allegations on me. So I have decided to show you this chat with WhiteHatJr sales Director ****** ******, it's a couple of weeks old. I never wanted to put one person under the bus, BUT they were planning to make memes on me, defame me. See this news, how ridiculously they are putting made up 'illegal plotting' charges on me. https://www.adgully.com/pradeep-poonia-found-plotting-to-tarnish-whitehat-jr-s-reputation-98117.html

Chat with one of a sale director of WhiteHatJr. He was nagging me for two hours like this.

submitted by pooniahigh to india [link] [comments]

Duke Interview Story

So, not sure if this interests anyone on this thread, but I think it’s a super crazy story and didn’t really know who to tell.
Last week I got a request to do my Duke alumni interview. Duke is near the top of my list, so I was really excited and wanted to do well. I decided I would start prepping first by going online and finding some resources on how to practice. After finding the typical sources (Niche, Princeton Review, etc.), I wanted to know specifically what Duke would ask me that other school wouldn’t. That’s when I found Randy Haldeman on Quora.
He not only had been a Duke interviewer for more than 15 years, but was spilling the tea on what questions Duke interviewers ask, how they grade you, and the tricks they use to understand each prospective student’s thought process. Finding his page was basically a cheat sheet, and others knew it too, because his page had over 300k+ views.
Anyway, I did my interview and it went great. Days later I hadn’t really thought about my preparation or Randy’s page, so I decided to give him a google. Everything he had said on Quora was true: he was a Duke alum making bank as a CEO in Silicon Valley with a wonderful family and big online presence. I then saw an unusual title under the “news” google section: Accused West Menlo Serial Child Molester Bound Over for Trial. To my disbelief appeared a blown up mugshot a homeless looking Randy, the guy who’d helped me so much through the admissions interview process.
He had been convicted on 20 accounts of sexual assault of children, spanning 20 years. I was shocked, but felt even more creeped out when I realized that was the exact same time period he had made a point of stating he was a college interviewer.
It was especially sad because I also remember how much he had written about his daughter, whom he was very proud of for attending Duke as well. Crazy.
submitted by PrincessPubes420 to duke [link] [comments]

Duke Alumni Interview

So, not sure if this interests anyone on this thread, but I think it’s a super crazy story and didn’t really know who to tell.
Last week I got a request to do my Duke alumni interview. Duke is near the top of my list, so I was really excited and wanted to do well. I decided I would start prepping first by going online and finding some resources on how to practice. After finding the typical sources (Niche, Princeton Review, etc.), I wanted to know specifically what Duke would ask me that other school wouldn’t. That’s when I found Randy Haldeman on Quora.
He not only had been a Duke interviewer for more than 15 years, but was spilling the tea on what questions Duke interviewers ask, how they grade you, and the tricks they use to understand each prospective student’s thought process. Finding his page was basically a cheat sheet, and others knew it too, because his page had over 300k+ views.
Anyway, I did my interview and it went great. Days later I hadn’t really thought about my preparation or Randy’s page, so I decided to give him a google. Everything he had said on Quora was true: he was a Duke alum making bank as a CEO in Silicon Valley with a wonderful family and big online presence. I then saw an unusual title under the “news” google section: Accused West Menlo Serial Child Molester Bound Over for Trial. To my disbelief appeared a blown up mugshot of a homeless looking Randy, the guy who’d helped me so much through the admissions interview process.
He had been convicted on 20 accounts of sexual assault of children, spanning 20 years. I was shocked, but felt even more creeped out when I realized that was the exact same time period he had made a point of stating he was a college interviewer.
It was especially sad because I also remember how much he had written about his daughter, whom he was very proud of for attending Duke as well. Crazy.
submitted by PrincessPubes420 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers

The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers
The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers. You can spend countless hours working on a great idea and perfecting your product or service, but all future growth boils down to one key factor — your ability to acquire new customers and retain them long-term.
Acquiring new customers may sound simple, but it can be incredibly challenging to find new opportunities in today’s saturated marketplace. If you don’t stay up to date and tweak your marketing strategies, you may struggle to keep your sales funnel full.
Here are actionable ways to acquire new customers, but first …

What is the cost of acquiring a new customer?

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the total sales and marketing cost required to earn a new customer over a designated period. This is important because it assigns real value to your marketing efforts and allows you to measure your ROI.
Displayed as a formula, it looks like this:
So if a company spent $300K on sales and marketing, and generated 300 new customers in one quarter, their customer acquisition cost would be $1K.
Note: The total marketing cost includes all program, software, and marketing spend, salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, and overhead associated with acquiring new leads and customers within the time period you’re evaluating (month, quarter, year.
Now that we’ve defined it, let’s look at how to acquire customers.

The best ways to acquire new customers

The list here is not the be-all end-all how to acquire customers, but each item is a common way for digital marketers to grow their customer base today.

Content marketing

Content is the foundation of advertising, because once you’ve published content (blog posts, ebooks, guides, videos, etc.) email, social media, etc. can promote it. It also generates about 3x as many leads as other marketing methods, and costs 62% less:
Consistently publishing new content — and refreshing the old — keeps your brand relevant and shows prospects that you’re actively engaged with your industry. This is crucial in a world full of false advertising and plummeting customer trust.

Highly targeted advertising

If you’re not generating the number of new customers you want — or enough qualified customers — define and redefine your target audience down to the finest details:
  • Where do they live?
  • How old are they?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What is their family makeup like?
  • What do they like and dislike?
  • What problems do they have and how can your product or service help?
Market segmentation can help:
Retargeting old customers is a great place to start. While this might seem like customer retention, not acquisition, that’s not necessarily the case. If it’s been years since a customer was last active, many businesses won’t refer to that person as an existing customer anymore. Getting them back to your business is like re-acquiring them as a brand new customer. Use any old information you have on them (email, phone number, address, etc.), and reach out with an irresistible offer to earn their business again.

Developing business partnerships

Not everyone in your industry is a competitor. Chances are, there are several complementary businesses in your niche as well, with similar customer bases.
Take SaaS companies and integrations, for example. Integrations make it possible for software to speak to each other and send data back and forth. Without this capability, collecting and sharing lead data would be much harder — and you could be losing business as a result.
Example Your SaaS company integrates with MailChimp (email marketing) and Salesforce (CRM) because both are two of the most popular solutions in their respective industries. The problem is you don’t integrate with Zoho (another CRM solution). You learn through surveys that 40% of your prospects use MailChimp with Zoho and only 15% use Salesforce. Here, you could be losing potential customers simply for the fact that prospects prefer Zoho as their CRM.
This isn’t to say you can’t also integrate with Salesforce. But integrating (developing a business partnership) with Zoho could go a long way in attracting more customers.

Create a lead generating site

Your website might look professional and offer a ton of useful information for visitors, but does it generate new leads and acquire new customers?
It’s essential that, in addition to your website, you also have dedicated landing pages to capture contact information and fill the top of your sales funnel.
Often, your post-click landing page is the first and last thing people see connected to your business. Since you have less than five seconds to grasp their attention, make it stand out.
An attention-grabbing headline, prominent form, and contrasting CTA button are a must have.

Focus on benefits over features

Listing features can help sell your product to a certain extent, but it’s important you don’t overlook the customer experience. Highlighting your product’s benefits is a more direct way to relate to your customers and show them what they’ll gain by selecting your company over another.
List the features briefly, but focus primarily on the benefits. Think about your customer’s problems and dig deep to explain how your product solves those problems. This helps you stand out and shows customers what makes your brand unique.

Be present on social media

If you’re not present on social media, you’re missing out on a huge market that your competitors are likely already taking advantage of.
Having a social media presence doesn’t have to be expensive either. Creating a business account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is free. Simply join discussions and groups that pertain to your industry. Provide helpful answers to questions, and insight on various posts to make yourself known.
Example GreenPal lawn care service has been extremely successful at acquiring new customers by monitoring local social media groups. GreenPal’s CEO, Bryan Clayton, says that when anyone in the groups asks for a lawn care service recommendation, they suggest GreenPal. The company tracked their success, and learned that 60% of recommendations led to new sign ups.
Not all of your followers will convert into customers, but the more followers you gain, the better chance you have at winning new customers.

Make your brand known on forums

Being on question-based forums like Quora is huge. By answering questions and talking about your product, you can make yourself known as an industry leader and attract new prospective customers.
Since discussion topics span across many areas, there are countless opportunities to be seen by simply answering questions that relate to your brand. Jason Lemkin, CEO of SaaStr, has answered over 2,000 questions on Quora that generates over 1 million monthly views as a result.
To find the right questions that will get you the largest return from your time:
  1. Use SEMrush to do a search on quora.com
  2. Navigate to the “Organic Research” tab under “Domain Analytics”
  3. With the list of top-ranking questions on Quora, run a search for a keyword related to your content
  4. Sort the results in descending order by search volume.
When answering questions don’t just post a link to your content as it’ll likely be removed. That’s no way to establish trust anyway. It’s okay to include links within your answers on occasion, but every answer should still provide value without having to visit elsewhere.

Offer deals and promotions

People love discounts because they save money and feel like they’re getting access to something exclusive and limited. Some ideas for offering deals and promotions include:
  • Using your social media accounts to run coupon ads
  • Creating an email marketing campaign that rewards subscribers for access to their inboxes with an exclusive offer
  • Throwing in low-stock items or items that are no longer made as freebies on orders over a certain quantity
The most successful promotional campaigns also inspire sharing. When people share offers with their family and friends, they’re more likely to be interested since it’s coming from someone they know and trust, rather than an ad from an unfamiliar brand. It makes them more likely to redeem the offer and continue sharing with others too.

Run giveaways

If people aren’t buying your product, consider giving them something for free. That doesn’t mean give away thousands of products, but running monthly or weekly giveaways can certainly work to your benefit. Giving someone the feeling that they “won” something is a powerful way to make them choose your product over a competitor’s.
Sweepstakes and contests are two different methods to choose from. A sweepstakes involves giving away something to a person selected at random (nothing is required from the person); while the winner of a contest is selected based on judgment.
In comparison, contests tend to be more effective because participants get more involved and engaged. This is great for acquiring new customers because even if someone doesn’t win, they’ve likely put enough effort into their entry that they may be more inclined to make a purchase now.
Both methods are great for building your email subscriber list because to enter you can require an email address. This way, you can send promotional emails if the contest didn’t entice them to make a purchase.

Showcase testimonials

One of the best ways to acquire new customers is to highlight existing ones. When you have proof that customers have a particularly positive experience, ask them to provide a testimonial in return.
Whether the testimonial is a short quote, review, case study, interview, etc., it’s proof that you deliver on your promises and helps prospects feel more confident they can trust you.

Keep track of the competition

Actively monitoring competitor’s marketing tactics, backlinks and traffic, web design, social mentions, products or services, etc. is the best way to stay ahead of the game.
This can be especially useful in acquiring new prospects because it puts you in prime position to swoop in and capitalize on any opportunities. For instance, if you know that a competitor has introduced an unpopular initiative, like a price increase, it may be the perfect time to step in and see if any of their clients are willing to jump ship.

Host an event

An increasing number of consumers like to actually experience brands, not just read about them online or get spammed by their ads. So much so that 89% of companies compete primarily on the basis of customer experience, versus only 36% in 2010.
Hosting an event is a great way to do this as it gives potential customers the opportunity to meet your brand on a more personal level. Depending on your product or service, you can either host an in-person event where customers can meet you or host an online webinar where it still feels personalized — like you’re right in front of your audience.

Ask for referrals

What better way to attract new customers than to use existing ones? But instead of relying on existing customers to evangelize your brand on their own, encourage them with a referral program.
The incentive can be a physical gift, a monetary reward, or a credit, just make sure it’s valuable to them. You can’t realistically expect valuable customer referrals without giving back something valuable in return.

Make sure your SEO is up to date

SEO complements content marketing efforts by optimizing content and making it easier for your target audience to find it. Rank high in SERPs and persuading people to click through is the ultimate goal here.
SEO best practices involve creating indexable content that search engines can read, decipher, and index by:
  • Including your primary keyword/phrase in the title
  • Adding related alt text to your images
  • Uploading video and audio transcripts
  • Linking internally within your site
  • Speeding up your page load times
SEO is a popular customer acquisition method because it’s relatively cost-effective. In fact, SEO and organic growth has shown to be the number one inbound marketing priority for many companies.

A/B test everything

A/B testing is crucial in determining which strategies and campaign components produce the highest numbers of conversions.
To get the most out of your A/B testing efforts:
  • Mark each new test in Google Analytics
  • Have a standard time frame how long you run each test and how many visitors must experience both versions
  • Create a process for executive approval to announce the winner
  • Move on to the next element to test
  • Repeat as needed
It’s important to test every facet of your campaign or strategy. For example, not just the post-click landing page copy, but the page’s entire layout. The more you know about the performance of your efforts, the more control you have over the end results.

Now that you acquired them, how do you retain them?

Keeping a steady flow of returning customers is equally as important. Here are a few reasons to focus on customer retention just as much as acquisition:
  • The cost of acquiring new customers vs retaining them is 6 times more
  • Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase revenue by 25-95%
  • The probability of selling to existing customers and new customers is 60-70% and 5-20%, respectively
  • 90% of satisfied consumers will purchase again
Customer retention strategies will vary based on business model, audience, resources, and more, but here are several key qualities all of them should have:
Convenience It’s hard to ignore something when it’s available at your fingertips, so make your products and services as accessible as possible. Identify your customers’ desires and behaviors, and create tools that empower them with convenience. For example, both Starbucks and McDonald’s have apps for customers to order ahead to eliminate the wait time on-site.
Altruism Sometimes a brand inspires customer loyalty with their company beliefs, instead of their sales tactics. Many consumers are focused on the altruistic and environmental effects that their buying habits have because doing good is so important to them. Find something that people care about and position your brand around it.
Personalization Execute customer service with an authentic human touch. Show you care by identifying your audience personas, communicating with them on their preferred channels, and adding personality to every interaction. SwiftERM personalizes each and every email it ends to each individual consumer. Based on their buying history and impressions, no two emails are every alike. It always uses the latest data to offer products unique to that individual, which is why the ROI is so huge.

Don’t miss out on customers

Every company needs to acquire new customers to keep their business running smoothly. While there are many ways to approach customer acquisition, they all result in the same thing.

We hope you enjoyed this article, intended to help improve our client’s profitability. It reflects the care SwiftERM offer. If you haven’t already done so, then please enjoy a FREE month’s trial and let us know what you think. Register

submitted by SwiftERM to u/SwiftERM [link] [comments]

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also BANNED.

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also BANNED.
A quick update since the last post.
  • ASCI didn't respond to any of my tweets. The whole news about ASCI taking down WhiteHatJr was to mellow down resentment against WhiteHatJr and give them a fresh clean slate. Their actions of giving WhiteHatJr an easy escape in case of false advertisement is getting more suspicious. They didn't respond on
  1. Why only 5 ads were objected
  2. What about the rest 100s of false ads
  3. Didn't show the email threads regarding their complaint to WhitehatJr.
  4. Didn't tell if they asked who is Wolf Gupta.
ASCI is not a govt body, as it might sound. It's a self-regulation body run by corporates themselves. So kind of their own front to give themselves clean chit when in trouble.
  • A 2 min video of mine asking questions from WHJ teacher finally go viral. Thanks to all the people who contributed to our telegram channel. Got a good SM traction. Things were moving strong on LinkedIn. A LOT of people supported the cause, mostly techies who with a good understanding of coding, who knows the harms of pushing kids in such a rat race.
  • Karan Bajaj does a post last evening (4th Nov 2020) around 6pm-ish and calls us a 'Troll' . He wrote "A troll works hard too but to tear things down to gain fame, followers, and perhaps fortune. Destroying value and lives in the process."
  • I didn't respond to his BS. Although at once I got very angry I decided to not play by their rules and keep my focus on more solid proofs. Finally, I didn't comment or anything under his post. For many people who did, their comments got deleted.
  • My LinkedIn account gets banned at midnight, around 6 hours after Karan Bajaj calling me a troll.
  1. Karan Calling us a troll: Have you ever seen a CEO acting like this? He also said I am doing this for 'fortune'. So the one who is making $300 million for scamming gullible kids is doubting my intentions. Apart from losing 11 kg in 2.5 months and gaining 27k Karma on Reddit, I am not making a dime here. You guys know my intentions. If anyone still doubts, go to my Reddit posts, scroll down, go to the first posts and see I was posting against Crypto scams as well 3 years back.
  2. First, they banned my videos on YT, Quora account, Twitter Id, LinkedIn posts, Panzy Saran tried putting false allegations of harassment on me, and finally, my LinkedIn account goes down. And YET I am a troll and Karan Bajaj is a saint for looting innocent Indian parents.
  3. I tried to not make this public because some of my family and friends are also watching this thing getting unfold, I didn't want them to worry. But it's high time I must talk about the msgs I get in DMs. Ex and current Byjus employees tell me that I must be worried about my physical safety all the time now. A journalist and a good friend told me I am being watched. And even my phone number might be getting tapped. One other journalist told me that I must prepare a dead man switch.
Such messages are regular these days. Hence I am living in a safe place alone now.
  1. One of WhiteHatJr employee (the ones who makes fake profiles all the time on Twitter and tries to do fake +ve reinforcement under my tweets) crossed all the limits. He dared to abuse my mother. And I know these scums would be lurking around this post as well, so listen carefully, I will find out who you are and will make you apologize.

I SSLY will make you apologize.
  1. I am still working on the list I talked about last time. I will try to find out every single post/video/tweet/article that was taken down by them and then try to get every single on them reinstated.
  2. I have updated most of the journalists in my contact about the potential danger to my life, but seems like it's trivial for them. They are waiting for something to happen. Live Mint recently was doing an article on the WhiteHatJr issue and I was working with one of their good journalist Salman. But in the last hours, the article got canned. This has happened with 4 other publications already in the last 30 days.
Now this time it's time for YOU to ACT. You guys do something, write a post on LinkedIn, ask Karan Bajaj why my ID was banned, why his people are falling down to such low levels and abusing my mother, why isn't he answering any single questions.
The ENTIRE tech community is on our side, how come we don't have a say in how coding must be taught to kids. On one side there is the experience of lakhs of years of coding and engineering and on the other side there are a bunch of greedy VCs who wants to make a circus out of our entire educations system, putting lakhs of kids into the danger of life long depressions, and lakhs of parents into EMI traps.
I have been trying my best on all platforms, from one platform they make me run to another one and then to the third one. It's time to put a stop to this. Even after a couple of good articles from The Ken, Morning Context, Forbes are still daring to call us trolls and putting a ban on us. Let's make an example of this scam so that other 'EdTechs' never forget to stay within ethical limits.

United we stand, divided we fall

Please ACT. Tweet, Write on LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, FB, IG, Reddit whatever. But in the comments, this time, let's talk about your contribution to this cause.
Thank you
Pradeep Poonia
submitted by pooniahigh to developersIndia [link] [comments]

How Byjus manipulate Quora. BYJUS is harassing me. Please help.

How Byjus manipulate Quora. BYJUS is harassing me. Please help.
Hello. I am the same guy (u/WhiteHatSr) who posted “Byjus and WhiteHatJr are harassing me. Please help”
First, they got my first twitter handle suspended (@WhiteHatSr), then my Quora account got suspended, then my youtube video was removed and last night the Reddit account from which I asked for help from you guys, that account also got permanent suspension for ‘HARASSMENT’.
This is how BYJUS has been controlling every voice raised against his shell company, a company that is responsible for pushing lakhs of tier 2 and 3 cities middle-class parents into loan shark traps. No one needs their average and overpriced courses. There is no medium of feedback allowed. You can't find Raveendran Byjus on any social media platform. The same is for WhiteHatJr CEO Karan Bajaj, can't find him anywhere. Byju companies twitter handle just posted two tweets since the company's inception. On Quora, they have bought paid moderators, who change the questions itself. See the pics attached at the end.
Why would a $10.8 BILLION company Byjus and $300M company WhiteHatJr not be willing to have feedback?
Why do they shut every voice raised against them?
What is it that they are hiding?
It's a shell company with a below-average product,
force selling their products to innocent parents using buzz words (like SpaceTech Coding, AI, ML),
using emotional tactics by asking parents if they want their kids to be left behind,
using aggressive sales team and very little expenditure on R&D of study material,
using copyrighted content of other companies, logos of NASA, BlueOrigin, Google, pictures of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, videos of Obama,
using already free platforms such as Scratch, code. org, p5js .
Do we want this shrewd man to have a complete monopoly over our entire education system?
We all know Byjus is funded by FB lizard Mark Fukerberg’s as well and how FB is accused of manipulating US presidential elections back in 2016. So can we trust him to teach our next entire generation, him alone controlling what to teach, how to teach, him writing history chapters for kids? The entire Indian education system is getting hijacked by these Hyenas.
Most people would ignore this post.
Some will like the post.
Few will be reading this line.
And only very few of you will click on the links of my Youtube and Twitter to support in exposing this SCAM. Support before these accounts also gets banned.
Let’s stop saying “someone should do something” and let's start doing it.
PS: *Byjus if you get this handle also banned, I will make another one and then another one.
Byjus let me tell you a short story of Bansal Classes. Once they were the invincible power amongst IIT JEE coaching institutes. Bansal sir (VKB) alone established the entire Kota city education era. Like lakhs of other kids, I also went to Kota. No one called us there, there was no marketing team, no sales team, no internet to see Kota city pictures. And yet we all went there. People from my batch (2008) saw that formidable institute going down right in front of our eyes because they got too arrogant, and had started abusing teachers like SR, MSC, NA right in front of students.
Today Bansal classes is no more. Now the Bansal family is selling packaged milk.
Pradeep Poonia.

submitted by pooniahigh to indianpeoplequora [link] [comments]

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also banned.

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also banned.
A quick update since the last post.
  • ASCI didn't respond to any of my tweets. The whole news about ASCI taking down WhiteHatJr was to mellow down resentment against WhiteHatJr and give them a fresh clean slate. Their actions of giving WhiteHatJr an easy escape in case of false advertisement is getting more suspicious. They didn't respond on
  1. Why only 5 ads were objected
  2. What about the rest 100s of false ads
  3. Didn't show the email threads regarding their complaint to WhitehatJr.
  4. Didn't tell if they asked who is Wolf Gupta.
ASCI is not a govt body, as it might sound. It's a self-regulation body run by corporates themselves. So kind of their own front to give themselves clean chit when in trouble.
  • A 2 min video of mine asking questions from WHJ teacher finally go viral. Thanks to all the people who contributed to our telegram channel. Got a good SM traction. Things were moving strong on LinkedIn. A LOT of people supported the cause, mostly techies who with a good understanding of coding, who knows the harms of pushing kids in such a rat race.
  • Karan Bajaj does a post last evening (4th Nov 2020) around 6pm-ish and calls us a 'Troll' . He wrote "A troll works hard too but to tear things down to gain fame, followers, and perhaps fortune. Destroying value and lives in the process."
  • I didn't respond to his BS. Although at once I got very angry I decided to not play by their rules and keep my focus on more solid proofs. Finally, I didn't comment or anything under his post. For many people who did, their comments got deleted.
  • My LinkedIn account gets banned at midnight, around 6 hours after Karan Bajaj calling me a troll.
  1. Karan Calling us a troll: Have you ever seen a CEO acting like this? He also said I am doing this for 'fortune'. So the one who is making $300 million for scamming gullible kids is doubting my intentions. Apart from losing 11 kg in 2.5 months and gaining 27k Karma on Reddit, I am not making a dime here. You guys know my intentions. If anyone still doubts, go to my Reddit posts, scroll down, go to the first posts and see I was posting against Crypto scams as well 3 years back.
  2. First, they banned my videos on YT, Quora account, Twitter Id, LinkedIn posts, Panzy Saran tried putting false allegations of harassment on me, and finally, my LinkedIn account goes down. And YET I am a troll and Karan Bajaj is a saint for looting innocent Indian parents.
  3. I tried to not make this public because some of my family and friends are also watching this thing getting unfold, I didn't want them to worry. But it's high time I must talk about the msgs I get in DMs. Ex and current Byjus employees tell me that I must be worried about my physical safety all the time now. A journalist and a good friend told me I am being watched. And even my phone number might be getting tapped. One other journalist told me that I must prepare a dead man switch.
Such messages are regular these days. And hence I am living in a safe place alone.
  1. One of WhiteHatJr employee (the ones who makes fake profiles all the time on Twitter and tries to do fake +ve reinforcement under my tweets) crossed all the limits. He dared to abuse my mother. And I know these scums would be lurking around this post as well, so listen carefully, I will find out who you are and will make you apologize.
I SSLY will make you apologize.
  1. I am still working on the list I talked about last time. I will try to find out every single post/video/tweet/article that was taken down by them and then try to get every single on them reinstated.
  2. I have updated most of the journalists in my contact about the potential danger to my life, but seems like it's trivial for them. They are waiting for something to happen. Live Mint recently was doing an article on the WhiteHatJr issue and I was working with one of their good journalist Salman. But in the last hours, the article got canned. This has happened with 4 other publications already in the last 30 days.
Now this time it's time for YOU to ACT. You guys do something, write a post on LinkedIn, ask Karan Bajaj why my ID was banned, why his people are falling down to such low levels and abusing my mother, why isn't he answering any single questions.
The ENTIRE tech community is on our side, how come we don't have a say in how coding must be taught to kids. On one side there is the experience of lakhs of years of coding and engineering and on the other side there are a bunch of greedy VCs who wants to make a circus out of our entire educations system, putting lakhs of kids into the danger of life long depressions, and lakhs of parents into EMI traps.
I have been trying my best on all platforms, from one platform they make me run to another one and then to the third one. It's time to put a stop to this. Even after a couple of good articles from The Ken, Morning Context, Forbes are still daring to call us trolls and putting a ban on us. Let's make an example of this scam so that other 'EdTechs' never forget to stay within ethical limits.

United we stand, divided we fall

Please ACT. Tweet, Write on LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, FB, IG, Reddit whatever. But in the comments, this time, let's talk about your contribution to this cause.
Thank you
Pradeep Poonia
submitted by pooniahigh to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

I have a lot of empathy for people in poverty, but why are they even there?

I ask this because, when I hear rap songs or just people in general, shit talking people with no money, I get angry. And I don’t get it.
Like why is it so great to call someone a broke b
Is being poor even real? Why is it possible? Okay, so I’m privileged right, I’m American, I’m healthy, I’m able bodied.
Even people who aren’t rich will use lack of money as an insult. Like this one guy who makes no more than 15 dollars an hour was yelling at someone calling them a broke b who’s got no money. It was confusing, like buddy, neither do you, lol.
Is it really laziness and depression?
If you’re in a warzone, born into slavery, a woman in certain areas of the world, born in the woods with a tribe, idek what else.
I’m not rich, but that’s because I do low skilled work and don’t have any ambitions to become a doctor or ceo of a random company.
So if that’s my limiters, and I’m not a warzone etc type of person.
Then what is being poor. Why is there charity and shit. Charity must be only for kids then, like sending money to nations in poverty, that’s not going to some grown ass man who just isn’t working right?
Well then my mind does this thing where I can put myself in the shoes of someone else.
I imagine my new life, my parents aren’t around, and I didn’t do much for school, but I want to work hard and make a living for myself. So, I start buying and reselling fruit everyday, just grinding right.
That’ll never make you rich, that new life I imagined, I’d have to buy so much more fruit, and open up shops at every corner, and hire people to run them, and then pay them a wage. It’s like a trick. You gotta scam them to get ahead basically.
That’s how every business is basically, one person started doing something and made some money, so they did the above.
You create an idea, do it on a small scale, you’ll make not a lot. The money only comes in once you have employees, for example, if I sold 100 oranges a day at 50 cents a pop while they costed me 35 cents each. I’d end up with a 15 dollar profit. If I did that everyday for a month, sold 100 oranges at 50 cents, I’d have 450 dollars . Not bad, I can pay half my rent almost.
I keep doing the math, but somethings not adding up, I guess the pricing is too low. You’re selling fruit at a small scale what do you expect? Maybe if I had a bunch of land with orange trees, instead of 100 a day buying and reselling. I could sell 1000 a day, with no resell. Yea that’s way more money. How will it be possible for every person, to make something everyone wants to buy. Is that even possible?
If 7 billion people each created their own 1 dollar product and sold it to the whole world, they’d all have 7 billion dollars right? I gotta google that, if everyone in the world, no somethings wrong with that, hold on let me figure it out, let’s make it 10 people to be easier. No each person would have to spend 10 dollars. Fuck why is this so confusing. Fuckin word problems. If 7 billion people, it’d just be trading dollars at that point. 7 billion people bought my product. 7 billion people can’t do that. So wtf. This quora answer is getting it.
If everyone had a billion dollars, nothing would get done. Wtf. Bullshit. Saving the world is fucking hard guys.
So I don’t have the knowledge to. Everyone has to be useful in some way to benefit the life of others. I wish I could, but I can’t be a super bowl champion, a doctor and a farmer all in one and expect to be great in all of them.
But is it possible for the whole world to have a skill like that, that’s unique enough to stand out in whatever field there in that people will choose them over someone else. It’s impossible.
We aren’t designed that way, we created currency were savage animals. I don’t think lions will share the zebra they caught with some random hyenas. Why should they? They both want it and only one group did what it took to get it. Is charity a scam? Oh fuck this makes my head hurt. Alright I did some research, and for the past 7 years, more than a billion smartphones were sold. That means there’s enough smartphones for everyone in the world. There’s enough resources for that and then some.
If there’s enough smartphones, then everything else should be easy af.
So, while everyone can’t be a billionaire who does nothing, everyone can contribute some way to each other, that doesn’t fuck everyone over.
I’ll figure it out so anyone who’s like me and would be working their assess of if it wasn’t for exploration and bullshit fuck the system.
What I mean is, if there’s enough raw resources to create more than the population in devices, then we really can communism this shit. And give everyone at least a baseline of shit.
No, not everyone needs a big ass boat or a 50 acre Mansion property. Well why not? Alright, I just had to turn on greed in my brain and it makes sense now.
The big question is, what’s in it for me? Why should I, a big ass boat maker, make a boat for 7 billion people? Well what do you want boat maker? How can we fulfill everyone’s desires while at the same time providing enough for a basic decent life circumstances.
And no, I don’t mean some shit hole and bad food and etc.
I mean a real quality life, what would it take to get the whole world working together to make that happen. I’m a naive fool, I keep forgetting about our mortality and how people don’t have time in their lives to give a single fuck about any of that. Good luck me.
I’ll figure it out to help at least some people
submitted by fbwisn2938 to offmychest [link] [comments]

Now WhiteHatJr got my LinkedIn account also banned. [Posting On Behalf Of u/PooniaHigh]

A quick update since the last post.
  1. Why only 5 ads were objected
  2. What about the rest 100s of false ads
  3. Didn't show the email threads regarding their complaint to WhitehatJr.
  4. Didn't tell if they asked who is Wolf Gupta.
ASCI is not a govt body, as it might sound. It's a self-regulation body run by corporates themselves. So kind of their own front to give themselves clean chit when in trouble.
  1. Karan Calling us a troll: Have you ever seen a CEO acting like this? He also said I am doing this for 'fortune'. So the one who is making $300 million for scamming gullible kids is doubting my intentions. Apart from losing 11 kg in 2.5 months and gaining 27k Karma on Reddit, I am not making a dime here. You guys know my intentions. If anyone still doubts, go to my Reddit posts, scroll down, go to the first posts and see I was posting against Crypto scams as well 3 years back.
  2. First, they banned my videos on YT, Quora account, Twitter Id, LinkedIn posts, Panzy Saran tried putting false allegations of harassment on me, and finally, my LinkedIn account goes down. And YET I am a troll and Karan Bajaj is a saint for looting innocent Indian parents.
  3. I tried to not make this public because some of my family and friends are also watching this thing getting unfold, I didn't want them to worry. But it's high time I must talk about the msgs I get in DMs. Ex and current Byjus employees tell me that I must be worried about my physical safety all the time now. A journalist and a good friend told me I am being watched. And even my phone number might be getting tapped. One other journalist told me that I must prepare a dead man switch.
Such msgs are regular these days. And hence I am living in a safe place alone.
  1. One of WhiteHatJr employee (the ones who makes fake profiles all the time on Twitter and tries to do fake +ve reinforcement under my tweets) crossed all the limits. He dared to abuse my mother. And I know these scums would be lurking around this post as well, so listen carefully, I will find out who you are and will make you apologize.
I will SSLY make you apologize.
  1. I am still working on the list I talked about last time. I will try to find out every single post/video/tweet/article that was taken down by them and then try to get every single on them reinstated.
  2. I have updated most of the journalists in my contact about the potential danger to my life, but seems like it's trivial for them. They are waiting for something to happen. Live Mint recently was doing an article on the WhiteHatJr issue and I was working with one of their good journalist Salman. But in the last hours, the article got canned. This has happened with 4 other publications already in the last 30 days.
Now this time it's time for YOU to ACT. You guys do something, write a post on LinkedIn, ask Karan Bajaj why my ID was banned, why his people are falling down to such low levels and abusing my mother, why isn't he answering any single questions.
The ENTIRE tech community is on our side, how come we don't have a say in how coding must be taught to kids. On one side there is the experience of lakhs of years of coding and engineering and on the other side there are a bunch of greedy VCs who wants to make a circus out of our entire educations system, putting lakhs of kids into the danger of life long depressions, and lakhs of parents into EMI traps.
I have been trying my best on all platforms, from one platform they make me run to another one and then to the third one. It's time to put a stop to this. Even after a couple of good articles from The Ken, Morning Context, Forbes are still daring to call us trolls and putting a ban on us. Let's make an example of this scam so that other 'EdTechs' never forget to stay within ethical limits.

United we stand, divided we fall

Please ACT. Tweet, Write on LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, FB, IG, Reddit whatever. But in the comments, this time, let's talk about your contribution to this cause.
Thank you
Pradeep Poonia
[This Post has been made on behalf of u/PooniaHigh who has been on a crusade to expose misleading claims by Online Courses Websites. He is too busy to make a post, and has personally requested us to help him spread the word. Support him in whatever way possible. Thank You.
- ISO Mod Team]
submitted by IndiaSocial to indiasocial [link] [comments]

How to promote Fiverr gigs and Increase Your Sales (Fiverr Gig promotion Guide)

How to promote Fiverr gigs and Increase Your Sales (Fiverr Gig promotion Guide)
Hi Friends!
In this Guide, I want to share with you exactly (step-by-step) How to promote Fiverr gigs and increase your sales.
Also, I will share with you the top marketing strategies that made me publish my own Services website like Fiverr and sell on it directly without any third-party websites like Fiverr, Upwork, or freelancer.
Here is a screenshot of my services site:
you can see that my services pricing is not that cheap, so I rely mainly on few clients that pay high prices instead of wasting a lot of time with many clients for 5-10$.
But anyway, what I will explain works in any scenario where you are a beginner selling small services or a professional freelancer who want to scale up his/her business online.
What you will read now, allows you to build a real successful online business with freelancing and not only get some fast clients or orders on Fiverr. So Let’s Start!

How to Promote Fiverr gigs and Services?

Mainly we have 5 strategies to follow to get new clients and orders on Fiverr:
  1. Cold Mailing
  2. Quora
  3. Social Media
  4. Content Marketing
  5. Paid Ads
So Let’s start now with the fist strategy.

1. Cold Mailing

One of the best ways to market your services is to send cold emails to specific people who may be interested in your service.

What is Cold Mailing?

Simply it is to Search for targeted email lists (ex: CEO of certain companies), and send an email trying to turn the target prospect into a customer.
Let’s take an example to make things simple.
Let’s say, your service is about “Digital Marketing” and let’s be more specific, it’s proving SEO services. so your expected clients, are all website owners who want to rank their websites on Search Engines and get more traffic.
“Note: SEO: search engine optimization”
So, now you know the target audience. What you will do is to send emails to those people and check if they are interested in your service or gig.

📷 The Main Two Questions here?

  • How to get those emails?
  • How to send bulk Cold Emails?
Let’s start with the second question and see how we can send bulk cold emails?
Note: bulk means sending like 500–1000 or more emails per day.
We can achieve this with several methods:
  1. Gmail/Gsuite + Gmass Mail merge extention.
  2. Use a cold mail service like Woodpecker.
  3. Build your own cold emailing system.
To make things simple for you as a beginner, you can start with the easiest method which is connecting your Gmail account to Gmass, then your Gmail account will be able to send bulk emails, schedule, track, and more…
It will be like a small email marketing system with the help of Gmass.
so when you compose an email, you will see something like this:

this is the simplest way.
📷 Now, I want to mention an important point
It’s highly recommended to use a business professional email and not your free Gmail account, so when you send emails, you will look professional and give more trust.
In my case, I have a dedicated email for services, which is:
To get a business email, you can register one with Gsuite from google for 5$ per month. I really recommend doing this, you will look professional.
I have a full tutorial about setting up Gsuite, you can check here:
G Suite Cold Email Marketing Full System Step by Step Tutorial
Or if you would like to learn more about cold emailing, I do have a full training series about on my channel, you can check here: H-EDUCATE
Let’s now move the second question, How to get emails?
Also here we have 3 options:
  1. Online Scraping
  2. Manual search
  3. Using third party services like snov and hunter.
To make things simple now as a beginner, you can start with online scraping which is free, and it will be an easier way to test now. I explained how to scrape emails in detail here:
How to Scrape Emails, Collect, and Validate?
The second method is to search manually the web for websites and check the contact page as an example, and build up an email list.
After you do this, and collect some emails, don’t forget that you need to validate those emails to ensure they are valid, and you can do this for free using H-supertools Free Email Validation service.
Great! so this is the First Marketing strategy.
By the way stick to the end, where I will share with you a video tutorial on how to do this in action.

2. Fiverr Gigs Promotion with Quora

The second strategy to promote your fiverr gigs is Quora.
It is one of the best places to promote your business and grow online.
Quora is my daily routine where I sit like 20–30 minutes every day answering questions and look at the results:
Yes, 12K views the last 7 days! it’s really a great place if you want to get fast traffic to your services and get more sales.
DONT’ spam, and give real value!
I explained in detail how to use Quora and the best practices to drive traffic from in this video:
A good tip here is to create answer templates! since on Quora, there are a lot of common questions, you can then copy and paste, and publish your answers.

3. Social Media

When I say “social media” I don’t mean go and join 100 Facebook groups and drop your Fiverr links in!!! this is SPAM.
No, use social media to build and grow your presence online, and let people trust you, then you will see how you will be contacted every day from people asking for your services.
In my case, I do have my own Facebook group, but I never paste links to my services, I just post valuable content, and every day, my messenger and my inbox is full of service requests. that I honestly reject 70% because I don’t have time to follow.

4. Content Marketing

You can create anything like Blog Posts, YouTube Videos, online Courses, social media posts, e-books, podcasts, webinars and promote your services inside it!
One of my main keys of success Online is YouTube.
I highly recommend you start a YouTube channel and a blog, then you can promote your services on. It’s that simple.
If you would like to learn more about how to grow your YouTube channel, you can check this Video:
And to learn more how to get Free Traffic to your website fast, please check this video:
5. Paid Ads.
Even though I don’t recommend using paid ads as a beginner to promote services and gigs. a little advice is not to use Facebook or Google Ads to test.
instead, try Quora Ads.
Simply because in this way you will target the exact person that is looking for a solution to his problem. so it’s about topic targeting.
Here are the main 5 strategies to start promoting your Fiverr gigs online or any service.
To sumup, Create a YouTube channel and a Blog, and publish real value.
Get traffic and grow your channel using the methods I showed you, and don’t forget to take advantage of Quora, It’s really very important!, to get more traffic and grow Online.
All this, inline with cold mailing and getting more clients.
Hope this helps!
Now, If you would like to see all this in action, you can check my full video tutorial on how to promote Fiverr Gigs and service here:

Run your Own Services Site.

If you follow the strategies mentioned int this article, believe me you will start getting client from the first week. then you will have your own followers and audience.
In this case, you may move to your own platform instead of using Fiver or Any other Freelancing site.
This is what I do. and here is my service site.
If you are wondering how I started this site, I simply bought a script from codecanyon and hosted it. you will find several scripts that helps you setup a full website to sell your services on, here are some:
I use Chargepanda, it’s not that perfect, but its good and you can start with. It’s Simple 📷
I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions, waiting for your comments!
submitted by h-educate to WorkFromHomeToday [link] [comments]

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I got the chance to interview a Data Scientist at Uber on their Shared Rides Team!

Hey guys -
Had the opportunity to interview a Data Scientist at Uber on their Shared Rides Team. Thought I'd share some of it here, in case you find it helpful :)
What do you do & where do you work?
My name is Divyansh Agarwal and I am a data scientist at Uber in San Francisco. I’m working on the Shared Rides business, and work on building products that grow the business. Some of my work also involves optimizing the efficiency of Uber’s ride sharing marketplace by improving graph optimization algorithms for rider-driver matching, and evaluating their performance via experimentation and simulations.
When did you first become interested in Data Science?
So, I had an interest in machine learning and predictive analytics before going into university. I wrote about it in my college essays as well.
But I was also interested in software engineering and fields like security. What really made me truly interested in data science was taking Data 8 at UC Berkeley. I really liked the fact that you could use statistics to extract insights from data and provide value - and although I had always been aware of this, I only realized then how powerful statistics could be and how computing facilitates all of this.
After that, I started doing a bunch of projects, some internships, and got involved in research.
When applying for jobs, was it hard to choose between going for a software engineering role as opposed to a data science role?
Not really - I was always set on data science once I got into it. I used software engineering more as a backup, because given my CS background it would have been easy to get a software job if I just prepped hard for their interviews.
It’s actually harder to get a data science job out of undergrad. This is because there’s a general bias towards people with graduate degrees and people with a lot of experience. So you need to have either of both - either you need to have a lot of work experience, or you need to have a PHD.
So that’s why I built experience through doing projects, research, internships, etc.
For Data Science, there’s no real standardized process when it comes to interviewing - it varies a lot from company to company (this is in contrast to software engineering where using websites like LeetCode can get you ready for almost all jobs).
So I had to spend a lot of time prepping for each specific company I interviewed with - at every stage of the process - and this ended up taking a lot of time.
When applying to Uber, did you have projects in mind you wanted to work on? How much did you know about the company?
After my sophomore year of college, I was invited for this intern open house at Uber. That’s when I met some of the team across rides, security, and eats. I spoke to this guy on the marketplace team and another guy on the maps team, I was really interested in those teams.
What’s really cool about the marketplace team specifically is that it’s at the intersection of computer science, economics, optimization, statistics, and there’s a lot of hard & interesting problems that can be solved from an algorithmic perspective.
So after this event I attended, I knew that I wanted to be on the marketplace team at Uber. So during my senior year recruiting, I reached out to someone on the marketplace team, and they were interested in me, so that’s how I started interviewing at Uber.
What is your team responsible for and why is this work critical to Uber’s business?
I’m on the Shared Rides team (which is a part of Marketplace Dynamics). The core of building new shared rides products and features come from matching improvements or UI and experience improvements. So either tweaking these algorithms, designing & analyzing experiments, understanding how users are responding to new product features - these are all very important and central to Uber’s business.
What are some challenges (both technical and non-technical) your team faces?
The biggest challenge for our team (and I think this is true for any consumer internet product) is building something that people actually like that meets your business objectives. Because everytime you change something with the product, one metric might become worse and the other might become better.
It’s also really hard to figure out what users really want and what they really like. This involves a lot of UX research, as well as experimentation. This stuff is really challenging. Here’s another example:
So, there’s an optimization & efficiency side of Shared Rides - there’s always a tension between the two. If I make something more optimal, it might hurt the experience. If I make the experience better, we have to give some leeway on the optimization side of things. So that’s this underlying technical tension that’s always there.
On the product side, as I had already mentioned, it just comes down to building something users really want. So we have designers and UX researchers who are embedded within shared rides, as well as marketing folks, and I have to work cross functionally with these guys to problem solve on a daily basis.
You interned at Quora before Uber - can you tell me differences between both companies and how that affected your work?
So Quora was a very small company - there were only 230 people or so when I was working there (two years ago). There were fewer layers of management, it was easier to know people across the company - for example I even got the chance to speak with the CEO on a couple of occasions. There was also less bureaucracy I guess.
At Uber, since it’s a bigger company, sometimes if you want to build something you might need to get buy-in from another team, there’s more bureaucracy, there’s more layers between you and executive management.
Like at Quora, I knew the Head of Data Science very well, but at Uber I can’t imagine doing that currently (given I’ve just begun my career).
At a bigger company like Uber though, you’re working on projects that have bigger scope, bigger impact on the world, and you work with a lot more people. I’m also more specialized within my role here at Uber - at Quora I could have had more flexibility in terms of what I wanted to work on. At Uber, I’m on a very specific team, in a very specific role, working on a very specific part of the product. This has significant advantages: We’re working on specialized problems that are really challenging, and I’m surrounded by people who have been thinking deeply about these problems for a while are are super passionate about these problems. There’s some incredible learning to be had there.
Finally, in a smaller company it’s also a lot easier to hang out with your teammates - Quora for instance had organized clubs (poker, badminton etc) across the board that made it really easy to meet people in different teams. At Uber, that’s much harder to do, but you meet an equivalent amount of people within your own team, since teams are much larger at Uber.
What advice would you give to someone looking to become a Data Scientist (either a career changer or a college student)?
Data science roles are defined very differently based on the team, company, size, role you’re working on. For instance, even Uber Data Science can vary greatly across teams - for example, I work on the Shared Rides / Matching team, which is mostly Operations Research, which is a field about optimization. And I didn’t even study Operations Research in college. The important thing to understand is that different teams have different scopes. For instance, the pricing team does a lot of machine learning. Some other teams are trying to understand user experience. So having a strong base is really important, because at companies like Uber, there’s many directions you could go in.
In the Data Science industry overall, there’s broadly three tracks:
  1. Algorithms (building models, doing ML)
  2. Inference (understanding causality)
  3. Analytics (building dashboards, writing SQL, reporting metrics, analyzing simple A/Bs)
Most of the Data Science jobs involve Analytics or Inference.
At Quora, they were mostly on the inference side of things. They were trying to understand product opportunities, trends in user behavior, and see if new product features were impactful.
On Uber, on my team at least, I’m more focused on building algorithms.
So in terms of advice: you need to focus on what you’re actually interested in (within the domains listed above). Of course, there’s going to be work that’s a mix of both, but knowing which topics interest you will help you map out and identify which companies you want to work for.
Everything is going to be very team and company specific, so don’t look at titles, but actually look at what the role is, talk to people on the team, and do your research.
Stats theory is also important, but on the job you’re not really going to be actively using theory too much. What really matters is understanding and gaining intuition. For example, I didn’t study a lot of Operations Research in college, but I took a bunch of Machine Learning and Algorithms classes in college which helped me build intuition for how Operations Research works, since the field is about optimization - which is what Machine Learning and Algorithms are about.
The purpose of theory is to build intuition and understand things.
Hope you guys liked the interview! If you did, feel free to check out more interviews at CareerFair.
I'm planning on interviewing more data scientists across a wide range of companies - let me know if you have any specific questions you'd like me to ask them :)
submitted by ibsurvivors to datascience [link] [comments]

Are there resources on intelligent way to preserve wealth on large stock gains?

I am unable to easily find resources on smart trades to help preserve wealth. Are there good resources to find historical accounts of people making smart moves to avoid taxes or increase wealth by making trades that are "complex" or unintuitive?
Some examples of "smart" trades I am referring to:
Given the scenarios of either having unvested shares or having vested shares that you don't want to sell because you're confident about a future rise in price (and you don't want to pay taxes now), how does one learn different strategies to optimize for capturing the most value?
submitted by pfbrowser to investing [link] [comments]

10-15 17:36 - 'WhiteHatJr female Director is harassing me with a false Harassment Legal case. P1' (self.india) by /u/pooniahigh removed from /r/india within 31-41min

Hello everyone.
A bit of background before going into details.
Most of you know I have been posing and uploading videos to put my concerns regarding WhiteHatJr for quite some time. In short, WhiteHatJr removed 2 of my YT channels, 16 videos, 2 Reddit accounts, 1 quora account, and 1 twitter account. My first Reddit account (u/whiteHatSr) was also permanently suspended for 'Harassment'.
After this Ken published an article to cover all this, 10 days ago, on 6th Oct. This is when WhiteHatJr and Byjus stopped putting down my videos. (They are STILL putting down videos of other people). BUT Karan Bajaj, CEO of WhiteHatJr didn't answer any of my questions.
He posted two articles on his Linkedin as replies to those Ken article and Morning Conext article, in the first one he tried to divert the topic to the benefits of coding. (No one here is questioning that) and then yesterday he posted and took an emotional drama route. He talked about his mother, an army officer's wife, and again tried to divert the topic again.
Now not just that they didn't reply to valid questions, they even started attacking me personally. One of their directors, Panzy Saran threatened me over my first LinkedIn post (WhiteHatJr, Byjus Stop acting like Mafias) that she would file a case of harassment over me. This is how she started:

[She tells me that she is going to file a case on me for defamation and harassment. She calls me a...... ]1
What I had done was shared a snapshot of one of her many public posts, to highlight how WhiteHatJr was making people leave their jobs to work for them. Basically giving pipe dreams to not only kids but to teachers as well. This was that snapshot:

[It wasn't anything personal against one person, it was against the companies policies.]2
After this threat, she didn't stop. She started calling me a coward for not replying to her comments.

[She kept instigating me to reply.]3
This is when I felt the situation has got real. I talked to my elder brother and he advised me not to reply as the situation can mess up more. So for 6 days, I didn't reply to her comments. I kept posting content over LinkedIn, but I was on the back foot. We all know how our legal framework is and how much money WhiteHatJr can pump to make me look guilty.
Their bullying didn't stop here

[One of their other teachers, Shubhangi Bajpai started calling me a dog. ]4
Panzy kept commenting and she didn't spare anyone who dared to speak their mind. Remember, she is a DIRECTOR of WhiteHatJr. And these are her response to criticism of her company.

[She kept scolding everyone and kept calling me to reply to her threats.]5

[Now this guy, Shaarif Ansari used to work in WhiteHatJr. See how she replied to his questions. She kept calling everyone a bully while bullying everyone herself.]6

[Then she made a NEW twitter id ( at PanzySaran) just to come to my twitter handle and bully me more. She kept instigating me and threatening me with a legal case. I didn't respond.]7
Also, she keeps telling everyone to learn English. Who does that? How can this be real? A company Director bullying everyone who disagrees with her, telling them to learn English first. Imagine if a director of anyone other company does this, the world will go mad. Somehow 'Education' companies are allowed to do whatever they want to. Why?

[Panzy Saran: Yes my uncle is an MLA]8

[She just didn't stop bombarding me with repetitive questions. ]9

[This is where I finally replied with a bit of apprehension.]10
Meanwhile, their paid trollers started calling me Pakistani.
[This is their reply when I asked Who is Wolf Gupta? First, they removed the video 3 times, and finally resorted to this cheap tactic.]11

[On asking how many students when to Silicon Valley via their program, one of their trollers said do you remember all the soldier's names who are on borders.]12

[Meanwhile, on Linkedin, their teachers kept abusing everyone who dared to put up their opinion.]13

[Over twitter, Panzy kept questioning everyone's upbringing and kept giving her English lessons. ]14

[WhiteHatJr has some other kid, named KOVIDH. And that's what the tweet was about. ]15

[Over youtube, their teachers started Shaming my young cousin who made the videos where she asked the cloud questions to a WhiteHatJr teacher.]16

[She has all the time to bully and harass with her false harassment cases, but no time to answer ANY SINGLE QUESTION.]17

Seems like only 20 images can be attached in a Reddit post. This ends part 1.
Summary of what happened next was that finally, I replied to Panzy, she just wasn't stopping with personal attacks on me. You surely would be shocked to see what she said when I finally told her I am not scared of her legal threats.

Tomorrow morning I will be posting all of this on LinkedIn. The way they are behaving is totally not acceptable. Also, she is the one who has bullied me and everyone else. They might take a fake feminist women's empowerment angle to make me look wrong. This post is not an attack on this lady but this is my preemptive defensive post in case they really puts a case on me.

Pradeep Poonia
Please support my post tomorrow morning on LinkedIn.
PS: Some of you have asked me why am I doing all this, what is my angle over here. Without going too much into my personal life, I can say that I am a software engineer with 8 months of experience in edTech also. I did engineering because everyone else was doing it, basically my elder brother. I never wanted to DO engineering, just wanted the IIT tag because everyone somehow forced me to. I know how it feels when people end up in streams where they don't want to be. I have experience of Kota life, I have experience of failure at UPSC exam. I know how much-depressed life can get when you cant clear some exam which you keep running after because of the society norms.
When I looked at this WhiteHatJr I knew from the first glance that its a SCAM. Maybe the anger and frustration of years of not being able to something good and 'change the world' just made me do this.
Please DO SUPPORT tomorrow morning on my LinkedIn post. We need to make these scammers answer EVERY single question.
WhiteHatJr female Director is harassing me with a false Harassment Legal case. P1
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: pooniahigh
1: pr**iew.redd.i*/0g***tm2*9t51.*pg?width=37*&a*p;*or*at*pj*g***p*auto*w**p&am*;*=**2*98cd50718897922b*dc*bc76a0d5*3*77fac 2: pr*vi*w.r*dd*it/y**ow204w9*51.j*g?wi*th=10*****p;form***pjpg*a*p;auto=w*bp&s=e6bb81f*3a5182b388**00***82*e*67*7*49df5 3: prev*ew.*edd.it/rd76*39i*9*51*png?wid*h*730**mp;f*rma*=png&a*p*****=web*&a*p;*=9**c6eb2285f70bb9*ac*e0c00*39**7c*de821* 4: pr*view***dd.*t/*o*m5**jy9*51.jpg?w***h**72&*mp;forma*=pjpg&**uto=webp**mp*s=4622076c2*93*c*d4a03075*69*598b9*2e4**17 5: pr*vie***edd*it/**tnya*4*a*5*.**g?width=*79&a*p;forma*=pjpg&**uto=w**p*amp**=0e31d869*e*f03**91aaeabcd23313*ae9faaf** 6: pre*iew.**dd.i*/le9*cwc9*****.**g**i*th*379&am*;format=pjpg&a*p;*u*o*w*bp&s=ec72*a5**fdb6*0a07792d18b*3*943*99e8e4*3 7: *revie*.redd.i*/me*myyqp0at51.*pg?widt*=37*&format=p*p*&a*****e*p*amp;**57*47fd*a5***d09d*e62***90c7859880***c73 8: p*eview.redd.it/jhmb*u9r*at*1.*pg**idth=36*&am**for*at=**pg&*uto=**b*&*m*;****fd560bc**1e1d5a396f4*f***f195ba7e5a58* 9: *r***e*.red**it/***i2p*z1at51*jpg?w*dth=37*&format=pj***am*;au*o*webp*am*;s=*e9*f1*7*05*df*adc30e90febb61*4d8d*91c9c 10: p*ev*ew.***d*it/immn8*9a2at*1.jpg?w*dt**37*&*mp;form*t*p*pg&am*;au**=webp*amp;s=*d8f*8*8e4ff60*9****3*216b*885d0915352eb 11: pr*vi*w.**dd.i*/*l7q*u2x2at5*.*pg*wid*h=560&for*at=*j***a*p;auto=webp*amp;s=34*43a5b*a*0309e471***8523*e*3b6*19**1*1 12: prev*ew.*e*d.it/*87jsnkc3a***.jpg**id**=438*amp*for*a*=*jpg&am*;auto**eb**a*p;s=ff29ddd*6456*0*d*4f*26b0c*c3a6427*77*dd5 13: pr*view.r*dd.*t/g1xk6*e**at51.pn*?w*dth=988*am**form*t=p**&*uto=we***amp;s*568dd0*8c*8**c82*8b1b*1d8a3b*5*088b**80* 14: p*eview.redd*it*t*y*k*1*4at51.j*g*width=373*a****ormat*p**g&auto=*ebp&am*;s*69581c*3*bf14**9*36**3*02a0*196accdc3*e0 15: pre**ew.r**d.it/bu3*64z55*t51.jp*?w*dt**370&a*p;f*rmat=pjpg&am***ut*=webp*am*;*=4be2cb3d5f3c0*7*a3a8**d**cd*b**fe35f**e2 16: previe*.re*d*i*/ovrxaqcu5a**1*png?widt**121*&for*at=png&am*;au*o=webp&*s=*55**94ed*****2*d*b544df*02**1*3729**59a 17: *rev*ew.redd.*t**p*anx1*6at51.pn*?***th*94*&*mp*fo*m*t=png*a*p*auto=webp&a*p;s=5*b*be**115**d951a*f*335339ae7*edf4955de
Unknown links are censored to prevent spreading illicit content.
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

Are there resources on intelligent way to preserve wealth on large stock gains and pay minimal taxes?

I am unable to easily find resources on smart trades to help preserve wealth. Are there good resources to find historical accounts of people making smart moves to avoid taxes or increase wealth by making trades that are "complex" or unintuitive?
Some examples of "smart" trades I am referring to:
Given the scenarios of either having unvested shares or having vested shares that you don't want to sell because you're confident about a future rise in price (and you don't want to pay taxes now), how does one learn different strategies to optimize for capturing the most value?
submitted by pfbrowser to tax [link] [comments]

History & Current State of Web Result Suppression

I came across this post from a User in Quora. I find it important to share his words regarding Search Engine Suppression as it is in full force at the moment and will become apparent as you read through. As I have recently discovered Duckduckgo is just as bad as Google and the rest of them. He has some work-arounds as well in the post to get past a bit of the Censorship. It starts with someone asking him where they can find an Uncensored Search engine. And carries on as follows -

That may not be possible and there are several reasons why. Most of them start with $$$ and end in control.
Agendas like a new world order and the illuminati may be at the top. Commercialism is always an ugly monster that does not go away. In between are all these electronic giants fighting for control. We are caught in the middle.
Of course there are so many agendas involving control of our minds, thoughts, and information as to not be believed and these are at play whether you accept my first listing or not.
Lets examine “uncensored”.
There was a global congress held in January 2018 that set the guidelines for what we as a public could be allowed to have access to and under what terms and conditions:
Freedom on the Net 2018: The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism

You may note even the link has been affected and you may have to copy that as a google search and not be able to hyperlink. THAT IS A NOTE on how bad this is.
The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism: Fake news, data collection and the challenge to democracy

There are simply powers/rulers/agencies that seek total control over EVERYTHING.
Terrorism is no longer about religious fanaticism but instead is about ANY PERSON WHO EXPRESSES ANY THOUGHT, IDEA, QUESTION, OR VIEW OUTSIDE OF THE OFFICIAL VERSION.
In short if you openly challenge or question what these super entities are doing, you can and often are branded on a list of terrorists.
This is totally a form/s of THOUGHT CRIMES.
Eric Snowden proved that and has been basically banned from the US ever since.
They can determine what your thoughts are on any subject based upon your web searches and stored archive history which has every single web page link you ever clicked in your life all stored up at a building in Denver Colorado known as THE COFFIN.
So in reality, what does this mean and in practical terms how does this affect us?
A great start to this is for me to refer you to a VICE Channel series called “CYBERWARS”.
In that documentary it was explained how the internet was separated from the web sometime around 2014. THE PUBLIC GETS THE WEB and the governments get the internet.
Originally that was how Tim Berners Lee created it. ARPANET was to be solely a government based 100% secure and private means to electronically share information, documents, and data among government agencies and military branches.
The web aka world wide web was then created as a 2nd version for the commercial public. These grew so fast that at some point they merged. Whether that was planned or not is anyone’s guess and there are different versions.
.Net & .Org were created to subdivide the system but neither really obtained the desired results.
It was then clear that in order to secure things like the global power grid something had to be done and so the separation took place and is all over.
You may have noticed it from day 1. I did.
A google search may have indicated 100,000 pages of search results, HOWEVER AFTER page 3 IT WAS THE EXACT SAME RESULTS IN A DIFFERENT ORDER GOING THE REST OF THE WAY.
I once did the an experiment from the 13th Floor movie and tried to drive to the end of the world….
I did this by going through the pages of supposed google results until I got to the actual end. The results indicated 40–50,000 pages of results. So I waded through page after page all night. Suddenly at around page 200, the results just ended! THERE WERE NO MORE SEARCH TABS NUMBERS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE.
I had driven to the end of the world.
Another symptom of note was that literally overnight the entire web shrunk!
In fact the web you have today is 40% the size it was in 2012.
Officially this was/is explained by the need to downsize it for smart device purposes so as to not overload them and crash the web.
There is some truth and logic to that.
EXAMPLE: a basic google search on your smart phone will only give you the shortest list of most google accepted responses, while a google search on your pc will give you a much broader result to wade through.
That explains some of it. Where the rest of all that mass information database went is anyone’s guess but I can assure you certain items in particular were targeted and omitted.
Beyond the omission process, there were still fragmnets floating around and others cropping up fresh so a new policy of CENSORSHIP was adopted in Jan 2018.
Of course there are a few subject items that are severely censored and were the same items targeted for omission: 1) porn, 2) news, 3) any form of information regarding the illuminati, the masonic control of the world, and/or the new world order.
That all started on what was called f’d up friday feb 21, 2012 when I and millions of others signed into a youtube that was NO LONGER OUR TUBE.
The American “Stimulus Package” started by W Bush and confirmed by Mr Obama was Congressional Bill named “PROJECT 2012”in 2008. In that Google Inc was given several billion to buy out the web and adopt major changes including the purchase of Youtube LLC.
The entire purpose of that was to secure the internet against FREE THINKING AND EXPRESSION OF OPINION + SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE. In 2010, it was known that perhaps 40% OF ALL CONTENT ON YOUTUBE regarded the illuminati, the fake history of the world, the global banking cartels, the rothschilds, the freemasons, and the occult and how all these worked as one and the same agenda together.
OH MY. That had to go.
2010 saw youtube actually hit 1 BILLION VISITORS PER DAY! By end of 2012 it was down to 200 million and is all the way down to maybe 50 million today.
HOW DO YOU PISS AWAY 1 BILLION CUSTOMERS? and not get fired???? not get questioned???? not get covered by the news????
The newly placed ceo of Google Inc at that time was an Iranian Muslim and no one could explain to me how an IRANIAN CITIZEN COULD BE CEO OF AN ALL AMERICAN COMPANY. In the illuminati all these things are possible.
Now there have been attempts to create and build browsers outside of the standard cartels. These however are by force, based other ANOTHER BRANDED BROWSERS of which there are really only 3: 1) Google, 2) Mozilla, and 3) Opera
Browsers like Torch were once far removed from the cartel controls and now are part of the team. Torch is based upon Chrome.
At one point there was a 100% privacy complete browser called IXQuick. Google bought it and owns it now.
TOR was developed to not only be 100% privacy but also give access to the DEEP WEB & THE DARK WEB.
Against every advice from every person I knew……I used TOR and drove to the end of the world. I spent like 3 entire days plodding through the DARK WEB.
The result?
Did you ever see the movie LOGAN’S RUN?
Its a marvel, I highly suggest it.
In the future only 1 mega city remained and it was completely enclosed apart from the outside world. People were born with a TIME INDICATOR on their wrist. It gave you until your 40th birthday and then turned red at which time you turned yourself in to be exterminated in a public forum called CARNIVAL which was mass entertainment.
There of course were resistors and to enforce against that were SANDMEN who were authorized agents that would secure you and escort you to be terminated.
One was called Logan and the super computer stole his years and made him red so he would join the underground and seek out a haven for resistors called SANCTUARY.
Well he and a gal he hooked up with made their way to the outside world that at some point endured a nuclear event which was all passed. He searched and searched and returned to report….
when he did he crashed the super computer because it could not accept his conclusion: THERE WAS NO SANCTUARY.
Ok, how does that pertain to this?
After 3 days straight of trolling all over this supposed DARK WEB and going past every road markewarning to be found…..I DETERMINED THAT THERE IS NO DARK WEB.
That was 5 years ago for the 1st trip and 3 years ago for the 2nd. The FBI should have been busting down my door. THERE IS NO DARK WEB.
So again, what has that got to do with the subject?
THE ENTIRE NOTION OF A SUPER FORBIDDEN PLACE WAS LAB CREATED BY THE SYSTEM, just as there were the same in George Orwells 1984 and just as we learned from The Matrix series that NEO was a pre designed and implemented program BY THE MATRIX ITSELF.
NOTE: my experiments may have been allowed by the system itself. I do not know. I am convinced that is all a figment created for various watchdog purposes.
Any form of “adult”search renders the same websites over and over as they are paying into the system and the rest have been blacked out.
The same is true for news and history.
There was a time when you could obtain an internet archive software that would take you to any site that had ever been on the internet. Those are highly restricted and cost $$$$. The basic ones we may find by web search do not work.
Every few months Microsoft updates its NET FRAMEWORK. This has alot to do with devices your operating system will see and function. It also has alot to do with official lists of WEB VENDORS YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SEE.
MS also has a “root certificate” list whose name has been changed several times over the years to hide this for what it is aka the official allowed website list.
You may google search something and select a result and then the page refuses to load but gives you another page stating ISSUE WITH SITE CERTIFICATE.
And there the doors was closed. I find this often with tech websites I 100% know to be trusted. HOWEVER these same sites also have FORUMS and in the forums subject matter such as all of this is discussed and guess what? FREE THINKING + SHARING OF INFO IS NOT LAWFUL.
Now if it were simply banned, the public would riot. They avoid that by simply CLOSING YOUR DOORS TO THOSE SITES AND PAGES.
This is THE REASON a browser version from 2016 CAN NOT/WILL NOT RUN ON WINDOWS 10 TODAY. The certificates allowed list will not match.
This is also why Windows XP has had a mega campaign waged against it. I have that OS. To be more specific I have Windows XP 2002 Corporate Edition fully registered. I got SP4 from MS in 2014.
It was not called SP 4, but it was a single package of 132 updates and hotfixes all in ONE MASS DOWNLOAD and that was after all the standard ones were done for the general public.
I can find sites with XP that I simply can not find with Windows 10. I thought Linux would solve that and in many ways it did once I installed Linux Mint 18 onto a drive for testing. However even Linux was NOT as outside the agenda as I would have hoped.
Mint and Fedora are still highly preference to 10.
XP on the other hand still lingers and is really big OUTSIDE THE US.
NOTE: because of censorship, any basic google search regarding xp numbers will only cite US users numbers and NOT GLOBAL ONES. Hmm….
I have tried multiple 3rd party browsers. One I like was co-sponsored by the French government called CITRIO. It was a Chrome based browser.
Almost every anti virus on earth will try to brand it as a VIRUS or malware.
IN FACT> basically any program or software that is OUTSIDE THE OFFICIAL CARTELS WILL BE BRANDED AS THAT.
Example: FINAL MEDIA PLAYER. Totally freeware and NO ADWARE ATTACHED EITHER. You install that and your AV will go nuts.
Another one is SLIM DRIVERS which at one time was officially licensed by MS but stopped paying the protection money and was branded.
I hope all this info serves to educate and bring people up to speed. Please read the 2 articles I posted links to.
DID YOU KNOW, that the internet congress in 2018 decided that at some point circa 2021 Google will no longer ALLOW EVEN WOMEN IN SWIMSUIT CONTENT OR IMAGES IN ITS SEARCH ENGINE?
In fact, Agenda 21 which is running at full speed here in America has determined that ANOTHER SHRINKAGE OF THE PUBLIC WEB WILL TRANSPIRE and transform the web into a SHOPPING ONLY EVENT just exactly like a Kindle Fire.
That means NO WEB SEARCH FOR INFORMATION AT ALL WILL EXIST, only commercial shopping/commerce sites will. Entertainment, OK PAID FOR ENTERTAINMENT sites will also be involved as they rule the world and divide up all the loot.
Its coming guys. Enjoy this freedom while you can. Any good results with browsers PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Opera is my primary. I use duckduckgo search engine alot with mixed results. It does give me results outside the google realm BUT FOR HOW LONG?
submitted by WeveBeenBrainwashed to conspiracy [link] [comments]

09-15 09:44 - 'Now BYJUS got my Reddit account also permanently suspended. PLEASE HELP.' (self.india) by /u/pooniahigh removed from /r/india within 162-172min

Hello. I am the same guy (u/WhiteHatSr) who posted “Byjus and WhiteHatJr are harassing me. Please help”
First, they got my first twitter handle suspended (@WhiteHatSr), then my Quora account got suspended, then my youtube video was removed and last night the Reddit account from which I asked for help from you guys, that account also got permanent suspension for ‘HARASSMENT’.
This is how BYJUS has been controlling every voice raised against his shell company, a company that is responsible for pushing lakhs of tier 2 and 3 cities middle-class parents into loan shark traps. No one needs their average and overpriced courses. There is no medium of feedback allowed. You can't find Raveendran Byjus on any social media platform. The same is for WhiteHatJr CEO Karan Bajaj, can't find him anywhere. Byju companies twitter handle just posted two tweets since the company's inception. On Quora, they have bought paid moderators, who change the questions itself. See the pics attached at the end.
Why would a $10.8 BILLION company Byjus and $300M company WhiteHatJr not be willing to have feedback?
Why do they shut every voice raised against them?
What is it that they are hiding?
It's a shell company with a below-average product,
force selling their products to innocent parents using buzz words (like SpaceTech Coding, AI, ML),
using emotional tactics by asking parents if they want their kids to be left behind,
using aggressive sales team and very little expenditure on R&D of study material,
using copyrighted content of other companies, logos of NASA, BlueOrigin, Google, pictures of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, videos of Obama,
using already free platforms such as Scratch, code. org, p5js .
Do we want this shrewd man to have a complete monopoly over our entire education system?
We all know Byjus is funded by FB lizard Mark Fukerberg’s as well and how FB is accused of manipulating US presidential elections back in 2016. So can we trust him to teach our next entire generation, him alone controlling what to teach, how to teach, him writing history chapters for kids? The entire Indian education system is getting hijacked by these Hyenas.
Most people would ignore this post.
Some will like the post.
Few will be reading this line.
And only very few of you will click on the links of my Youtube and Twitter to support in exposing this SCAM. Support before these accounts also gets banned.
Let’s stop saying “someone should do something” and let's start doing it.
PS: Byjus if you get this handle also banned, I will make another one and then another one. YOU CAN NOT STOP US NOW! Soon you will hear the sound of your bubble popping.
Byjus let me tell you a short story of Bansal Classes. Once they were the invincible power amongst IIT JEE coaching institutes. Bansal sir (VKB) alone established the entire Kota city education era. Like lakhs of other kids, I also went to Kota. No one called us there, there was no marketing team, no sales team, no internet to see Kota city pictures. And yet we all went there. People from my batch (2008) saw that formidable institute going down right in front of our eyes because they got too arrogant, and had started abusing teachers like SR, MSC, NA right in front of students.
Today Bansal classes is no more. Now the Bansal family is selling packaged milk.
Again, Byjus don't you dare to ban my ids. Main tere office pahuch jaunga, tera collar pakad kar poochunga 'wolf gupta kon hai?'
Pradeep Poonia.

Now BYJUS got my Reddit account also permanently suspended. PLEASE HELP.
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questions to ask ceo quora video

How to Make a Questions & Answers, Q&A, Forum Website like ... how to use quora ? how to ask questions on quora ? how to ... What is Quora?  How to use Quora  Quora tutorial - YouTube AOC Asked Stupid Scripted Questions, Wells Fargo CEO ... The BEST Questions To Ask A CEO In A job Interview. - YouTube How to Use Quora - YouTube How to Find Your Answers To Your Facebook Group Questions ... CEO’s Most Important Questions - YouTube TOP 7 CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Interview Questions ...

Five Questions CEOs Should Ask about their Supply Chain. It pays to be proactive in making sure your supply chain is designed for success, and that means asking some key questions about it. As a CEO, you may not be directly responsible for the inner workings of your company’s supply chain. One of my favorite questions to ask CEO’s during an interview is, “what has surprised you?” I like asking open-ended questions, where you get an opportunity to see how they think. Most importantly, let them talk, and listen. Interviewing with the CEO can be tricky. 5 Things Every Employee Should Ask Their CEO. So I thought I would put together this list of five questions I think every employee should ask their CEO in their life. 1. All of the following questions don’t have easy answers, but for the average employee, there are several questions you should ask of leadership right now to see how well prepared they are and I’d like to share five of the questions I ask myself regularly, in the hope that it will encourage more people to take up the habit of self-reflection. Regardless of whether you’re in a leadership position or not, these questions can help you bolster your strengths and make any necessary improvements that will significantly enhance your ability to be of greater service and benefit to As a rule of thumb, don’t ask too personal questions unless it’s clear you have a personal relationship. CEOs have a sixth sense for people that try to schmooze them. And asking personal questions is what a lot of people try to get through to them... With that in mind, let’s take a look at 8 key questions you might ask a Managing Director during an interview to help identify whether they are the natural leader your business needs. 1. What are your long term goals, did you achieve them, and how? A fairly standard interview question, and for good reason. This question shows the CEO that, before the company has finalized its hiring decision, you are thinking about what you can accomplish in this role. In addition to the CEO's answer, add what you hope to accomplish, based on what already know about the company. Employees can also ask questions of the CEO that they would also ask a normal boss. For example, youcould ask a CEO where he thought he could grow as a leader. Although this may sound like doubting the CEO's efforts, it can serve to inspire lower-level workers. You can pose this question to your CEO when the company is embarking on a major change or new project, Kerr said. Alternatively, you can ask, "How do you think we should collectively define...

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