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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5 - Round 3 Match 11 - Tiger "Glitch" Ricky and Effie Linder vs Bucket and Alexis Williams

The results are in for Match 9. The winner is…
William Eyelash, with a score of 68 to Jacob Brown’s 68, tie broken by a higher ‘categories taken’ count!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity The Graveyard Shift 16-13
Quality The Graveyard Shift 22-20 Reasoning
JoJolity Masters of Funky Action 20-25 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
William Eyelash had taken the lead in this match, and though as a leader, he hadn’t done the best job, getting Jack visibly injured, as a combatant, he had managed to withstand the aggressive and area-painting onslaughts of himself from not so long ago, and of a much more experienced version of the partner he’d once had.
It had made him catch his breath, reflect on all that had come to this point, to recall that moment where Ocean Eyes had been the one to embrace and protect him.
“Yes… I understand now,” William answered, walking carefully through the snow, “you had something good going there, Jacob Brown, but… Y-you didn’t seriously think I would fall for tricks like those coming from my own Stand, did you?” Didn’t even know it could do all that, though… Even now, I can still grow, huh?
That put a smile on his face, then, as he approached the injured Jack, helping him up. “You still with us?”
“Hee hee, I’ll peachy keen as peachy cream in a little while… But right now I’m very much hurting yes.” Jack chuckled, resting his eyes and looking things over. “In the end, though… I called that other me in the hoodie an impostor, but he knew my Stand better than I did. He was even more me than me… What does that mean?” He looked down. “Am… Am I the lie?”
“I, uh… I don’t know how to answer that,” William said, “but… You’re one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. And, uh… You helped me out a ton. Sorry for getting you hurt, uh, not that used to leading, but you really seemed to trust in me…”
“We all make mistakes!” Jack said, not minding that at all, “but… I suppose you’re right. I won’t let some stranger get in my head… But I guess that all of us were telling the truth in our hearts, then.” He looked to the defeated ‘Billy’ and the slightly-older Jacob, both bleeding and unconscious, the latter falling much faster. Already, a strange white blob was moving through the snowfield towards them, examining them. “So I guess we spare them today... if they survive what we’ve given already!”
Neither would realize it for another few minutes, but for Jacob Brown, those words had proven prophetic.
“S-still though… If you’ve really lived a full life here, become the same person with the same Stand, same memories,” William said, “does that mean that can just… Happen? But how, wh-when really, by probability and stuff…”
“So is the unusual burden of ‘Fate,’ felt strongest upon this city,” a familiar, altered voice spoke, and sitting on a park bench, William and Jack spied none other than the Institute’s head, still heavily layered as he always was.
“Oh No…” William muttered.
“‘Oh no?’ Is this a problem of a person?” Jack asked, then giggled. “Heeheh, just a little joke. I know about the Institute, of course!”
“The ‘Fortuna Double’ might exist at any point in time, for any Stand User from outside its walls, and no matter how irreconcilable the circumstances, how ‘impossible’ it should be for two people to have the same fated path, even for the slight differences of the city… The ‘Same Person’ can unquestionably exist. Wouldn’t be surprised if you, ‘Jack,’ and this ‘Billy’ here were simply the first you encountered who were close enough to your age that you immediately noticed.” No tilted his head. “Why, even that cute creature who followed the elder Jacob Brown is, literally, the same being as the Bert that just died… Yet, unlike them, bound still by fate. I wonder, then, what will prove to be the same, to be indomitable ‘fate,’ and what will prove not so.”
“I think sometimes about if I’ve ever had one here… Or will, in the future. That sounds utterly boring if so, though. I refuse to know my fate; it’s vexing enough of a limit on myself that I’m burdened by, knowing it’s predetermined to exist at all.”
“Uh… Right.” This was heavy, huh? William tried to figure out what it all meant. “Fortuna Doubles, huh… So they’re both real, completely and absolutely, then?”
“Precisely!” No remarked, cheerily. “Would you like to speak more about this? Go on, sit with me.”
Only a few hours remain still in your window of time to vote in a match between an Agnes and some Guy in a crowded concert hall brought down to size.
Alexis Williams was sinking.
Every day, the myriad of matters which plagued the outwardly-cheerful woman’s mind seemed to be growing worse and worse. The unhealthy relationship she’d had with her Stand had turned into an even worse sort of tension, a fundamental disconnect with an aspect of herself which she literally could not be away from.
It hadn’t been uncommon for some time for her to wonder if a given day would be her last. Over the last several months, those feelings had only grown and grown in their intensity, in their power over her, and it had even begun to show outwardly.
It wouldn’t be long now, surely, before-
Alexis’ hotel room door was kicked so hard that one of the hinges flew off, and through it launched, not an attacker like she might have imagined, some hostile Stand User out to invade her home, but something arguably even worse.
Her friend and fellow Eighth Circle mainstay, Bucket.
She clutched her forehead and forced a smile, turning away from what she’d been using to get through the day and towards him. Already, she could tell that the chaos agent, formerly known for the octopus on his head, now sporting sick sarashi and a pompadour, was here with intentions ranging from ‘good’ to ‘no intentions whatsoever,’ and it wasn’t in her nature to tell someone like that to fuck off.
“Bucket! Hey!” She said, an edge to her chipper tone. “You, uh, surprised me there… You’re gonna fix that door, right?” She blinked. “Wait, weren’t you at that Metra show? I thought I’d heard everyone there was shrunk down to-”
“Forget about that!” He answered, earnestly drawing closer, grasping her by the wrists suddenly, yet at once gently. “Alexis, I don’t know what’s going on with your head or heart or anything else, but I know I can’t just stand around outside your door watching you get more and more miserable! Even I noticed, so it must be really really bad whatever’s hurting you inside! I’m an acolyte of the boogie now, the example of Rudolf Pavlova, so I can’t let a friend be in need!”
“Rudolf…” Alexis had heard of his passing, so soon after helping her put on such a wonderful show, and been unsurprised. Wait, though, since when did Bucket- Ah, never mind. She shook her head, looking him in the eye. The highly chaotic, unstable hellraiser of the Judecca Highrollers was giving her puppy-dog eyes. “Did… Did you want to do something?”
“Yes! I want to make you better!” Bucket exclaimed, pulling away and bouncing upwards. “So c’mon! Let’s head out… Make some trouble, follow no rules but our own and to be happy!” He stopped, then, pulling back a moment, as if reading the room once again, folding his arms over his chest. “I mean, if you want to.”
Alexis thought it over. He meant well, clearly, and wished dearly to cheer her up… A person didn’t need to understand the nuances of the soul to see when a person was hurting, and to reach out for them.
She doubted it would make things better for her, but who’s to say it needed to be?
“That sounds great,” she said, relaxing her forced cheer slightly and nodding. “Maybe it’s what I need right about now.”
The Woods at Aurelio - Midday - Near the Northern Bridge
“So you’re sure that he’s got a base out here?”
“Crystal clear!” Tiger ‘Glitch’ Ricky answered Effie Linder, tilting her head one way and then the other as she and her Stand attempted to scope out the sounds of the area. “There was only basically one cop left and then Ugo made them quit, took the place over, paid them off… So now he just sorta comes and goes around that little old ‘empty’ police station!”
“If he hangs out at the town’s police station,” Effie asked, confused at her coworker’s demeanor, “then why are we out this far away from it?”
“Because!” Glitch answered, huffing and folding her arms. “I said he comes and goes! And prrobably isn’t there right now. Mrr, you’re the one who wanted to come out here with me, so let’s keep searching!”
“…” Effie nodded. “You know what, fair enough. He never was the type to stay still long, so looking where the Watch is going would be a start…”
Since that day she fought that shithead twink Agnes and that Italian twink Arpeggi at Tigran Sins’ casino, Glitch had been gradually, increasingly mulling over the idea of becoming something not so much unlike the latter… A vigilante, out to not just cause problems on purpose, but sometimes even solve them on purpose, in the way a Stand User knew best: shenanigans and violence.
Hearing about the way that Ugo McBaise had sabotaged the capture of the very villains whose challenge had inspired her to act, had directly gotten people killed and responsible for dangerous people staying at large, that felt like reason plenty to break out ‘shenanigans and violence’ on him.
Effie caught her on the way out, and had said then, “what, am I gonna wait around for Fira to send me on some bullshit errand? If you’re turning that piece of shit’s head concave, I’m in too.”
And so, enthusiastically, Effie had joined, and the pair had been circling the outskirts of town atop Vida Loca ever since, Effie also using her murder of crows for further observations than what her eyes alone could tell her.
Glitch’s ears perked, as did her Stand. “…something’s up ahead. A bunch of people hanging out by the river…”
“Hm? Yeah, I think I see it!” Effie remarked, producing a pair of binoculars to look that way. “VALKYRIE guys… You know what that means up here, don’t you?”
Though most of the company fell in line with Rushen Smith’s new leadership, it was something of an open secret that Ugo McBaise had very specifically drilled the former Neighborhood Watch, which had become a new unit of the company, into being loyal to him, not to his rank. Fears being stoked about the potential of ANVIL going to war with the town was all that kept them from being disbanded outright, feeling that people familiar with the area were best-suited for watching it.
Glitch hissed. “Alright, then, you know what we’ve gotta do!”
“Wait, it looks like they’re being talked through something by…” Effie adjusted the binoculars, peered through the crowd, and recognized a very identifiable vest… and a bald head, shining in the midday sun. “Mr. Jones?”
Mr. Jones had been having a good few weeks himself, ever since his earlier, very successful outing with Dread. It had ended in him successfully acquiring not just any ‘Memento,’ but perhaps one of the city’s most dangerous, and the life-fearing compliance of the kidnapped alleged immortal who led it to him, taught him its secrets.
Apparently some kitty somewhere was sad about that, but eh, when you’re making an omelette, yeah?
“Wait wait wait,” he said affably to the crowd of VALKYRIE agents he’d once called a neighborhood watch, “you say a guy in a blue pomp and a dancer’ve been… Spray painting your cars? Throwin’ dead fish at ya? Sprayin’ ink to get away?” He snickered. “You’ve had a hell of a morning with this prankster pair, then, if they keep givin’ you the slip.”
“Please, Mr. Jones,” a young man said as he continued to wipe fish guts off of his helmet visor, “I… I know, technically, you aren’t our leader anymore, that the bosses don’t like you much, but.” He sniffled, earnestly. “But you’ve always been so good to us, even since then! You’ve been loyal to us, and we still love you for it, no matter what they say you did!”
“Heheh… Hearin’ you say that makes it worth it, y’know that?” Mr. Jones wiped a finger under the eye of his sunglasses, looking them over. “Think I know who might be the whodunnit-er here, actually. Just gimme a hot minute to track the guy down, and-”
“Got a lot of nerve talking to my men, Jones.”
Everyone went silent, then, at the sound of a hammer, for dramatic effect, being dragged along the pavement of the road, then swung in the air by an absolute cinderblock of a man.
“You got a problem, and you come running to him because he happened to be passing by? What happened to using your damn heads?” Ugo chewed his subordinates out, then, before looking to the neighborhood watch founder. “I think you’ve confused these people, Worm, by still keeping up that paternal reliable neighbor shit. They’ve all been taught well and good that they listen to me, not some replacement,” he pointed his hammer forward, then, threateningly, “and sure as hell not some serial killing scum!”
“Now now now, Ugo, c’mon, it’s clear they like us both, yeah? So let’s just… Clear the confusion up, if y’care that much!” Mr. Jones reached for the sabre sheathed at his side, then, drawing it with a golden sheen; he’d fished it out of the wreckage of Capital Island one day after it wasn’t destroyed in Jack’s ritual. He, too, pointed it forward. “I know the language you speak, so let’s talk in that.”
Ugo grunted, then, swinging his hammer back over his shoulder as a very feminine form appeared behind him, looking like something of a curvy, thickset cowgirl. “Aw, Ugo and I concur, y’all know we’re down t’bash some heads and take a name or two! Why, sugar, we’re about to put you down like a sick dog!”
Mr. Jones got a snicker out of the odd word choices of ‘She’s a Big Boy,’ finding the contrast between Stand and User in all but their brutal aggression amusing; sometimes he’d tried in the past to talk to him and unpack what the Stand actually said about Ugo’s soul, but it was a conversation the very straightforward, taciturn former football star never quite liked to have.
Jones gestured with his head, then. “Watch, get back to HQ, yeah? Whoever you see walk through that door, few hours from now, respect that, yeah?”
“Uh… S-sure?” The ex-Watch member who’d been speaking said, turning around. “C’mon, guys, let’s get pizza or something… I guess.”
Alexis had been sitting by the bank of the Wormwood River, mulling over the shenanigans Bucket had encouraged her to join in with, ever since she’d happened to spot all the Watch members they’d been harassing seemingly surround somebody; it was an action which led Bucket to say ‘just gimme a minute’ before diving into the water.
It was a shame, honestly. This harmless problem causing had actually been kind of fun, in a way.
Bucket splashed up soon after. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?”
“There was this bald guy talking to all the VALKYRIE guys about all our awesome pranks, and then that no-good bastard Ugo showed up and they started slugging it out and moving towards a sewer grate. And then, you wouldn’t believe it… The bald guy turned into Conqueror Worm!”
That gave Alexis pause, then. He was here? “We… We should probably go somewhere else, then! If people out there are fighting, I want no part in it whatsoever… And you probably shouldn’t anger guys like that either.”
“I can’t just turn away from this, Alexis! I’m here to cheer you up, and that guy… When he helped kidnap you, that’s when you started to feel even worse! So, I’m going to roll up there, give him my fiercest look possible, and make him apologize for being mean to you.”
That… Wasn’t where Alexis was expecting Bucket to end that sentence, but it made her sigh, momentarily. Her mood was good and ruined now anyway by these revelations, and Bucket was suggesting something dangerous nonetheless. “Look, Bucket, not everybody is good-natured, okay? You can’t just walk up to somebody and-”
“But I will!” Bucket insisted, flexing. “Because I have the power of ‘the boogie’ on my side, don’t you get it? This will cheer you so far up! You don’t even need to come along if you don’t want, because I dunno I might punch Ugo a bit if he hits first! But either way, you will get your apology, I swear it!”
Then, Bucket ran off. To confront two very dangerous brick shithouses of men. In a sewer.
“He’s going to get himself killed…” Alexis felt awful now, standing and looking Southward. She could just leave, couldn’t she? Bucket even said he wasn’t expecting her to follow when it could turn into a fight… In the end, were humans not all fated to fall victim to their own mistakes, their own vices and eccentricities?
…I can’t just leave a friend like that, even if I’m feeling bad.
“Bucket!” Alexis called, beginning to run after him. “Wait up for me! I’m coming along too! Let’s… Get that apology!”
She was having to babysit the guy who came to help her out, now, was that it?
“Ghhgh, it’s a two-for-one special on the worst in the city, isn’t it?” Glitch complained, trailing Effie down a ladder into the sewers. “First we’re tailing Ugo, and then Mr. Jones, and now they’re fighting… I don’t even know who’s worse!”
“One’s a serial killer, and yeah super dangerous,” Effie pointed out, “and the other keeps getting a lot of other people killed with his own dangerous stupidity… Keeps causing us problems, and helped escalate that warzone. I don’t like being an enemy of ANVIL, Glitch… I really don’t.”
“Mmrhh… They’re gonna get a piece of our best attacks.”
The pair, then, touched ground, and Effie saw around them the signs of battle, of pieces of the ground seemingly terraformed, nicked, busted-up, and the sounds of clashing in the distance. Undoubtedly them.
Then, though, as they stepped forward, soon after, a pair literally dropped down behind them, one after the other, first a scarred, pompadoured idiot doing a cool roll, then a redheaded gymnast landing coolly not far behind.
“Wait a minute… Bucket? And, uh, that performer from that thing everyone liked… Alexis Williams?” Effie remarked, backing away a bit, trying to figure out the pair’s intentions. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, you know!” Alexis tilted her head, very blatant in how forced the chipper tone had become, especially by the nature of what she’d said next. “Losing control of my life, letting weird things get out of hand… But I’m here now. I’ve committed to my choice, and I hear sounds further back. So, Bucket! Let’s get a move-on, yeah? I don’t particularly care much for being in a sewer…”
Bucket, however, had been unmoving since he had begun to stand. Glitch, too, faced directly his way, allowing him to look her in the eye as a strange expression came over them both.
Effie and Alexis, then, were deeply confused, until Vida Loca appeared, and the sounds of beatboxing seemed to fill the air.
“Wh-” Effie was taken aback. “Glitch, we’ve got something going on here. You’re not seriously going to-”
“Hey fishman, the cat’s here to catch ya / Tiger ‘Glitch’ Ricky on the mic comin’ atcha / In a hotel or a diner or even a sewer / My rhymes gonna run you through like a skewer!”
This was physically painful for Alexis to watch. She covered her mouth as she prepared for Bucket to open his, well aware that half of their social circle was probably going to slap him for whatever came out.
“Name’s Bucket, B-U-C-K-E-T / Got beat but came back now with the Boogie! / Was chasin’ a killer but this fish can still school you / With my friend Alexis here, my rhymes’ll hit true!”
“…hit true?” Alexis couldn’t help but find that groan-inducingly hilarious, though her momentary joy, then, was cut short by the fact that Effie, meanwhile, was absolutely seething.
“C’mon, do this literally any other time!” She exasperatedly proclaimed, tugging at Glitch’s arm, “we can’t let those assholes get away, c’mon, you know we need to cut this out and-”
Bucket threw a fish at Effie’s face.
Everyone went silent, then, as it slid off and hit the ground, her own expression dry with displeasure.
“Did… Did you just throw a fish at me?”
“Yeah! Because you keep ruining the vibes!” Bucket huffed. “So cut it the hell out, or I will do it again!”
“Really now,” Effie said, keeping her hand by her slingshot and beginning to walk further Southward. “If you keep distracting us, I’ll have to get you out of our way.”
One of Bucket’s massive knives, then, was drawn, blade resting centimeters from Effie’s face. “Don’t threaten me, alright? That’s completely against the spirit of this.”
Glitch hissed, then, her own mood ruined, “hey! You can’t just pull a weapon on my friend like that, even if she’s being a spoilsport! That’s way over-the-line!”
As both sides fell back, not losing sight of the other as they attempted to pull away and regroup, it was clear that three-fourths of the quartet had been angered enough at one another in an instant that a fight was about to brew.
Alexis had been deliberately trying not to send out her Stand this entire time, wanting some semblance of mental distance from it after their disagreements had turned increasingly mean, her literal fighting with herself and grappling with her demons leaving her wanting absolutely none of this.
Bucket was about to get himself killed over, easily, the stupidest thing she had ever seen a fight start over.
This day has gone from sad to fun to the most frustrating I have ever seen… I tried to make a good day out of it, but here I am now. I can’t just abandon Bucket after he tried for me… But boy is he trying me.
(Credit to CaptainSpooky27 for yet more awesome match art!)
Location: One of Los Fortuna’s sewer pathways, specifically far on the Northwestern outskirts of the town of Aurelio. These are one of the many entrances to the elaborate and interconnected underground networks of the city, though you’re in a pretty straightforward section of it that doesn’t branch off all that many surprising ways.
Not far South from here, but distant enough that it won’t ever affect this match, you can hear the sounds of a simultaneous battle between Mr. Jones and Ugo McBaise.
The area here is 63 meters by 33 meters with each tile being 3 by 3 meters. With TGS on the left and JHR on the right, represented by their character tokens.
The light grey tiles are the concrete paths, the darker grey tiles are the walls, and the blue tiles are sewer water. The walls are solid all the way through.
The sewer itself is actually relatively clean here, as clean as underground sewer water can be really. The water level is about 1 foot below the walkways and the water is 3 meters deep.
The ceiling is 4 meters above the walkways and the walkways have cheap metal guardrails between themselves and the water, as represented by the bolded outlines. The orange rectangles are the metal bridges between the walkways and the yellow circles are open manhole covers with light streaming through. The grey triangles are strange stalagmite-like protrusions, likely somehow created by Ugo and Jones’ fight. They match the same material as the stone walls, take up most of the walkway in width, and reach up to the ceiling.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information: Logic is allowed to kill me(Kak) and both of the players who made me write this.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Judecca Highrollers Bucket "Are you mocking me? You went into the ground with your zipper? Are you copying me?" This whole thing has gotten so absolutely lame, that it’s killed your attempts to cheer your friend up and to have an awesome rap battle. So these guys are lame, and need to feel it! Make sure to find creative ways for your strategy to humiliate your opponents!
Judecca Highrollers Alexis Williams “You think that you can escape my punches when you're surrounded by walls of dirt?” Bucket’s gotten people into another frustrating situation by not thinking, huh? Well, you’ll get him out of this in one piece by using your head. Use this underground sewer environment to your advantage!
The Graveyard Shift Effie Linder “They say that sound reverberates better in liquids than in solids.” Seriously, Glitch? Seriously? Well, at least as long as you’re in this gnarly sewer, you can get something out of it by using your head. Use this underground sewer environment to your advantage!
The Graveyard Shift Tiger “Glitch” Ricky "Do you think you stand a chance against me by going underground?!" So now you and your opponents are going to be trying to one-up each other, huh? Bucket is an immensely clownable guy, dammit, and you were so hyped to do so verbally… Make sure to find creative ways for your strategy to humiliate your opponents!
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submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Dec/29/2020 news: \\ political party law reformed: idea > individual; transparency; female % \\ Pashinyan responds to "not being enough pro-Russian" \\ who owns which business? \\ protests & snap elect. \\ burglary case & HHK MP \\ humanitarian aid for Artsakh \\ Vitalik flexes muscles \\ bills pass

Your 14-minute Tuesday report in 3589 words.

Pashinyan about pre-war negotiations and "avoiding" the war:

The idea that a flexible foreign policy could have avoided this war is being constantly circulated. Those [former officials] who believe in this thesis must answer at least one question: as a result of their "flexible" policy, why was it not possible to avoid the war of 2016, which was preceded by the unprecedented escalation of 2015 and 2014?
The "flexible" policy adopted by Armenia for many years led to the introduction of Russian proposals in January 2016, which proposed the return of 7 territories (5 + 2) without any legal status for Nagorno-Karabakh.
Why did Russia make such an offer? For one simple reason, as a result of Armenia's "flexible" policy, the Madrid process had come to a standstill because Artsakh could receive a Status outside Azerbaijan only with the consent of Azerbaijan.
It was obvious to Russia and everyone else that Azerbaijan would not agree to this, so it was necessary to find ways to break the deadlock.
And, by the way, if certain people claim that Armenia's foreign policy after 2018 was not sufficiently pro-Russian and this was the reason for the war, then why in the conditions of the "sufficiently pro-Russian" policy of 2016 were Russian proposals born and why did the April war take place?
There was only one way to prevent this war: return the regions and forget about Artsakh's legal status. Now, after the war is over and we know the outcome, the number of supporters of [giveaway of 7 regions] is growing. What they forget is that if we gave away the lands to avoid the war, we would have the same situation in Syunik borders. They used to accuse us of "selling lands" [he means the contradictory statements like Nikol sold the lands, and why didn't Nikol sell the lands earlier to avoid the war].
The biggest failure by the supporters of the "flexible policies" is that they spent years trying to avoid a war instead of preparing for it. Our biggest failure is that we weren't able to recover enough embezzled public property in the past 2.5 years to help us better prepare for the war.

businesses owned by opposition leaders

What are the known businesses owned by some of the famous people you might have seen in the public square lately?

Vazgen Manukyan

20% share in Lorva Amrots Ltd which plans to operate two hydro-power plants on Dzoraget river. Manukyan purchased the shares in 2011 after being appointed by Serj as the head of the Public Council.
In 2015-2016, he owned 30% shares in Vanavka Group. In 2015-2017 he had 30% shares in Jermakunq Group. These companies extracted and bottled water. At the time, the director of these companies was charged with illegal bottling and causing ֏55 million in damages to the state. The corruption case was sent to the IRS, which terminated the investigation after "not finding a crime". The companies export the products mostly to Russia.

Arthur Vanetsyan

Vanetsyan is a poor boy, according to the public declarations database. But if you have time, take a look at the investigative report I covered in Ap29/2020 news, according to which Vanetsyan's family allegedly used offshore firms and owns mining shares. More on that here. Here is a Hetq investigative report.
Vanetsyan's father owns AV Group flower importing business. About a year ago, the police investigated several flower sellers near a stadium. An opposition outlet claimed that the sellers were "beaten and forced" to testify that Vanetsyan's father was running an underground business. This was never properly proven and the opposition's claim that Vanetsyan was about to be charged did not happen. The police confirmed that there was an investigation against several flower sellers. These flower sellers ended up hiring Vanetsyan's co-party-creator Arsen Babayan as a lawyer.
Vanetsyan's father owns 50% shares of A B Export oil import company that began operating in 2017. It was a minor player that quit the market in 2019. Vanetsyan's father also owns 60% of A B Trans transportation company.
In Nov/2019, CivilNet wrote about Arthur Vanetsyan's cousins' possible involvement with Zangezur Copper factory (massive business). The same offshore firm in Cyprus, which purchased Zangezur shares, was tied to Vanetsyan's cousins' another business in the same offshore.
Vanetsyan's cousins also own a Switzerland-based Exoil wholesale cooking oil and shipping company. In 2019 it had a revenue of $148 million (11 billion Rubles). The cousins don't do this business in Armenia.
Per 2019 registration, Arthur Vanetsyan himself owns one apartment, $10,000, and ֏1 million.
Media reported in May/2020 that Vanetsyan's cousin purchased a ֏300 million mansion in Yerevan, which was donated to then-new political party "Hayreniq", co-founded by Arthur Vanetsyan and Arsen Babayan (the guy who is accused of helping HHK to fabricate documents in 2018 to hijack the Constitutional Court by appointing HHK MP Hrayr Tovmasyan as a judge).
Arthur Vanetsyan's mother served as the chief of the personnel-management department in Serj and Pashinyan administrations, before quitting and working as Serj's aide.
Vanetsyan's wife owns Villa Montessori preschool in Yerevan. She also runs the Young Education Center Ltd.

ARF Ishkhan Saghatelyan

Pashinyan appointed Saghatelyan as Gegharquniq governor for a brief period after the 2018 revolution, when Pashinyan created a unity-government, represented by all political parties. The honeymoon soon ended and each party went their way.
Saghatelyan owns shares in i-mega Service Ltd. It's a tourism agency founded in 2006. It operates in Armenia, Artsakh, and Georgia.
Saghatelyan founded Navasar company and serves as director. It's owned by his father.
Saghatelyan family owns the Tsovasar hotel complex on Lake Sevan shores. It's 10,000 m2 (a hectare?).
As of 2018, Saghatelyan declared ownership of 8 pieces of land, 2 apartments, ֏18.5 million, $45,000, and €15,000.
Saghatelyan's father is the mayor of Gegharquniq's Geghamavan settlement. This municipality had recently sent a letter demanding Pashinyan's resignation.
Saghatelyan used to be a shareholder of Shiman Ltd which is no longer active.

BHK leader Gagik "dodi gago" Tsarukyan

BUCKLE UP, KIDS! Overall, Tsarukyan runs 54 companies. Студент, комсомолец, спортсмен, u наконец, он просто красавиц.
His business empire was covered in details here. Textile, gas stations, malls, Multi Group empire, Shangri-La Casino, Ararat Cognac & Wine Factory, BMW official office Euromotors (also Hyundai, Gazel, Niva), Multi Motors, Magas Invest, Multi Wellness, Olimpavan sports complex, Kotayk beer factory, TechnAlyumin door & window factory, Multi Rest House hotel chain, Paravon luxury restaurant, Onira Club, Zvartnot's airport's upper-level service company Avia Service, Farm Adama, Multi Pharm pharmacy, Multi Leon gas stations, Multi Solar solar panels.
He owns shares in Frank Mueller Yerevan watch company, Fortsa, Multi Gold, Multi Diamond jewelry firms, several fish-breeding businesses.
He also runs businesses in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czechia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia.
Per official declaration, he owns $168 million, €29 million, ֏675 million, 14 pieces of land, 6 houses, 2 public buildings, 1 apartment.
Details for BHK MP Mikael Melkumyan and HHK Vahram Baghdasaryan in the link below.Զանգեզուրի-պղնձամոլիբդենային-Մաքսիմ-Հակոբյանի-ու-նրա-որդու-փոխարեն-նոր-բաժնետերեր-Ժնևից-և-Աջափնյակից/369792Բենզինի-շուկա-Արթուր-Վանեցյանի-հայրը-դուրս-է-եկել-ոլորտից-Միքայել-Մինասյանի-մերձավորը՝-խոշորների-մա/182670

opposition continues the demonstrations

The street demonstrations, organized by the former regime and its allies, continue. They demand Pashinyan's resignation and the appointment of their candidate Vazgen Manukyan as the Prime Minister for the duration of a year, after which they agree to hold new elections.
ARF leader Artsvik Minasyan said they don't plan to discuss snap elections with Pashinyan. "Right now, our only demand is Pashinyan's resignation. We demand SIS to immediately hold every criminal accountable". The demonstrators gathered in front of the SIS building to present the demands.

Pashinyan meets leaders of several opposition parties

QP leader Lilith: there is a possibility there will be a meeting between Pashinyan and the three Parliamentary political parties. They could discuss snap elections. The impression is that politicians who demand Pashinyan's resignation do not want snap elections in an attempt to bypass the citizen's right to form a government. Our political team reaffirms the position that none of us is clinging on seats. //
LHK MP Gorgisyan: we cannot hold snap elections now, under this chaotic situation. We will discuss snap elections if Pashinyan discusses his resignation and transfer of power. (LHK wants its leader Marukyan to be elected as Prime Minister by a Parliamentary vote) //
Pashinyan met BHK leader Tsarukyan. The latter is against holding snap elections unless Pashinyan resigns now, and presumably, he wants Vazgen Manukyan appointed as PM.
LHK leader Marukyan also wants Pashinyan to resign now so a new Prime Minister can form a new government cabinet "consisted of experts". , , , , ,

felony case: ex-HHK MP charged with armed attack on ex-IRS official

In August of this year, Russia extradited a former HHK MP Alraghatsi Lyovik to Armenia. He was wanted for allegedly burglarizing and shooting at a senior IRS official a decade ago. At the time, his case was "frozen". It was relaunched in 2018. (magic wand)
NSS says: suspect Lyovik, with the help of citizens AK and AN, organized an armed burglary against IRS Chief (?) Avetisyan in 2008.
AK was in the United States. In 2004, he stole $150,000 from jewelry shops in Los Angeles. He got caught but managed to flee to Armenia.
Once in Armenia, AK colluded with policeman AN to organize a similar criminal ring in Armenia.
[MP] Lyovik personally knew AK, and learned about their burglaries. Since Lyovik had bad relations with the IRS chief (victim), he decided to punish the victim by urging AK to burglarize his house. Lyovik revealed the plot to his brother-in-law, who happened to be the victim's personal aide. The latter gave all the personal habits and details about the victim to the burglars.
[read the article for the full story, or wait for a Hollywood movie in theaters near you]
The burglars and organizers are charged with felonies. , , , , ,

Russian Orthodox chapel will be built

... in the Armenian settlement near Nakhijevan where Azerbaijan had earlier shut down a Russian helicopter, which killed and wounded Russian pilots. It'll be on a hill in Yeraskh. Construction starts on January 6th.

Russian peacekeepers conducted training

... to stay in shape. A report by WarGonzo's Semyon Pegovn who returned to Artsakh to meet the New Year there.

Russia and Turkey comment

Russian MFA: The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh should not be used for the infiltration of foreign mercenaries into the region. Here we have exactly the same position as our Turkish partners.
Turkish MFA: we see that a ceasefire has been established. We hope to establish the joint RU-TR monitoring center soon. ,

Vitalik Balasanyan will return the lands, kicks junkies, and restrict Facebook

Artsakh President Arayik earlier announced that he will allow his opponents to take jobs in the new coalition government. Kocharyan-ally Vitali Balasanyan became the Security Council chief.
Vitalik: we will return Hadrut and Askeran region with the help of Russian and Armenian military-political efforts. We are in a better situation now to solve territorial issues.
We will soon create border guard forces. It will report to MoD, which will report to the Security Council (his office).
Drugs have no place in Artsakh. Drug users must quit or leave Artsakh now.
We need to return to traditional values of giving women as wives after asking if the man had served in the army.
No public official will be allowed to use Facebook during work.

search operations are paused / the "welcome to Azerbaijan" sign

Azerbaijan received criticism for refusing to allow search teams to enter the Hadrut region yesterday. They also prevented UNESCO from checking the status of several Armenian cultural sights, after complaining that UNESCO was "biased" against Azerbaijan during the war.
HR Ombudsman: Any untrue information can not be a reason to disrupt the humanitarian process [referring to unconfirmed rumors on social media that Armenians opened fire at Azeris in Hadrut. An unofficial Iranian social media channel claims 3 Azeris were killed but due to an internal fight.]
The Human Rights Ombudsman also criticized the Azeri troops for installing a provocative "welcome to Azerbaijan" sign on part of a road that went under Azeri control near Syunik borders. The Ombudsman says it's meant to intimidate the locals. , , ,

Parliament votes: BHK MP Naira Zohrabyan's chairmanship

Context: BHK MP Naira Zohrabyan referred to the majority of Armenian voters as human trash *(or as she says: impure), and called for the establishment of forced re-education camps so people won't vote for a "wrong party" again. The ruling QP party launched a process to terminate her chairmanship in Parliamentary Human Rights Committee. Read yesterday's thread for more details.*
QP MP Arthur: the law states that the Parliament can appoint and terminate the chairman. The termination of this seat does not require the same procedures as in the case of MPs and Judges. Armenian Constitution states that in Armenia, human beings are of the highest value, and inalienable human dignity is the inseparable basis of their rights and freedoms. MP Zohrabyan's public conduct is against it. //
The law gives the second-largest political party the mandate to appoint the chairman of this particular Committee. BHK, being the second-largest party, said they wouldn't appoint a replacement if Zohrabyan is voted out.
QP MP Arthur: per rules, if BHK refuses to appoint a new candidate, the largest (QP) party will receive the mandate. //
Parliament voted 78-4 to terminate Zohrabyan's chairmanship. BHK and LHK did not vote.
BHK MP Zohrabyan: this termination was a Constitutional crime. , , ,

Parliament votes: registering parties becomes easier / ideology instead of person / financial transparency

The goal of this reform is to have political parties that are more about ideology and less about an individual. The reform will boost internal democracy within parties; it will expand the powers of the Party Assembly.
Parties will be required to add more anonymous voting mechanisms.
The law also requires more financial transparency.
The required membership to register a party is lowered from 800 to 300.
Some of the public funding given to political parties will depend on the % of female members in the administrative boards.
Parliament voted 99-1 to approve it. ,

Parliament votes: monthly fees towards soldiers' recovery are raised

Most workers pay a monthly 1000 Dram towards the Soldiers' Fund, which takes care of wounded soldiers and families of those who died. The govt found it necessary to raise the fee to cover thousands of new recipients. Here are the new fees and salary brackets:
֏1,500 for < ֏100k/month
֏3,000 for < ֏200k
֏5,500 for < ֏500k
֏8,500 for < ֏1 million
֏15,000 for > ֏1 million
Parliament voted 89-0 to approve it.

Parliament votes: ban on public smoking is delayed until 2022

The govt had adopted a law to ban smoking in public cafes and the public display of cigarettes in grocery shops. The ruling party wanted to delay parts of the bill that were set to go into effect in January, citing possible financial issues for businesses caused by the pandemic.
QP MP: the cigarette industry pays $383 million to state coffers.
Healthcare Ministry: it will be a mistake if you delay this bill for the sake of $10 million in tax revenues.
Parliament voted 86-0 to delay the anti-smoking bill until 2022.

Parliament votes: no tax on goods donated to Armenia

QP MP: When you donate a charitable product to the Republic of Armenia, you are exempt from customs duties and other tax payments, except for one payment, which we are trying to exempt with this bill as well. //
Parliament voted 80-0 to approve it.

how is the Judicial Branch doing?

The Supreme Court protects or punishes judges. It also handles complaints. It's separate from the Constitutional Court.
bad boys
19 complaints against judges were heard, 14 of which were petitioned by Justice Ministry and 4 by Judicial Ethics Board. 10 judges ended up receiving disciplinary penalties, 3 received a warning, 3 were reprimanded, 2 were terminated, 4 were cleared.
the system is overloaded
61 judges are handling 6470 felony cases.
86 judges handle 175,940 civil cases.
24 judges handle 17,390 administrative cases.
The number of Arbitration cases rose from 3100 to 9900.
This year, Supremes appointed 20 new judges. Supreme's budget remained the same this year. They returned ֏607 million in savings back to state coffers. ,

anti-corruption: SIS busts an IRS agent

SIS says: IRS border inspector took a bribe from a citizen to help him avoid paying Millions of ֏ in import taxes by splitting a large load into smaller pieces, so each piece would fall below the taxable threshold.

IRS wants you to file less paperwork

IRS says the latest reforms will help the exporters and simplify the process in which Armenia is used as a transit country for trade. Some tasks can be done online.

update: electricity prices

...won't go up for low-income families or those using less than 400 kWh. That's 90% of consumers. The rest will pay 3 Drams more. The rates are presented (6-10¢):

police to guard Lake Sevan against poachers

Police and Nature Ministry have set up additional checkpoints as part of measures against whitefish poaching in Sevan. 24/7 monitoring on all alleys leading to the lake. They will also travel across markets to catch contraband whitefish.
Why? It's the egg-laying season. Fishing is banned for now. The legally-allowed fishing tools were temporarily removed from the lake.

rare Caucasus Leopard is spotted by cameras again

"only 10% of villagers should do agriculture"

...the rest should have access to other jobs. There is an opportunity now because many businesses operate remotely. Call Center workers don't have to visit an office. Businesses would rather pay less to hire a rural remote worker than more to hire someone in a Yerevan office.
The High Tech Ministry has an ongoing program to teach IT to 5,000 citizens. We must help workers to expand their skillset. We're working on a program to allow a worker to quit the job, not worry about the food on the table, and have enough time for education and learning new skills.
The villagers should ideally lease their smaller lands to large agricultural producers," said Economy Minister Qerobyan.
Full interview:

State regulators bust another price-fixing ring: fruit mafia

Yesterday, the Economic Competition Committee busted the egg industry's alleged price-fixing and anti-competitive practices. Today they say a similar collision was observed in the orange, mandarin, kiwi, lemon industry.
The companies Best Fruits, Art-Fruits, and Promout were slapped with a ֏39 million in penalties for colluding to raise the prices for the products that had an increased demand during the pandemic period.

Lenovo slapped for "anti-competitive practice"

The Economic Competition Committee heard a petition filed by Oazis Computer company against Lenovo. The latter was issued a warning for anti-competitive behavior.
Public Regulator: "Lenovo" company had the ability to influence the process of importing Lenovo computers to Armenia from non-EAEU trade bloc countries. "Lenovo" took steps to reduce the import of Lenovo computers from non-EAEU states, by discriminating against Oazis Computer importer. Lenovo is given a month to correct the issue and fix the requirement and standards related paperwork.
(Facebook next?)

Artsakh will also increase childbirth benefits

First child: ֏300k instead of ֏100k
Second child: ֏300k instead of ֏200k
(or ֏500k if one parent is disabled)
As for monthly child care subsidy payments, it goes from ֏15k to ֏27k until the child turns 2.

year wrap-up: births in capital Yerevan

girls 2019: 10173
girls 2020: 10489
boys 2019: 11251
boys 2020: 11430

year wrap-up: tax revenues

2018: ֏1.257 trillion
2019: ֏1.458 trillion
2020: ֏1.379 trillion

COVID stats

+2483 tested. +348 infected. +22 deaths. +1267 healed. 13881 active.

chess news

Levon Aronyan has advanced to the Airthings Masters quarter-finals where he will play against Hikaru Nakamura. He is 1pt behind the leaders. The winner receives a $60,000 prize.

French city of Valence to name a street

... after Artsakh capital Stenapakert. It already had Ijevan Park, Armenia Street, and Yerevan Street. Stepanakert Street will be located in a newly built district. There will be Toros Street as well.

Italian city of di Lovere has officially recognized the Artsakh Republic

Kapan Medical Center has a new CT scanner

... thanks to generous diasporan donors like you. The first one was installed during the war in Goris city.

Artsakh children receive New Years' gifts

Focus on Children Now charity organization distributed gifts to hundreds of Artsakh kids residing in Gegharquniq province. Backpacks, clothing, items of basic necessity, money, and postcards written by kids living in the United States.

Himnadram donates to refugee families

700 Artsakh families continue to live in 40 settlements of Gegharquniq province. The All Armenia Fund ( has provided food and household items to 241 families ahead of New Year.

daily life in Syunik bordering villages Shurnukh and VorotanՇուռնուխ-Որոտան․-կյանքը-անկոչ-հարևանների-հետ/414772

donations for Artsakh & recovering soldiers (recovering soldiers & their families) (for Artsakh & Armenia) (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older posts

Armeniapedia's archive of my daily news threads:


All the accused are considered innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "sound" guilty.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Dead Rising 5 psychopaths

How many: 12.
  1. Tyler Blacksmith (The main antagonist of the game). Tyler was a world famous black metal artist and a secret gang leader who serves as the main antagonist of Dead Rising 5. He started the outbreak with a Terrorist Militia organization Ortiz of destruction's leader Pete Harris by releasing the zombies to the cities with the help of his minions. Looks: Black Metal Hair, Mayhem's Dawn of the black hearts shirt, Black Metal face paint, Black bondage jeans with a lot of chains and long boots with chains. Weapon. The Black Society (guitar+scythe). Location. Fortune City Arena. Theme. Cannibal Corpse Evisceration Plague. Intro: When Chuck entered the Arena once again after he saw his battle against TK in the screens. After that it changed to a black metal skull image. Chuck was confused that gang members started to attack him (Which you battle first before Tyler appears). After few of the members were killed. Tyler will appear from the ceiling and he will jump down on a trampoline that lunges him on the ring that he lands on. Tyler explained to Chuck that he was the one behind the outbreak and that he released the zombies from phenotrans. Tyler will than attack Chuck after saying the phrase ''Now Let's Fade You To The Rushing Shadows In Black''. Death: After Chuck defeats Tyler. he stumbled on some objects on the way and warning Chuck about people kidnapping his 9 year old daughter Katey and dies after first being impaled by his weapon and head getting crushed by the Crane's arm. As Chuck drops on his knees and starts to scream for victory.
  2. CJ Morrison. CJ was a silent insane African-American butcher who took the outbreak as a chance to make ''THE BEST MEAT IN THE WORLD'' and also to murder Chuck Greene and making him his own Meat. Looks. Short Dreads, Tattoos, Big Beard, Black Bloody Butcher Clothes and Black Boots. Weapon. Meat Cleaver. Location. Food Court's Modified Hamburger Fiefdom. Theme. Zardonic Bring It On. Intro: Chuck enters the hamburger fiefdom. But it was changed somehow. There was tables blocking the entrance but Chuck was able to get through and it had a hole that was bloody. As Chuck peaked at it he noticed that it had blades that can only be jammed with a weapon and the body will stay there stuck. As a Butcher came and screamed and he swinged his meat cleaver and did not say a word until he attacked Chuck. Death: CJ stumbled on the treadmill and had no idea and what it was but he thought it was a roller coaster that you go by head first until Chuck screamed 'Well Get In The Hole' and turned on the grinder and the only words CJ said was ''Oh Shit, CJ Morrison is down in hell''. His beard pulls him in and he screamed as his head gets sliced and he accidentally jams it with his meat cleaver and Chuck says the word 'May medieval be your grave' and left the area.
  3. Ricky Frank. Ricky 'Rick' Frank is a shop owner and world famous auctioneer who never fails at his job (Much like Carl Schliff from Dead Rising 2). He went insane during the outbreak. And thinks that selling items like human heads, saws, cars, treasures, human flesh, hanged corpses, more corpses and combo weapons would be a great chance to earn money by believing that surviors are bidders (turned victims) and zombies are not bidders. Looks: Brown Goatee, Light Brown Ponytail Hair, Red Button Shirt, Blue Jeans, Black Trilby and Yellow Sneakers. Weapon: Money Maker (Knife + Six Shooter). Location: Still Creek town. Theme: Celldweller - I Believe You. Intro: Chuck was walking in the town of Still Creek where he had some good memories. As he had some flashbacks when he was fighting Jed in the Junkyard he heard someone saying '1.56 Dollars on a human liver'. Chuck had no idea what was going on in still creek. Until he saw a man doing bets on items that were human parts and other useful items. As Chuck said 'Hey there is a zombie outbreak Mister.' And the man saw him and introduced himself 'Oh hey there sir. The name's Ricky Frank.... And yours.' And chuck recognized who that Ricky was. Ricky was a auctioneer who never failed anytime in his career. He was so famous that Chuck hated him because of his jealousy of his non-failing. Chuck just said that there are not suppose to be bets due to the zombie outbreak. Chuck said 'The name's Chuck Greene and i will kick your ASS' and Chuck punched Rick right in the face and Ricky punched back and took his weapon and said 'How's this Money Maker for your bet kid' And Chuck got back up and raised his fists meaning for battle and he said 'Wanna go Mr Fat Rick' and silently as Rick looked down. He said 'Let's Dance Player'. Death: After Chuck defeats Ricky. Rick stumbled on a stack of cars and informing Chuck that all the combo weapons are his and Chuck and Rick took the weapons on his truck than Chuck kicked Ricky on his head until Rick landed on a rotating saw blade and getting his head sliced in half as he screams in pain and when his head was cut in half and he stopped screaming Chuck says the word 'May bets bid your bidding' and drove back to fortune city.
  4. Mick O'Neal. Mick O'neal was a abusive alcoholic from Canada who pretty much enjoys drinking beer.. After he noticed the Outbreak broke out he didn't care about the outbreak so he just wanted to drink beer and shoot and kill survivors because he was a hillbilly. Looks. Hillbilly Hair and Beard, Tank Top with the Canadian and American flag, unzipped pants, lost 5 teeth, beer belly, boots and military vest. Weapon. Chainsaw. Location. Juggz Bar & Grill. Theme. Celldweller - Narrow Escape. Intro. Chuck Greene was inside the juggz bar and he noticed that the whole place was a mess until he heard someone saying 'HEY *Burp*' And Chuck looked back and he had no idea who he was but he noticed he was abusive. And than the man tells his 'Own Bar' was being a bar fight club before he urinated on a bottle and than he threw the bottle and he just didn't do anything because he didn't care what he did. And than he took his Chainsaw he calls 'Baby' And he than says 'I'm Mick O'Neal and i will kill you for mother CANADA!!!' And attack Chuck. Death. After Chuck defeats Mick. Mick Stumbled and tries to escape but he slipped on his chainsaw and he lands on the ground with a chainsaw through his legs and all of the zombies surround the area and they eat Mick alive as Mick screams in pain as he dies from bleeding.
  5. Oscar Morrison. Oscar Morrison was an exterminator who wanted to spread some gas everywhere on survivors while keeping his holding 10 year old boy Ryan Huntington and 10 year old girl Jillian Kyle hostage. Looks. Long Hair, Spiky Goatee, Blue Exterminator Clothes, Green Protective Glasses and Extermination Equipment. Weapons. Toxic Gas Sprayer And Baseball Bat. Location. Royal Flush Plaza. Theme. Celldweller - The Best It's Gonna Get. Intro. Chuck heard child screaming and the words help and Chuck ran towards Royal Flush Plaza where the scream was heard. And in there he saw two panicking children and a grinning exterminator and Chuck was shocked and screamed at the children ''DON'T WORRY KIDS I'M COMING!!!'' And Chuck kicked him and Oscar landed on his back until Chuck tried to free the kids but Oscar tackled Chuck and said 'That's what you get for attacking Oscar Morrison' and than aimed the exterminator sprayer on the kids as the kids panic and Chuck was able to tackle him and Oscar got sick of Chuck and Attacked Him after he picked up a baseball bat. Death. After Oscar is defeated, he stumbled on the stairs and fell one by one and landed on his back and looked at his gas canisters although mistaking it as a gas mask and giggled and laughed so hard that he said that he would now spray gas everywhere but he didn't have a mask to protect himself. As he put the gas in his mouth thinking it was the mask, he started to cough blood and he said in horror ''W-W-W-WHAT THE HELL. What's Happening To Me???'' and Chuck said in victory ''You injected gas inside of yourself and your gas mask is right here''. As Oscar tried to come up the stairs he just started to bleed from his mouth and than he fell again and a male zombie bit him and he than noticed something. He had grenades and with them he laughed and ending it with the words ''how's this for extermination'' and commits suicide by exploding himself with the grenade until his head and intestines landed on the zombies who ate them and the rope that was holding the Kids on a pipe was releasing and Chuck was able to rescue them before the pipe would even fall on the equipment. Chuck than walked with the children to the safe house.
  6. Donatello Romero. Donatello Romero was an Italian-American mob boss and gangster who ordered his men to kill every survivor in fortune city. He took the outbreak as an opportunity to rob as much stores as possible and doing whatever he wants and keeping fortune city as his own nation which failed miserably. Looks. dark blue business suit, yellow tie, dark blue gangster hat with a yellow ribbon and cigar on his mouth. Weapon. Pistol. Location. South Plaza. Theme. Skillet - Resistance. Intro. Chuck was killing a zombie by snapping it's neck and after he killed the zombie he heard 2 people speaking Italian. As he came closer he saw a business man like 5'11 tall man who he had no idea who he was. The guy's name was Donatello Romero. He was a crime boss and leader of a mafia family and drug cartel called The 'Romero Family'. An Organization who committed crimes in Italy before they moved to the US where their leader Donatello himself became a world famous business man and mafia boss who would slowly commit crimes all over western and southern Europe and little bit in the USA. He ordered his minion to kill whoever is in the his area. As Chuck tackled and threw the minion on the rotating saw (similar to Seymour) killing the minion instantly and Chuck moved the body to the corner after Romero tried to shoot and kill Chuck but he dodged and went hiding from Romero as Romero ordered all of his men to find Chuck. After Chuck killed all of the men Romero than started to shoot, accuse and try to kill Chuck who jumped and climbed on the platform where Romero was standing and where Romero would attack Chuck. Death. After Chuck defeated Don. Chuck accidentally kicks Romero who drops his gun and would fell down the platform and landing on his back and he rolled from platform to platform before landing chest first to a rotating saw and as he screams in pain. he would bleed everywhere and dies on the table as his guts and blood comes everywhere and than a piece of the platform would fall on his head, ultimately decapitating him. It was a brutal death as Chuck looks in horror.
  7. Tom Harrison. Tom Harrison or nicknamed himself the 'Coffee Nightmare' was a barista/serial killer who murdered survivors and military members and collected their heads and placed them all over food court and the next one on his list.... Is Chuck Greene. Looks. Charismatic hair and mustache, butler clothes and bloody apron. Weapon. Exsanguinator And Shotgun. Location. Food Court. Theme. Excision - With You (Sullivan King Remix). Intro. Chuck walks on the food court and discovers decapitated heads everywhere. Chuck was shocked and as he walked and walked and walked he heard a shotgun blast and he ran to get cover and as he hided he saw some sort of butler holding a shotgun and as he went hiding behind the sign of one of the restaurants a survivor ran at the butler asking for help but the butler shoots at the survivor and goes to get a weapon that has a saw blade on the end of a vacuum cleaner and as Chuck was about to save him he butler shoots at Chuck and the butler said 'You would not get in the way of Tom Harrison HA HA HA HA HA'. Tom went to get a machete and his weapon he calls The Exsanguinator and as he put his machete on the victims neck he said 'Deja Vu Kid' and than decapitates the survivor as his body is being sliced and ripped by the exsanguinator. As Chuck accidentally fell and Tom saw him.Tom than walked to him but Chuck was able to counter his machete attack so he threw him away just 2 meters. And Tom took his weapon and he screams and attacks Chuck. Death. After Chuck defeats Tom. Tom stumbled on the wall to wall but he didn't notice his exsanguinator was on. So he than accidentally cut himself as he first cut himself in a machete as his left arm that he just cut plunged into the blades and he screams in pain, he steps on his shot gun and as it fired his legs slipped and his head plunges inside the exsanguinator as he dies immediately. As Chuck says 'Your butlering is over Tommy' as Chuck leaves food court.
  8. Peter Harris. Peter Harris was a dictatoterrorist and the leader of the militia gang called 'Ortiz of destruction' that defends the entrance to the Fortune City Arena. He was born in the Saudi Arabia outskirts before emigrating to the US the same year he was born. He became the only american to become a terrorizing dictator. He serves as the secondary antagonist of the game because he had connections with Tyler Blacksmith's gang by releasing the zombies to Fortune City in order to kill Chuck (Some members of his team is in each area in Fortune City on a mission to Kill Chuck Greene). Looks. US Army Officer with medals and a black peaked cap. Weapons. Pocket Knife and Mercenary Rifle. Location. Outside of the fortune city arena. Theme. Sabaton - Ghost Division. Intro. Chuck was on his way to fortune city arena to stop Tyler until a military terrorist ran at him with a machete and Chuck karate threw him before even the terrorist was swinging it at him and killed him and another terrorist ran at him and Chuck kicked and impaled him. Peter than walked on his podium and speaking with Tyler and they both had an announcement that Fortune City will be known as their kingdom and in the middle of their speech Chuck took a machine gun and opened fire killing everyone as Peter attacks Chuck as Tyler runs inside the arena. Death. When he is defeated. Peter walked to the podium one last time and explains to Chuck that the military is the militia and that they are searching for him. but Chuck than says that he killed them. As of that Peter attacked Chuck only to fail the attack as Chuck kicks him on a military tank arguably firing it on the Door where Tyler entered. Peter however wasn't on the tank. Instead he got impaled through the nose by his pocket knife and his rifle through the abdomen.
  9. Rocky Rumsfeld. Rocky Rumsfeld was a world famous retired boxer, pro wrestler and TIR contestant and current Bodybuilder and Chuck's lifelong childhood friend. He snapped during the outbreak and believed that the outbreak would be a chance to slaughter the zombies and survivors so that he will become a viking. He serves as the enemy turned deuteragonist of the game after you beat him and does appear in each psychopath meeting and cutscenes. Looks. Fur pants, Leather Boots, Eye patch, Long Beard, Viking Helmet and a Fake Scar (formerly) White T-Shirt, Short Hair, Shaved Beard, Black Jeans, Purple TIR Sweater, Black and Purple Shoes and Protective Gloves. Weapons. Battle Axe, Holy Arms and a Modified Motorcycle Shaped Like A Horse. Location. Silver Strip. Theme. Amon Amarth - Guardians Of Asgard. Intro. As Chuck was walking in the silver strip. He saw that he was in an another problem. He heard a motorcycle engine sound approaching him. He noticed that the bike had a horse head tail and seat with armor and one spear. On the seat there was a viking like bodybuilder male with viking like clothes. The guy called himself 'King Odin'. And said he would spill Chuck's blood to Valhalla. He than swinged his axe at Chuck but missed. Chuck than kicked Odin and Odin went into a giant heat seeking rage and attacked Chuck by first hopping on his motorcycle and ride towards him while screaming. Defeat. After Chuck defeats Odin. Odin stumbled on the wall of a restaurant and explains that Odin was not his name in fact his name was Rocky Rumsfeld. Rocky was a skilled retired Motocross Champion, Pro Wrestler and Boxer turned current Bodybuilder... And Chuck's Best Friend since childhood. Chuck and Rocky both hugged each other because they were happy that they reunited so Chuck asked Rocky does he want to investigate the outbreak and since they are Best Friends he accepted.
  10. Brandon Nichols. Brandon Nichols is Chuck's and Rocky's 3rd Friend. He was a Military soldier and SWAT officer and former mercenary and TIR Motocross contestant. He was born in Jamaica before moving to US at the age of 9. And serves as an Enemy turned tritagonist of the game. He also Appears in meetings and cutscenes just like Rocky. Looks. Military Soldier Suit (Formerly) Jamaican Hair, Pink TIR Sweater, Blue Jeans, Blue Tank Top and Brown Shoes. Weapon. Mercenary Rifle. Location. Underground. Theme. Pendulum Mix of Prodigy - Voodoo People. Intro. Rocky and Chuck killed 4 Zombies in the underground but then a military member attacked them for some reason and didn't say a word. Chuck and Rocky knew that they had to get through the guy. Defeat. After Chuck and Rocky beat the solider the soldier stumbled on the wall and he revealed his face. The guy was Brandon Nichols. Brandon is the 3rd best friend of Chuck alongside Rocky. Chuck and Rocky haven't seen Brandon for years ever since Brandon served in the army in Afghanistan. After revealing that it was Brandon the team went to find who was behind the outbreak.
  11. Bobby Sullivan. Bobby Sullivan was a world famous archaeologist and explorer who found 10000 treasures in the world. But he actually was not a archaeological explorer. In fact Bobby was actually a criminally insane mercenary leader who sent his soldiers to kill, torture and torment ancient people. He was in fortune city to steal Poseidon's trident in the Atlantica Casino because he thought some people found the trident underwater and put it on there as a souvenir but little does he know it was just built (He is similar to Donatello Romero since both order their minions to attack the player but both are different, since Don is Italian-American Crime Boss and Crime Family Leader, Bobby is a Mexican-American mercenary and treasure hunter.). Looks. Explorer's Shirt, Pants, Shoes and Backpack. Weapon. Kitchen Knife, Six Shooter. Location. Atlantica Casino. Theme. Blue Stahli - Scrape. Intro: Chuck walked in the Atlantica casino until he heard an order from a person. It was 4 soldiers who took an order from an Explorer trying to get a trident. The guy was named Bobby Sullivan. Sullivan is an american archaeologist and explorer but is actually a criminally insane mercenary who tormented ancient cultural people and stole their treasure and lied to everyone that he found them all by himself. He stole 10000 treasures all over the globe. He saw Chuck and ordered his men to kill him. Chuck was able to kill Bobby's men and Bobby tackled Chuck and took a knife from his backpack. Chuck kicked him away and Bobby ran at Chuck (Ending The Cutscene). Death: After Chuck defeats Bobby. Bobby started swearing in Spanish and than climbed to Poseidon's trident again before Chuck screams that it was built until Bobby realised it was built and screamed ''WAIT A MINUTE THIS IS NOT A TREASURE, IT'S JUST AN OBJECT OH MY GOD WHAT A PENDEJO I AM!!!!'' Bobby fell to the ground almost breaking his back as the trident falls and crushes his head. As Chuck looks and says ''Check the newest Treasure you will find.. in HELL.'' and Leaves the area.
  12. Nikolai Stalin. Nikolai Stalin was a Russian Terrorist and the leader of a terrorist organization who made the zombies. He appears as the minor antagonist of the game. He also has connections to Blacksmith's gang and even the militia. Looks. Russian Hat, Business Suit. Weapon. Tenderizers and Sniper Rifle. Location. Fortune Park. Theme. Newgrounds - Blue Brass Of The Beast. Intro: Chuck was on his way to Tyler Blacksmith's property until his path was blocked by a lot of vehicles on the way with a helipad in the middle and a giant gate in the back. He noticed like a Russian person riding a motorcycle. The man's name was Nikolai Stalin. He was the grandson of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. But he was also something else of a leader. He was also a Terrorist who terrorized Northern and Southern America. Nikolai jumped from his motorcycle and attempted to kick Chuck from the Helipad but Chuck countered the hit and karate threw him. This began the battle between Chuck Greene and Nikolai Stalin. Death: When Stalin was defeated he fell from the helipad and landed on a running engine. Nikolai attempted to climb to the helipad and attempted to murder Chuck. However Chuck impaled Nikolai on his weapons and Nikolai realizes that he said his last words ''I Always Wanted You... To Do That.'' And Died and Landed on the engine again after he shot himself in the head with his shotgun. The engine slices his face and devoured his whole face. Chuck than jumps from car to car until he gets through the gate and runs towards Tyler's area where a dictator named Peter Harris and his men were and Tyler's minions were in.
submitted by Timppafrossa to u/Timppafrossa [link] [comments]

[BB] Big Brother: House of Temptation - Season 23

The 23rd season of the Big Brother: House of Temptation series is here!
This season on BBHOT, 16 brand-new and unique strangers entered the game looking to either win the money, make a name for themselves, or get some publicity. Using the BB21 template, this season was full of twists and turns that rocked the player's games. What will go down in the BBHOT books, find out now!
Also, I apologize to all the supporters of this series. I have been very busy with school and a lot of assignments and other things, so my free time is much more limited. I hope you understand and I'll pick up the pace moving forward if I can! My apologies and thank you for making this series so great!
View the season down below and give your thoughts!
View the season here - SEASON 23 LINK
View this seasons voting chart - S23 VOTING CHART
Michael Hale, 37, Secondary Teacher - u/Nahuelfire39
Alexa Station, 20, YouTuber - u/IAmWolfNinja
Michael Krumptone, 47, Band Director - u/swoldow
Sonia McDevitt, 18, Bartender - u/ParisGoldC
Mara D'Antonio, 34, Life Coach - u/ParisGoldC
Malcolm "Mac" Everett, 27, Basketball Coach - u/SilverOwl24
Jessa Blanchard, 29, Beauty Salon Owner - u/SilverOwl24
Douglas Chance, 29, ER Nurse - u/TDSwaggyBoy
Karl Pearson, 42, Gardener - u/TDSwaggyBoy
Georgia "Gigi" Seedrow, 21, Unemployed - u/AngolanDesert
Belinda "Bertha" Matthews, 43, Lunch Lady - u/AngolanDesert
Brett Herman, 28, Professional Poker Player - u/Twig7665
Giovanni "Dr. Moreno" Moreno, 52, Doctor - u/Twig7665
Leonardo Khan, 34, History Teacher - u/Malpa15
Sonja Bush, 22, Gymnast - u/Malpa15
Justin Tyung, 26, Bartender - u/asiansurvivorfan
Opening: 16 brand-new houseguests enter the house of temptation for our 23rd season! This season is not like others, there are an extreme amount of twists ready to shake up this game! The banishment and opening eviction are the first.
Camp Director Twist: Evicted: Justine | In this brand-new twist, Douglas, Dr. Moreno, and Michael plead to be the camp director. By a close vote, this power goes to Michael! He chooses to banish Michael H., Justine, Mac, and Sonja. Michael H, then Mac, then Sonja reenter the house. Justine is the first evictee of the season. This is so sad! She may get the chance to come back in! ;)
Week 1: Evicted: Mac | After the opening eviction, Michael H. is the new HOH after being banished! He targets Brett and Mac in his nominations, but Brett pulls out the first veto! This forces Michael to put someone up, and he nominates Gigi. The house votes out Mac, but Justine returns and the camp comeback twist is in play! Michael K. has been dominating with power, and now has the nightmare power. He's definitely a big threat.
Week 2: Evicted: Douglas | Wow! This was a great and intriguing week. Leo becomes the new HOH! He nominates the 2 players in the medical field, Dr. Moreno and Douglas. Dr. Moreno's veto pick Gigi wins, and he is saved! This causes Leo to make a big move by backdooring Brett. This is where the strategy comes into play. Brett makes a 6-person alliance and secures 4 out of their 5 votes to stay. He also gets Bertha's vote, which sends Douglas out and keeps Brett in for a blindside. This was a huge move and this could really change the season! I'm super sad Douglas left so soon though.
Week 3: Evicted: Bertha | Michael is the new HOH, and puts up Alexa and Sonja. When players are picked, Brett activates his power. However, the same 3 houseguests are picked again! This is so funny and the odds of it happening are so low. This is definitely a memorable moment! Sonja saves herself by winning the veto! Michael K puts up Bertha, leaving the final 2 duo on the block. The house almost unanimously decides that Bertha should be evicted. After being eliminated on day 1, Justine returns to the game like nothing happened! I can't wait to see how she plays.
Week 4: Evicted: Leo | Alexa wins the HOH! Her HOH was not the best, as she had to nominate 5 people. She first tries to put up Sonja and Michael K, but Michael activates his power, forcing her to then nominate Gigi and Leo. Gigi picks Sonja to play, and Sonja wins the POV. Alexa puts up Brett. In a tie, she evicts Leo. This was not the best move, because the alliance now has the potential to take the full majority. Good move on Michael's part, he's been a big threat in this pre-jury phase.
Week 5: Evicted: Michael K | Sonja is able to clutch all of the power for the week! This allows her to be able to take a big threat, Michael, out. She puts Alexa up as a pawn and is able to lock the nominations and unanimously send him home. Michael K really had a big impact on the first part of the game. This leaves room for some people to step up and do the same.
Week 6: Evicted: Justine | Sonia wins the HOH, and misses on a move. She nominates the duo of Gigi and Dr. Moreno, and Gigi saves herself. This allows Sonia to potentially nominate someone big, but she nominates Justine and she goes home obviously. This season has such great potential and the fact that an alliance is running it right now annoys me. And now Justine, someone who wasn't a big threat at all, is the first in the jury.
Week 7: Evicted: Michael H. | Another outsider heads to the jury this week, as Brett becomes the new HOH. In the field trip twist, Karl stays safe while Gigi goes on the block. There was no way she would've gone home anyway, and Sonja ends up saving her. This leaves Michael to be the next evicted player. I hope there can be a power shift next week to switch up the season.
Week 8: Evicted: Sonia | Gigi takes all the power for the week, and gets Sonia evicted. This was a predictable week, as Sonia is probably the biggest threat out of the outsiders left. Gigi and Sonja are doing great with comps, but I'd like to see some new things happen. Hopefully, Jessa can win herself a comp since her power wasn't used.
Week 9: Evicted: Jessa | She was one of my favorites going into the season, so I'm really bummed she didn't pull through as an underdog. Brett wins HOH in another predictable scenario. Jessa wins the prankster and puts up her other outsider, Alexa. This is a terrible move. She could've at least tried to put someone in the alliance up. Brett, Gigi, and Sonja are steamrolling through the game right now.
Week 10: Evicted: Brett | Karl wins his first comp with the HOH, and goes after Brett instead of trying to get Alexa out. Sonja wins yet another veto and locks the nominations. The vote ties and Karl gets Brett out. This is definitely a big move for his game and sets himself up nicely for the double eviction.
Week 10 Double Eviction: Evicted: Dr. Moreno | Dr. Moreno is next out the door after Gigi wins the HOH. I was expecting another person in the alliance to go, but the fact that Gigi got Moreno out after being so close to him the whole game was crazy! Sonja wins the veto (again) and Dr. Moreno is blindsided in a 2-1 vote. Sonja has now won 7 vetoes, which is the record for this series! She's not one of my favorites on the cast, but these comp wins are crazy and I have to give her credit! Sonja and Gigi have won every POV this season except for one.
Week 11: Evicted: Mara | This really surprised me! I thought Mara and Karl were a tight duo. I think he really wanted Sonja to leave, but she won her 8th POV and got to the final 4. I'm sad that Mara is out because of her backstory, but all of the final 4 have worked hard to be there. Competitions will probably decide who gets to the end and wins.
Week 12: Evicted: Alexa | Sonja wins her 10th competition, and keeps her closest ally safe. Gigi then wins the veto, and make a fake alliance with Alexa before evicting her. I feel like that was unnecessary, but that's just who Gigi is. I like Karl the most out of this final 3, but Sonja really deserves to win. Alexa was a really cool personality to have on this season and I'm surprised she made it so far.
Final 3: Evicted: Karl | This is no surprise. I knew this final HOH was going to Sonja, and Karl having a fight with her just sealed his fate even more. Sonja also forms a random alliance with Karl before evicting him, which is really not necessary. They just love to manipulate. Sonjia 100% deserves to win this season. She has the most competitions wins out of any houseguest in BBHOT history, even though the game is not all about comps.
Runner-Up: Sonja | I swear this happens every time someone should win over the other. The jury was very bitter and she only received 3 votes. Sonja won almost every veto this season along with Gigi, and I really think she should have won. Gigi did make more moves, though. Her comp win record will take a lot to be beaten! I wasn't expecting that to happen this season!
Winner: Gigi | Gigi was one of my least favorite on the cast. Seeing everyone's backstories compared to her's made me not like her as much and that she didn't deserve to win. She did play this game well, and she really used her manipulation skills to the best. Her and Sonja were one of the strongest duos to play and even though it may have been boring, watching them dominate the season was very cool as well.
Fan Favorite: Mara | Yay! She didn't have a big impact on the game, but her backstory was very wholesome and she really deserves this!
Possible for an all-star or returnee season: Sonja, Karl, Mara, Brett, Jessa, Justine, Alexa
Notable Stats!
Most Wins: Sonja, 11 wins (#1 record)
Most Times Nominated: Alexa, 6 nominations
Most Votes Against: Brett, 13 votes
Times Veto Was Used: 7 times
Final Thoughts: I really loved this cast! I was super excited to see them all play and was hoping someone deserving would win the money. The move that Brett made to save himself during Week 2 was amazing, but that alliance kind of ruined the season. I wanted to see power shifts and big moves, but it was repetitive. There were still some great moments though, like Brett using his power and getting the same 3 players, and Sonja breaking the comps record. It wasn't a bad season, but it could've gone better! I hope to see some of these players back under better scenarios.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7: All-Stars
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10: Newbies vs. Veterans
Season 11
Season 12: Couples
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15: Coaches
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18: Generations
Season 19
Season 20: Strength vs. Skill
Season 21: All-Stars 2
Season 22
Season 23
Season 24 is coming! This will be an all-newbie season! Season 25 will not be all newbies ;)
Leave thoughts and suggestions down below!
~Brought to you by u/PJCGames~
submitted by PJCGames to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

7 Melons Casino 7€ gratis bonus and free spins

7 Melons Casino 7€ gratis bonus and free spins

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7 Melons Casino Overview

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In an attempt to achieve the same love from the players, just like its sister sites, 7 Melons Casino also offers some of the best games to the players. These include games across several gaming platforms. To name a few, these include slot games, video poker games and table games. These have been powered by some of the best gaming software brands like Microgaming and Netent. And to make the gaming experience of the players at this casino site nothing short of perfect it also hosts live games to play with!
The list of perks that you get to enjoy at this casino also includes some amazing chances to win. This casino site has a unique bonus system which adds to their winning offers like its weekly draw, and loyalty programme. So start playing at this casino site to enjoy terrific bonuses and free spins. And if you want to know more, read this 7 Melons casino review below.
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The gaming fun that the players get to enjoy at an online casino site largely depends on its software. Thus it has been powered by some of the best gaming software brands like Netent and Microgaming. These together have not only ensured that the players get a flawless gaming experience with its user friendly graphics and superior quality audiovisual effects. But these have also made its gaming lobby full of the games that can make this casino site easy to fall in love with.


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7 Melons Casino Video Slot Games

Thanks to their popularity, slot games have permanently made their place in the hearts of the players and also in the gaming lobbies of all the reputed online casinos. 7 Melons Casino also acknowledges this and offers high-quality slot games for the players. Its gaming lobby is loaded with slot games that are going to be loved by the players. These include classic slots, 3 reels slots and the latest 5 reels. Some of these include Wild Scarabs and Immortal Slots, Thunderstruck II and Lucha Legends.

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The list of games at 7 Melons Casino is as terrific as its gaming standards. This casino site makes sure that the players never run out of choices when it comes to playing the games it offers. The types of games that you can enjoy at this casino site do not just end with the few games mentioned above. Along with these, you will also find the games like video poker, scratch cards and keno in its gaming lobby. These make sure there is no place for monotony once you start playing here.
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7 Melons Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Weekly Draw

You can be sure that 7 Melons casino is never going to shy away when it comes to rewarding its players. It ensures this by giving the players a chance to enjoy huge free spins every week its weekly draw promotion. The best part is that it does not make playing online each week more fun for the players but also gives them a chance to grab free spins offers. So get ready to enjoy these and spin the reels slot games for free. Don’t forget to log in to your account and play online for real to relish this free treat!

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Join Star Casino Italia and receive 100 free spins without deposit! This exclusive promotion is combined with a massive first deposit bonus of 100% up to 1.000 EUR! Play now and win jackpots!!!
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Star Casino Review

Star Casino is an online casino website based in Italy. Ever since it was founded in 2012, the casino has gathered several noteworthy accolades. The casino is operated by Betsson Group, a Maltese company and subsidiary of Betsson AB. This company has been in the gambling business since the 1960s and has earned an excellent reputation since then.
Back in 2010, online gambling was legalized in Italy and as a result, many foreign and domestic companies could release their online casinos to the general public. All they had to do is gain a license from the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies, or AAMS (from Italian) for short, which sets the standards and regulations for games of chance and skill, casino games, sports, and horse race betting. Star Casino is indeed licensed by this government institution.
Star Casino has all the right stuff going for it and in 2012 it was named Casino Operator of the Year at the eGaming Review (EGR) Awards in London. The games are provided by NetEnt, which means that StarCasino hosts some of the best slot games out there, as well as live and virtual game tables. Games diversity is excellent and there is something for everyone here. Their customer support is also impeccable and considering that they won the Best Customer Services Operator at EGR Awards in 2012, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

Star Casino Software Providers

Star Casino has teamed up with NetEnt for the supply of their games and software. Having its humble beginnings in the distant 1996, NetEnt has gained critical acclaim and proven itself to be a reliable and trustworthy software provider. Nowadays NetEnt is one of the biggest and most recognizable brands in the online casino industry and it services a staggering number of reputable online casinos. Some of the most popular online casino games in the world such as Starburst, South Park, and Mega Fortune were developed by NetEnt.
Following NetEnt’s standards, the games hosted on Star Casino simply ooze quality. All games are Instant Play and do not require any additional software to be run. They feature top-notch graphics and audio while providing a fun and exciting gameplay experience. The variety of games is nothing to scoff at either. With over 200 unique titles, Star Casino boasts an exceptional selection. The randomness of the games is tested by a third-party company so that the results are guaranteed to be genuine and untampered.
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Play Star Casino Games

Available Games

Star Casino has a wide array of games available on offer. The selection of games is enough to satisfy even the most demanding of gamblers. Here you will find all the classics, along with many different newer styles. Star Casino constantly improves its game selection by adding new titles while keeping in line with its current standards of quality. To ensure transparency and honesty, StarCasino has posted the player return percentage of each game on their platform. This is a gesture of good faith that not all casinos are prepared to make and it deserves to be recognized.


The majority of StarCasino’s gaming portfolio consists of slots and the casino has nearly 200 of them on offer. A player may go on for days and weeks before they can experience every single game in this section. As with most NetEnt games, the graphics are beautiful and clear, while the music is immersive and engaging from the beginning.
Veteran slot fans can immediately play their favorite Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, Twin Spin, Wild Wild West, and much more. Additionally, you will also find slots themed with various popular culture intellectual properties such as Guns n’ Roses, Batman, and The Flash, among others. The games impress not only with their visual and audio quality but with a number of great features as well, including profitable symbols like wilds and scatter, and free spins rounds.


Blackjack players will be delighted to know that the casino hosts several blackjack games. The blackjack selection is not as extensive as what some other casinos have to offer, but the games stand out with top quality. You can expect to find Single Deck Blackjack, BJ Double Exposure, Pontoon, Ventuno, and Blackjack Champion.
The games are exceptionally authentic, so players will never again think of visiting a land-based casino in order to enjoy their favorite game of twenty-one. Additionally, you can engage in Live Blackjack games that are hosted by professional croupiers with years of experience behind their back.


The casino has provided some excellent poker games to its loyal clientele. Players who are new to poker and therefore, lack the required experience and skill, can try out some of the available video poker variations including staples such as Jacks or Better Double Up, Joker Wild Double Up, All American Double Up, and Deuces Wild Double Up.
More skilled players are given the option to dive in StarCasino’s fantastic selection of table poker games, which consists of Texas Hold’em, Oasis Poker, Casino Hold’em, Caribbean Poker, Ultimate, and Texas Hold’em, among others. When playing in the Live Casino, you can dabble in Live Poker and test your skills against the friendly and seasoned dealers as the games are streamed in real-time.


Seeing the roulette wheel spin is a thrill anyone can enjoy. At StarCasino, you can have your pick from a large variety of live and virtual Roulette titles, each one impressing with authenticity, flexible bet limits, and seamless gameplay.
The selection includes many different styles of roulette, including traditional options such as French Roulette, Classic Roulette, and European Roulette, which are preferred due to their lower house advantage. Also, there are some more extravagant types like Golden Ball, Lucky Lady Roulette, Sizzling Hot Roulette, Dolphin Pearl Roulette, and more.


A player wishing to get rich quick can try their shot at winning a huge jackpot at Star Casino. These games offer a very large payout potential and guaranteed fun while playing them. Star Casino currently offers four different Jackpot games, which are Divine Fortune, Chili Gold 2, Cosmic Fortune, and Caribbean Stud Poker. NetEnt jackpot classics such as Arabian Nights or Mega Fortune are not available at this casino at the moment, but surely more progressive titles will be added to the portfolio in the future.

Live Casino

If you wish to have the experience of playing at a brick-and-mortar casino without leaving the comfort of your surroundings, you can opt to play at StarCasino’s Live Casino. There you will be served by professional dealers, who aim to offer a top-quality service to all players. These croupiers speak fluent Italian and will help you with any and all questions you may have. The Live Casino hosts a wide array of games including different variants of Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat as well as several variations of Poker.
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Supported Devices

In order to play at StarCasino, all you need to have is a stable Internet connection and an Internet browser. All games are run using Adobe Flash Player, so make sure that you have downloaded it from the Adobe website or that it is embedded in your browser. Luckily, all modern commercial browsers, such as Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox, come with a pre-installed Flash Player so you need not worry about anything when playing.
If you do not wish to be tied down to your computer or laptop, or if you are on the go but still want to play, you can do so on your smart device. The site supports a mobile version for smartphones and tablets, running on iOS and Android. Games are adapted for mobile use and are optimized to fit the smaller display, while still retaining their usability and rendering information just as well as on your desktop computer. What you have to also keep in mind is that some games may not run on your mobile device. There is no official post listing the unsupported games so you would have to find that out on your own.
At the present moment, StarCasino does not offer a native downloadable app for smartphones or tablets when other similar websites go out of their way to provide one to their player base. However, StarCasino is more than likely to change this omission in the near future.
The experience of playing on a mobile browser may prove to be sub-par compared to that on a dedicated app or on a desktop computer. Different smartphones perform differently and some players may not have any issues, while for others, it may be unplayable. It is recommended that you play on a newer device as those have way fewer problems in terms of performance and stability.

Bonuses and Promotions

Star Casino offers enticing bonuses and promotions for new and returning players. The Casino offers a no deposit bonus of €10. The Welcome Bonus rewards you with 200% of your deposit up to €100. Your second deposit will get you a 200% bonus up to €200. When depositing for the third time you will receive a bonus of 200% of your deposit up to €300, while the limit of your fourth deposit goes up to €400. The site does not mention the wagering limit on these bonuses, so it is better to turn to customer service to make sure what their terms are.
The casino offers a loyalty point system for long-time players. Every €5 played on slot machines, or €10 wagered on video poker and table games, will earn you points which you can later redeem for cash. The minimum you can convert is 100 points, which equals €1. Any money gained via this loyalty point system must only be wagered one time so that you may keep your winnings from it.
Star Casino also offers weekly or monthly bonuses for a limited time, where you have a chance to gain a cash bonus, free spins or if luck was not on your side you may recover a portion of your money. These offers are diverse and fun, so each time you will have a different experience. They also change on a regular basis so check the Promotions page to see what is currently available.
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Star Casino Payment Methods

Star Casino supports the most commonly found payment methods. Supported credit or debit cards are Visa, MasterCard, Postepay, and Maestro. Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal are the alternatives when it comes o e-Wallets. There is also the option to deposit via a Recharge Voucher. The minimum deposit one can make is €10 across the board, with a maximum deposit of €2,000 at a time for bank cards and PayPal and a maximum of € 45,000 for Neteller and Skrill. Transactions take place instantly and you can gamble away as you please. The casino does not charge any commissions for the deposits, although the payment service may inflict their own fees.
Withdrawing your winnings is just as easy as making a deposit. You can order a payout via your bank card if you have a Visa, Maestro, or American Express. You also are eligible to use Skrill, PayPal, or Neteller if you have an account with them, or alternatively, order a withdrawal via Bank Transfer.
The transactions take between 2-3 business days, which compared to other casinos is much faster, with the exception of the Bank Transfer method, where it will take anywhere between 6 and 9 business days, at which you may even forget that you even ordered a cashout. You are required to withdraw using the same method that you deposited with. The casino works only with EUR and if you deposit in any other currency, the casino will convert it to EUR at the current exchange rates.

All Accepted Methods

Customer Support

As mentioned above, StarCasino received the Best Services Operator award in 2012 at the EGR in London. They have supplied multiple methods of communication should you wish to contact them with a problem or a question. The most convenient way would be to call them at over the telephone. Another way to get in touch is via email, at [email protected]. The third option is to use the live chat system on their website. All operators speak excellent Italian and will be able to assist you with any and all problems. Customer Service is available to players seven days a week.
Customer Service and the website itself are available only in Italian. You have to keep that in mind if you are an international player and wish to make use of the casino’s services.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

Star Casino is one of the most respected casinos on the Italian gambling market. It holds a license issued by the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies (AAMS from Italian), which regulates and sets the standards for casinos operating in the jurisdiction of the Italian Republic. Additionally, their random number generation systems are tested regularly by TST, a reputable firm known for guaranteeing the randomness of online casino games. With all this in place, players can rest assured knowing that their results are truly random and are not tampered with.
Star Casino is primarily directed at the Italian market and is not intended for international users. Despite this, players from foreign countries may attempt to register on the website. On the registration page, you will be asked to supply proof of identification and enter some personal information. This is a standard requirement for every well-established online casino with an AAMS license. If you manage to register you have to keep in mind that the website and the support service provided by its agents are exclusively in Italian, so if you do not speak the language, you will have a hard time here.
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StarCasino Italia 100 free spins gratis di Bonus

StarCasino Italia 100 free spins gratis di Bonus

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Join StarCasino and get a 100 free spins no deposit bonus! Also, get a 1.000 EUR gratis bonus after deposit. This promotion is available for all players from Italy! Good luck!
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StarCasino Review

StarCasino serves up a great casino experience, exclusively available to punters who reside in Italy. In fact, this casino claims to be one of the most popular online casinos in Italy thanks to its selection of Net Entertainment games and great reputation in the betting business as part of the prestigious Betsson-BML Group.
Of course, the casino is only available in the Italian language. Now, this won't be a problem if you are an Italian native, but it will pose a problem to players in Italy who perhaps aren't fluent in the native tongue. Foreign ex-pats for example may have difficulties when it comes to those all-important terms and conditions. But hey, what better way to brush up on your foreign language skills than to bet in a different language?

An Italian casino courtesy of a Swedish betting giant

Despite all of its Italian exterior, this casino is actually part of a bigger European-based betting corporation. Specifically, it is owned and managed by the Betsson-BML company which is based in Malta but has an illustrious history in the betting trade since it was established in 1963 in Sweden. As such, players of Star Casino can be guaranteed a thoroughly professional online gambling product – one which comes with an excellent reputation thanks to more than half a century in the business.
One of the benefits of this casino being part of an international company is that all of the necessary channels of support will be in place, giving players everything they need to bet safely and securely. There is an extensive range of information available on the website's FAQ pages and there is also a live chat service with multi-lingual support agents. The only downside is that this service is only available from 11am to 10pm.
The casino's customer support services must be doing something right, however, given that they won the award for Best Customer Services Operator at the EGR Awards in 2012. If that doesn't reassure you that this casino will do its utmost to look after you, then nothing will.
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Not a lot of slots

But what about the slot machines? After all, that's the main reason you're here, isn't it? Well, unfortunately, StarCasino offers up quite a disappointing range of slot machine games to its players. Don't get us wrong, because these slot machines are provided by Net Entertainment, so they are bound to be full to the brim with exciting gameplay, stunning graphics and some rewarding payouts. The problem is that there just isn't really a lot of them.
The website claims that there are actually 54 slot machines available to choose from, which really is quite a dismal effort when compared to other online casinos out there. Nonetheless, there are some big titles on offer such as the universally entertaining Starburst slot machine as well as some other popular titles like Gonzo's Quest, Dazzle Me and King of Slots.
The picks of the limited bunch are the TV & Film themed slot machines. These blockbuster games take on well-known titles from popular culture, bringing thrills, laughs and shocks to the 5 reels of the slot machine game. These titles include the terrifyingly exciting Aliens and the slick Scarface slot. Punters can even head to South Park for a few hilarious spins around the town with Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny.
If its novelty themed 5-reel video slots that you are after, then you will find a decent enough range at this casino with pretty much all the bases covered – there are historical sagas such as Excalibur, exotic wonders such as Go Bananas and some magical moments in Wish Master. Players can even relive the good old days with nostalgic themes such as The Groovy Sixties, The Funky Seventies and The Super Eighties. Unfortunately, all is quiet on the 3-reel slot machine front, but there are plenty of minimal 5-reel retro slots such as Stickers, Twin Spin and Fruit Shop.
Jackpot junkies might also be unimpressed by the range of progressive jackpot slots on offer. That is because there are only two options – Geisha Wonders and Cosmic Fortunes – which is quite a meagre selection when you consider that there are loads more NetEnt progressive jackpots out there on the market.
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This is where Star sparkles…

There is actually quite a thorough selection of other games at StarCasino, which does make up for the lacklustre range of slot machines. There are many roulette tables with American, European and French varieties as well as different blackjack games such as Double Exposure, Single Deck and Pontoon. There are plenty more games to give casino connoisseurs something to get excited about, not to mention an extensive range of live games with Italian speaking croupiers.

Licensed by AAMS

Being an Italy only casino website, StarCasino has acquired its license from the Italian regulatory body AAMS. This basically means that all of the games on offer are not only fun to play, but also fair. With this in mind, you have every chance of turning your well-earned money into some bountiful profits.

Straightforward banking at StarCasino

Before you dream of big jackpots, you will have to get some money into your account. Luckily, doing this is relatively straightforward thanks to the numerous convenient payment methods on offer at the website.
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A welcome that keeps on giving

Everyone one loves a big old bonus. Well, Star Casino offers its new customers exactly that with a welcome promotion package which could give them up to €1,000 extra in bonus funds. The sign up promo works over the player's first four deposits. We've broken it down for you so it is easier to understand:
  • A new player will get a 300% bonus on their first deposit up to €150
  • They will then get a 50% bonus on their second deposit up to €200
  • Then they will get a 50% bonus on their third deposit up to €300
  • Finally, the player will get a 100% bonus on their fourth deposit up to €350.
This means that you will have to deposit a total of €1,400 to receive the full €1,000 worth of bonus money. Which is not a bad bonus for your buck.
There are of course some pesky terms and conditions to keep in mind. Most notably, the bonus must be played through at least 35 times within 30 days in order to withdraw any winnings. You didn't think they would just give money away, did you?
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The casino that fits into your pocket

Star Casino is available to play on mobile devices such as Android, iOS and Windows powered smartphones and tablets. This gives punters every opportunity to make the most of this Italian facing casino website as they will be able to play many of the same great slot machines that are available on the normal website while they are out and about. Just bear in mind that you won't be able to access the mobile service if you happen to stray beyond the Italian border.

A stellar performance?

Star Casino gives Italian bettors a chance to gamble in a completely legitimate and secure online environment thanks to its specially tailored licensing and dedicated customer support channels. That said, the casino does fall short when it comes to the entertainment factor with its unsatisfying collection of slot machines from Net Entertainment.
It's all good and well relying on the services of just one software provider – like Star Casino has – but there really needs to be an absolutely mind-blowing range of game variety. Sadly, this casino just doesn't deliver that to its Italian clientele.
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I transport souls to the afterlife and my brother just got into my taxi. [Part 2]

Part 1
My brother just got into the back of my cab, I have to drive him to the afterlife.
“Vince,’re dead.” my voice quivering as the words escaped my lips, my older brother was my hero, he taught me how to ride a bike, he traded me a Kadabra so I could evolve it to an Alakazam and when Brad Billings broke my nose he beat him so badly Brad never even looked in my direction again. But now he was sitting in the back of my taxi on his way to the Great Divide where his fate would be sealed.
Paradise or Damnation.
It took Vince a few moments to notice who was speaking to him but he eventually got on the right page and slowly lifted his head to look at me. He looked dead like I know he was dead but he looked like someone that hadn’t been sleeping much when they walked with the living. His eyes were bloodshot and looked like they belonged on a panda, his lips were dry and cracked, his hair was a mess his usually immaculate braids had become flayed and hair jutted out in irregular places, he also had a messy, unkempt beard a look which didn’t suit his usually clean-shaven complexion done so to highlight his chiselled jawline. He grinned at me with the same grin a father would make to their child to assure them everything would be okay even when it was obvious it wouldn’t be.
“Oh, Freddie. What’s up bud?”
“Wait a second, Freddie? I’m pretty sure I was shot and I died. But if you are here it must mean that you...oh God how is Momma gonna cope.”
I could see his train of thought, if you were sure you were dead you would be just as sure that anyone you meet would have suffered a similar fate but that wasn’t the case with Styx Taxis drivers, we were alive but our life consisted of little else more than helping those crossover.
“I know what you're thinking, Vince but I’m not dead...sadly you are. What the hell man, how the hell did you get shot? And be honest with me, please”
He threw his head back against the headrest and exhaled loudly before leaning forward and rubbing his face with his hands, he attempted to speak a few times but the words kept escaping him, how do you tell your little brother you got shot?
“Look, man, you need to tell me what happened because we are going to the afterlife and you need to plead your case for why you shouldn’t be sent to Damnation if you don’t the decision will be made for you and you don’t want that” I pleaded with him, hoping I could break through his well-known stubbornness.
“I’m your brother, so as far as I see it you were blessed to get me as your driver because a lot of others would just let you sit in silence and perish. Speak to me man, you have to. For Momma and Pops”
“For me.”
He silently nodded to me while biting his lower lip and holding back tears.
“I got caught up in some bad shit, Freddie. I met a dude at a casino in Newark who said he could get me into some higher stakes games, some Italian ran games. Mob shit.” he explained wiping his eyes before continuing on.
“I had some strong games with these guys, I won some good money so it became a habit. It made me want to keep coming back because my luck wouldn’t run out, eh.”
“Famous fucking last words. One bad day is all it takes and I had a really bad day, I lost it all and then some. Took some loans I knew I couldn’t pay back but I foolishly thought I would win it all back that night” as he spoke the tears couldn’t stay in any longer and he erupted, it killed me to see him like this I’ve barely seen Vince cry since we were kids, he was always so down to earth and level-headed but right now he was a mess and I couldn’t help in any way, a partition kept us apart and I absolutely couldn’t stop the car and get in the back lest I banish us both. All I could do was tell him where the tissues were in the car, he grabbed a handful and continued on.
“I was in deep shit, Freddie and I owed a lot of money to some extremely dangerous people. So I ran, I fled to Baltimore to stay with my old friend Omar. He kept me safe for a while but eventually, they found me and I was handed my ultimatum.”
“Pay the debt or pay in blood...unless?”
I didn’t expect the ‘unless’ I had written my brother’s story off as addiction taking another life, I was convinced he would end the story being shot in Baltimore and as weird as it sounds we would have been in a good place with that outcome. He would have a good chance of entering Paradise if it ended this way and he had no major transgressions, an addiction is an illness it does not make you a bad person and it sure as hell doesn’t stop you from reaching Paradise.
That wasn’t the end of Vince’s story though.
“Unless?” I responded
“Unless I would do something for them, one favour and the debt would be wiped clean. A clean slate, a second chance” Vince responded. “What did they want you to do, Vince?”
“They wanted me to kill a dealer in Bed-Stuy. Supposedly, he was causing them a lot of issues and they needed him gone asap.”
My heart dropped into my stomach when he said this, my brother wasn’t a killer. Vince was a hero, he was my hero. He gave some of his own blood to help a classmate in High School for Christ sake he wouldn’t do this...would he?
“So what happened? You refused and they shot you? That’s okay, Vince you did the righ-”
“I SHOT HIM, FREDDIE. I FUCKING SHOT HIM.” Vince screamed tears flowing from his eyes as he clenched his fist and bit his knuckle to try and control himself.
He killed him. I wanted to throw up.
“I waited for him outside his apartment with Omar and when he walked into a 7/11 I followed him in and shot him three times….I’m so fucking sorry, Freddie. I didn’t have a choice.” this statement was followed by the lying whistle, the whistle seemed to get Vince’s attention but I didn’t bother to bring him up to speed on what it was.
“We always have a choice, Vince. You could have gone to someone for help.” I said while gripping my steering wheel tightly and focusing my eyes forward. I loved my brother but hearing all this was like living a nightmare.
“Nobody can help you with these people, Freddie. They always get what they want, they always find you,” he replied before putting his hands over his face, muffling his heavy sobs.
“So if the Mob didn’t kill you, who did?” I asked.
“His gang, whoever they were. They wanted revenge and they knew they couldn’t get it on the Mob so they got it on me. They walked right up to me as I left a Starbucks and shot me point-blank in the face.” he replied to me while wiping his eyes in circular motions with both hands balled in fists.
“I got what I deserved.”
It was hard to argue there, an eye for an eye but this was my brother. I couldn’t let the fate I knew was awaiting him to become his eternal fate.
“Vince, I need to know have you ever done anything like this before? Have you ever hurt someone seriously or fucking stole an old woman’s purse or some shit?” I asked with a tone cocktail, two parts judgement and three parts anger.
“No, never. Nothing like this man you know I wouldn’t” he immediately responded, his response immediately followed by a whistle.
“You’re lying, man, you done something and you need to tell me,” I replied.
“I haven’t, bro, I’m not lying” Vince replied even quicker than last time but like last time his response was followed by a whistle.
“The car says you are lying and the car doesn’t get these things wrong. You’ve done something man and you need to remember it and fucking tell me or you are fucked and I can’t have that.” I said hoping to convince him to be completely honest. Vince went silent for a little before exhaling loudly.
“Okay, something did happen when I went to UCONN for my scholarship. After our first year had finished up and the season was over we went out for some drinks to celebrate. A bunch of fucking young college football players on a night out blowing off steam it was never going to end well,” he said.
“One of the guys ended up flirting with some girl at an after-party and her boyfriend didn’t like that. A fight broke out and...I just hit a dude...I only hit him once but he went down and hit his head badly.” Vince said once again throwing his head back and exhaling.
“He was in a coma for a week.”
“Jesus Christ, Vince” I replied shocked that this was the first I had heard of this.
“He got better and he had no long term issues from it. Nobody at the party knew us and I was never reprimanded for it. I just continued on with life.” Vince explained with no whistles following.
“Is that all? Like is there anything else as serious as this stuff?” I asked hoping his next reply would be a truthful one.
“No, that’s it. Like I sold some weed but who hasn’t?” he replied, followed by silence.
“Okay, good. Then I know what needs to be done.” I replied.
“What?” inquired Vince.
“I need to call The Heelkick Lad,” I said before telling my headset to initiate the call.
“Who is The Heelkick Lad?” bewilderedly replied Vince
“He’s an Old One, one of the beings who existed before time itself. He’s the person who runs this whole operation” I explained before continuing.
“Nobody knows his real name, it probably isn’t even pronounceable but he takes many forms and many aliases, he introduced himself to me as Sidney. He gained the name ‘The Heelkick Lad’ due to his habit of kicking his heels together as he leaves, he prefers that name probably due to the mysterious nature of it and his penchant for the dramatic. Knowing him he probably made the name up himself thinking it was cool.” as I finished speaking he picked up his phone.
“Hello, Sidney?” I said.
“I know you prefer it but you shouldn’t have introduced yourself to me as Sidney then.”
“Okay, Heelkick Lad, sorry. Look, I need your help. I have a passenger here and I think they are going down.”
“Yep” “I know that’s the only way. I’ll do it don’t worry, send the confirmation on.”
“Okay, thank you...huh? I don’t have to say the rhyme do I...okay fine”
“I had an issue and it made me sad but now I’ve been saved by The Heelkick Lad. Oh, I’m glad, oh yes I’m glad for the infinite wisdom of The Heelkick Lad’
The call finished with that ridiculous chant and the deal was done, reaching out to The Heelkick Lad was not to be done regularly but this was not a regular occasion, I did what needed to be done for my brother. He had saved me so many times throughout my life and no matter what he had my back, so no matter what I would have his.
A minute passed before an all-black card printed out of the ticket machine in my cab.
“It’s done, you are going to be okay, Vince,” I said as I pulled the card out of the machine and placed it in my right-side jacket pocket.
“What’s done, Freddie? What did you do?” he replied.
“It doesn’t matter, I just called in a small favour it’s nothing to worry about but you’ll be fine and that is all that matters,” I informed him
Vince seemed sceptical of my non-answer but he must have sensed that I didn’t want to continue speaking about it because he didn’t question me further. We sat in silence for a few more minutes, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the air conditioner until Vince asked me a question I was surprised he hadn’t already asked.
“Yeah, man” I replied.
“How did you end up doing this? Like I knew you drove taxis but not taxis to the afterlife,” he asked, I took some time to compose myself and find the right words before replying.
“Do you remember when you got accepted to your scholarship and we went out and got fucked up to celebrate? I thought I would be fine to drive and then flipped my car with us both in it.” I said my eyes fully focused on the road ahead.
“Well, we were fucked, dude. I was thrown in a cell and some cops even mentioned jail time, now that may have been a scare tactic but they had me caught red-handed so I really thought I’d do time and were in a really bad way dude, the doctors didn’t know if you’d make it”
“Dude, I was fine. Sure I was unconscious for a good bit but when I woke up I was all good.” Vince interjected.
“No, you remember being fine but you weren’t. The deal fixed you.” I replied “Deal? What deal?” Vince asked.
“I was sat in a cell for hours with no contact from anyone until I was ushered into an interrogation room to meet my lawyer, except I didn’t have one, I knew that” I explained.
“I sat in that room for around five minutes until he entered, he was completely unassuming at first he couldn’t have been any more than 5 foot 5 but he had the handshake of a 7 footer. He wore an impeccable ivory coloured suit, had deep green eyes, impeccable tawny skin and jet black hair. He introduced himself as Sidney Savage but I would later come to know him by another name”
“The Heelkick Lad.”
I took some time to compose myself, collect my thoughts and continue on with the story knowing we weren’t too far from The Great Divide.
“He told me he could get me out of my ‘little problem’ and he promised me he could help you get better immediately. He was silver-tongued and had the uncanny ability to make you believe in every word he said and to trust him. He said he could fix everything once I agreed to pay him back one day, not with money but with a favour. I didn’t even care about what I was agreeing to at that moment, I immediately signed the contract and sealed my fate.”
“I was desperate and that’s his trick, he always shows himself to those in their most desperate moments with so much to lose. He offers them salvation”
“Once the deal was done he left and not an hour later I was released. I was sure Pops was going to whoop my ass when he came to get me but all he did was hug me tight and thank God that I was okay. The next day came and we got the call that you were awake. When I got to the hospital I couldn’t believe how healthy you looked, if I didn’t know any better I’d have thought you fell off a bicycle and not that you had been involved in a horrible car accident.” I explained further before looking in my reverse mirror to see my brother transfixed on the car’s carpet flooring a look of complete shock painted across his face.
“Over the next few months, I thought about Sidney a lot. I was sure he would randomly appear and ask me to rob a bank or murder someone for him but he never showed and soon enough life got back to normal. You went off to college and I started my final year of High School. The years passed by and I completely forgot about him until one fateful day I picked a man up from Wall Street. I initially didn’t notice him, he looked completely different, his face had changed somewhat, he seemed bigger and he had blonde hair but once he began to talk I knew it was him. He had come to collect.”
Vince lifted his head, leaned forward towards the partition to hear the story better or I guess to let me know he was fully focused on what I was saying.
“This was the payment, I would drive this cab for eternity bringing souls to the afterlife to be judged while never being able to be judged myself. This is my fate and I’m okay with it.”
“Wait, so you can never go to the afterlife? What happens if you die?” Vince asked.
“If I die then I die, I’ll still drive the cab I’ll just be a dead guy driving instead of an alive guy,” I replied.
“Styx Taxis drivers can make it to the afterlife but not often. Sometimes there are openings in Paradise and a driver can be picked to ascend, we have a whole points system based on performance and efficiency, if you are top of the leaderboard when a place opens up you will be freed and allowed into Paradise. I’m currently second just behind Grigor, the crafty bastard.” as I finished the story we pulled up to the gates to The Great Divide. I took the black card out of my pocket, put down the window and handed it over to Reginald the Gatekeeper. He looked shocked upon receiving the card, he wouldn’t see them very often.
“Are you sure about this, Fred?” Reginald asked.
“I am, it has to be done” I replied. “You’re a good man, Fredrick Jackson,” Reginald said while smiling, he punched a hole in the black card and handed it back to me along with a similar grey card.
“I don’t know about that, Reg but I try,” I said before driving forward into The Great Divide, I got halfway towards the fork in the road before taking a sharp left through the Mariana Forest and out the other side to the large, grey tram to Nocturland. I stopped the car and got out before opening my brother’s door and letting him out. “Okay, this is it. That tram will take you to Nocturland, it’s like purgatory but with coffee shops.” I explained to him while handing him the grey ticket.
“If they question you about being on the tram just hand them that ticket and you’ll be fine. I know it isn’t Paradise but at least you can work towards getting there eventually”
Vince didn’t say anything, he just looked down at the grey ticket in his hand before lifting his head with tears in his eyes and lunging forward towards me throwing both of his arms around me and squeezing me tight. Tears flowed down my face as I held my brother in my arms for the last time. My older brother, my hero.
“I love you, Freddie, more than words can ever say,” he said to me before letting go. “I love you too, bro. Always” I replied while wiping the tears from my face with my sleeve leaving visible wet marks on the brown suede. “Now go on, get out of here.”
Vince hopped on the tram saluting me as the doors slid shut and I drove back through the Mariana Forest and out of The Great Divide. I just had one more thing to do. I drove back to The Depot and walked in through the sliding doors at the front. I thankfully noticed that Mr.Anyew was still here and he was behind the front desk, I walked up to him, exchanged pleasantries then handed him the black card. He looked at it with surprise and shook his head.
“Why did you go and do this for, Freddie?” he asked
“It had to be done, boss” I replied, he nodded at me in response, turned to face the leaderboard and pushed the card into one of the four slots at the bottom, once it was read by the leaderboard my name lit up and my points tally began to drop.
All the way to zero.
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Definition of casino in the dictionary. Meaning of casino. What does casino mean? Information and translations of casino in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Up to 300 Wager-Free Cash What Does Casino In Italian Mean Spins + Up to 2,500 Vollar & 1,000 Crystals to use in Volt City. 18+, New Players Only. Minimum deposit is €/£20. Free spins available on Starburst Slot only. or every €/£10 deposited on the first deposit players will be granted 10 Cash What Does Casino In Italian Mean Spins worth What Does Casino In Italian Mean €/£0.10 each ... What Does Casino In Italian Mean, lirik lagu soad roulette, clams casino instrumentals 2 vinyl, nba gambling partnership. August 18, 2019. Lucky Creek Casino - Welcome Bonus 31 views * T&C. Percentage. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. What does casino meanCasino synonyms, casino pronunciation, casino translation, English dictionary definition of casino. what does casino mean. Saltar al contenido. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window. Online roulette casino 607 643 212. Visibiliza y apoya las causas que más te importan. In Italian, we say casino, which is pronounced as z. Here are some examples: Ho fatto un casino = I made a mess. Or. Non fare casini = don’t make a mess. K: Sometimes you’ll hear it in the singular “casino”, or the plural “casini”, like the guy in the bar. So what’s the relationship to the English “casino”, where people play blackjack? English words for casino include mess, brothel, shooting lodge, affair, event, shindy and case. Find more Italian words at! English translation of 'casino'. [kaˈsino] masculine noun. 1. (informal) (bordello) brothel. 2. (figurative) (informal) (rumore) row ⧫ racket. (disordine) mess. (guaio) trouble. ha fatto un casino he made an awful row; he messed everything up. Posted by Serena on Dec 5, 2011 in Culture, Italian Language. 1. casino (con l’accento sulla ‘o’), luogo dove si gioca d’azzardo. 1. casino (with the accent on the ‘o’), a place where one gambles. 2. casino (con l’accento sulla ‘i’), bordello. 2. casino (with the accent on the ‘i’ ), brothel. casino translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'casinò',Caino',casalingo',caso', examples, definition, conjugation Spanish and Italian form of a Visigothic Germanic name, probably meaning "noble and ready", from the element adal "noble" combined with funs "ready". Other theories claim the first element is hadu or hild (see ILDEFONSO), both of which mean "battle". It is possible that two or more names merged into a single form.

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What's the Secret Meaning of Your Name? - YouTube

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what does casino in italian mean

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