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[Table] IAMA Causasion American who spent the first 17 years of his life growing up in China AMA.

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Date: 2013-01-17
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Questions Answers
What is something you miss about China? I miss the culture: miss speaking Chinese, miss eating Chinese food, miss the awesome holidays, miss the people.
Do you have the 'Chinese hair style?' Nope :)
What is something you enjoy about the US? I like the freedoms everyone can have in America. AKA, driving, Speech, religion,etc.
Will you be staying in the US forever and ever? Proabably not. I love traveling and if a good job opportunity arises for me outside of the US I would take it.
What is something you hate about the US? When I was little I used to think everyone in the US was fat lazy and stupid. After spending some time here I realized that's definitely not the case :P There's lots of intelligent people here, though I will say Chinese people are generally harder workers and skinnier. lol.
Why is driving better in the US? Because people as a whole have been driving in the US for a much longer time in China. In the 80's and early 90's private ownership of a vehicle was unheard of. Since then economic boom and rise of a middle class so many more people have cars... but they dont have a mom/dad that drove, and taught them to drive. They do have to get a license first, but imagine if all you did was get your license and then started driving. AND all the other drivers are in the same situation. It'd be nuts!
What were the main things you missed about China? Who would you consider to be friendlier in general, Chinese or American? I live in the south so people are really outwardly friendly here, though a lot of times they dont really mean it. ("How are you?" "Oh I'm great thanks!") 99% of the time when people say fluff like that they dont mean it. In China people wouldn't say hello to other Chinese randomly on the street just because they are walking by each other, like we do in the South. However, people were extremely friendly to me, because they meant it. They really did want to talk to me "practice their english." Etc. So I'd say the Chinese are more genuine in their friendships, while Americans are more friendly on the outside (though not necessarily meaning what they say). I guess this is in regards to strangers. Once you are friends with Chinese or Americans I'd say they're equally friendly.
EDIT: so apparently some people think that I said I live in South China, and I think it's because of this comment. I currently live in the southern region of the united states. I never lived in south China. Sorry for the confusion, but check context next time :)
Come visit NY pal. I've been to NYC. It was pretty crazy. Loved the city. not sure if I could live there though. I'd have to get out of the city twice a month and chill in the wilderness somewhere.
When I was in high school (upstate NY USA), there was a girl that had moved from China (I think mainland but possibly Taiwan). All of us guys were just enamored with her. It wasn't the way she looked (we had plenty of Asian-American girls), it was just that she seemed so exotic. She was fairly prudish but, if she had wanted, she could have dated 99% the boys in the school. My theory is that the opposite is true. As a Caucasion in China, did you get laid whenever you wanted or was there some cultural barrier regarding promiscuity? There's definitely a cultural barrier against promiscuity. The Chinese culture is much more conservative compared to America's. Also there's a lot less opportunity. AKA there's always someone in your house while you're in high school (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa). For students in college, it's more acceptable, though still nothing like it is here. However, I know I was very attractive to Chinese girls in general. I'm tall, American, have blonde(ish) hair, can speak Chinese. Chinese girls were giggling around me all the time, asked to take pictures with me, etc. I never was really attracted to Chinese girls in China. I just don't find them as attractive as other types of girls. However, once I got to America I have seen some extremely attractive Asian girls. Thus I have concluded that attitude and clothes make a huge difference on whether asian girls are attractive.
At what age did you realize you were different than other kids? Did the other kids treat you differently? People definitely treated me differently. When I was real young (1-5) my mom would ride this tricycle-bike (have no idea what the name for it is) with a mini truck bed in the back to the market to buy groceries. She would belt-in me and my brothers so we wouldnt fall out. All the people at the market would come out and want to touch my hair (I was really blonde) and hold me. Many of them had never seen foreigners before us and were enamored with us.
Damn, when I was 1-5 people would never want to be around me, or would ask if I had a dad(I'm black). I never win. I had a black friend in high school and people were so interesting in his skin/hair. He would tolerate it sometimes (aka if they were cute girls), but not most of the time.
Do you fool chinese people living here when they speak in mandarin (or what ever dialect you speak) and you speak back to them? Oh yeah, it's one of my favorite things to do. The look on their face when they see me speaking Mandarin. When I'm in that situation I always think "How am I going to blow this person's mind?" haha.
As a Chinese living in Canada, whenever I visit family in China, I love jumping in on tourists' English conversations without an accent :) They never see it coming! Sneak attack!
What is your best story where you blew their mind? There's not one story that stands out, but it's so good everytime. If it's a woman who said something, and I respond they get super embarrassed, cover their face with their hand and apologize. Sometimes even after I respond in competent Chinese their response is "Wa! (Chinese exclamatory sound) ni hui shuo zhong wen?" (Can you speak Chinese?) to which I respond with "Wo bu hui shuo zhong wen, wo jiu hui shuo ying wen. ni hui shuo yingwen me?" (no, I can't speak Chinese, I can only speak English. Can you speak English)
Has there ever been a situation where they talked about you in a negative (or hell even positive) way and you surprised them? Yeah people would say "kan na ge shui ge!" (Look at that handsome guy!) and I would respond "xie xie" (thank you!)
EDIT: I'm wring out pinyin cuz this computer doesn't have the Chinese font.
How noticeable was the censorship? (How) Was the history of China taught different from how it might be taught by an independent source? How did China's economic boom affect you and your Chinese peers? When exactly did you leave? Will you be going back? Censorship wasn't very noticeable. Many American's make a big deal about the limited rights people have in China, but in China it's not a big deal to them (Most of the time, definitely not all the time). People are very nationalistic, very proud to be Chinese and very protective of the view other countries have on China. Story time. I lived in Sichuan province from 2004-2008. I was taking my AP Physics exam, just finished the multiple choice section and all of a sudden the room began to shake, kinda like when you're on a large boat that's rocking with the waves. I was like oh crap! It's an earthquake. People were looking around bewildered, especially the proctor and I yelled out "Get to the soccer field!" We were on the second floor so it was a short distance to the field thankfully. There was a McDonalds sign close to our school and it was swinging like a pendulum. Really scary. Turns out this was happening not 80 miles from us. The city I lived in had around 10 million people depending on who you talked to and they were all going crazy. We had short power outages and there was talk of the dam bursting and then we'd be out of water. Needless to say the super markets were jam packed. I thought people were slightly over reacting, so I decided to rollerblade over to the local 7/11 type store and take a pic of the madness. You know to post on facebook and be that cool kid with an awesome picture. Thought I might get on CNN or something. So i skate up to the store, now standing at about 6'8, about 2 heads taller than most people now and try to discretely take a picture. Unfortunately, my flash went off and the whole store went bonkers. Immediately I had dozens of people yelling at me, and a little 50 yr old man standing just a 5 foot tall grabbing my elbow, while 20 year old college student was grabbing my other elbow. I was freaked out for a second but then realized, there was no one in that store that would be able to catch me if I decided to bolt, however the fear of an earthquake fueled mob of locals looking for me day and night prevented me from fleeing. They basically wanted me to delete the picture because they didn't want China to look bad (aka, unprepared, in distress, or weak). I deleted the picture for them and they let me go. So that day I got a very special insight into the Chinese mindset. They are all about appearances (during business or politics). Face) is a very important concept to them.
I've heard that Asians growing up in "the Western World" have a hard time distinguishing facial features of other Asians. In other words, they think all Chinese people look the same. Is it easy for you to tell distinguish Asian faces? What about other ethnicities? I can distinguish between Chinese, Korean, Japanese, especially if they aren't Americanized. They way they dress, cut their hair gives it away. If they're Chinese-American, Korean-American, or Japanese-American aka they all dress the same, I can still usually tell them apart based on their facial features. I'm not as good at distinguishing between the SE Asian countries although I can generally tell they are from SE Asia. An additional note, what makes this even harder is that there are 56 minority groups in China each with varying genetic backgrounds. So "Chinese" can have a wide range of looks. eg. Yao Ming is freaking tall. He is from Northern China. Most Chinese people you know are probably short. They are more likely from southern (richer regions) of China.
I'm sorry, I worded this poorly. I'm not talking about distinguishing between people of different nationalities. I'm more talking about distinguishing people, from their family and neighbors. Yes I can distinguish between individuals quite easily as well.
Lucky you, I'm still stuck here. Heres a few questions for you: What is the moment that you experienced, and thought, wow this is China. What are your favorite Chinese foods? Least favorite? I like all Chinese food, but some of my favorite style dishes are shaokao (Street kebabs, meat, bread, veggies, whatever it is they will roast it for you and put delicious seasoning on it) and huoguo (hotpot). Also Muslim noodles are really good (there's a minority in China the Uyghur, pronounced Weeger,and they make the best noodles ever.)
Where did you live in China? What schools did you attend? What do you think of the pollution, and how did you deal with it? What do you think about China? Do you like the lifestyle here as opposed to the U.S.? What do you think of your parent's choice to move to China? Do you agree or oppose? I feel like I wasn't really affected by censorship (though that's what they want me to think right?). I went to an international school so I didn't have anything from their education system. My parents have a VPN so I could get on censored websites (youtube, facebook, Cnn) no problem.
I may be going to Chengdu next summer for a study-abroad program. I'll be there for six weeks. Is there any advice you can give me on things to do there on my free time, sights to see, how to get around, what are some of the best places to eat, hang out, go clubbing, etc; how to interact with the locals, any strange or unique customs of the region I should be aware of? I've heard Sichuan food is really spicy, and I don't really like spicy food. When I'm there, is my mouth just going to get assaulted 24/7, or are there some milder dishes in Sichuan cuisine? My Chinese isn't too good at the moment. I'm taking Beginner Level 2 this semester, so I predict I'm going to have a lot of trouble communicating at first when I get there. I fuck up with Mandarin tones a lot, but I've heard native speakers can still understand you pretty well even if you don't get the tone right all the time. Can you confirm or deny this? Awesome! if you're living on a college campus I definitely recommend getting a cheap bike and sturdy lock. That will allow you to travel around cheaply at your leisure. (although it will be summer and it will be hot and humid, so depending on the type of person you are, you might not make use of your bike). Also get a cell phone while you're there. They'll be cheap and will all you to communicate with all the friends you will make! Which brings me to my third suggestion. Make friends with other Chinese college students. I'm assuming you'll be exposed to them quite frequently, seize that opportunity, befriend them. Ask to go eat lunch with them and ask their recommendation! They'll know the best local spots around your area. The traditional food is spicy, but not all of it is. Often if you ask them to not put spices in it, or put less, 75% percent of the time they will accommodate you successfully. And then there's a wide variety of dishes that aren't inherently spice that will be available to you. There are some great sites to see around Chengdu. I'm sure you'll have the opportunity to go to the downtown area. Don't think I did anything spectacular there, but it's a cool place to see (chun xi lou)Link to www.visitourchina.com is a cool place to check out. If you are into shopping head over to hehuachi. wow I just found a fantastic \[link for other places you should go. not surprisingly chunxi lou and he hua chi are on there. and there's even a map! this is gold! For a more historical perspective Dufu's cottage is there. (Dufu was a famous poet who lived in Chengdu during the Tang dynasty). Again ask your friends were to go, they will know great places too! For places outside of Chengdu, see if you can get a trip to jiuzahigou a beautiful national park . four sister's mountain or siguniang is another great place to go for some awesome sights. try to get a group of your study abroad group to go, the more the merrier! Enjoy!
Were you ever the victim of racism? Did people ever pull their eyes wide and laugh or just treat you differently like speaking slowly to you as if you're mentally disabled? I was judged on my race, but almost never in a negative way. Throughout my life in China I would be somewhere and the Chinese people around me would talk about me, not suspecting I could speak Chinese well. Most of the remarks were something like "wow, that foreigner is so tall." Everyone thought I was rich, and I guess we were rich in that environment, though my family is lower-middle class in America.
When did you start learning Mandarin? And has living in China so long had a noticeable effect on your accent when speaking English? I started learning it in elementary school and didn't stop until my senior year. I don't have an accent, and my vocab is pretty good. I do miss out on some cultural references. One of my American friends said "this one time, at bandcamp..." and then would trail off. All the guys would laugh, so I just laughed along with them, never knowing why. It wasn't until last year that I learned what it was referencing... lol.
So no accent when speaking english...how about chinese? Yeah, i got an accent. Although I like to think that it's really minimal.
What do/did your parents do in China? What kind of visa do they have? Taught at International schools/had a US-business consulting firm. Work visa.
Growing up there for so long, do you have any sort of "Chinese accent" when speaking English ? Nope, I went to an International School that prepared students for college in America. most of our teachers were american, some were Candian, South African, Nigerian, etc. Everything was taught in English (except Chinese)
Do people know about the Great Leap Forward and what happened at Tiananmen Square? Or do they deny those things ever happened/not know about them? I've been told they don't know, and couldn't care less because it doesn't affect their quality of life at all. People who have been in school (hasn't been the majority of the population for the last 40 years) know about it, but they definitely haven't been taught the same story we have. Not such what story they were taught, but it's definitely altered.
Did you attend local schools or an international school like ISB? Also, has it been difficult adjusting to life back in the States? Yeah, my schools were ISC (International SChools of China). It has been a difficult process. Knowing absolutely no one when you get to college, trying to make new friends, telling people you're from China and then they go nuts (most of the time in a flattering way, but didn't get a couple "Ching chong Ching Chang! What'd I say?" This is probably the most ignorant and insensitive thing you could ever say to me. My biggest pet peeve for sure.). Basically just trying to fit in and be accepted. I really enjoy deep friendships, where you listen to each other's crap, care about each other and not judge each other, but it's hard to generate friendships like that in your freshman year. I'm sure that happens to most people to some extent but it was even harder for me since didn't know anyone/hadn't lived in America before. However, it got better each year and now I have some really great friends!
Yeah i have tat pet peeve too! Usually when kids say "ching chong chang" i just reply "haha you just called yourself a fucking idiot!" And they always pause and give me a confused look. One time this British guy who just moved to China asked me how to say shit. I told him it was "ai ni" which means love you. He proceeded to walk by a woman walking her dog saying "Ohh!! I just stepped in some aini! ah Fuck man this freaking ai ni!" Unfortunately his Mandarin wasn't good enough for her to understand what he was saying, but it would have been hilarious if she could.
Born in Cali, Moved to Beijing when I was 3 to attend an American International school, and a British one. Back in the US now for college. Just wanted to say growing up in China was an adventure and the best experience of my life! What did you think of your experience? I totally agree! I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I got to experience so many cultures and have a broad outlook on what the world is at a very young age. There's lots of people I know who have never left the US and I can't Imagine what kind of person I would be if I never had that opportunity. Interesting. What are our chances of knowing each other? lol. Did you stay in BJ (Beijing) the whole time? (and yes I'm expecting many BJ puns, do you're worst!)
Hey there! Ever visit Beijing? I was born and raised in Georgia and I'm living in beijing now, finishing up highschool and then I'll be (hopefully) going back to my home state for uni. I've been to Beijing Multiple times, it's an impressive city but I would never want to live there. Too crowded/polluted/too many foreigners. haha. I just graduated from a college in Georgia, PM me if you want to keep in contact/ask questions about college, etc.
My ass landed in Korea. Glad I am not the only one to have had a childhood like this. That being said, do you ever find it harder to identify with Caucasians as appose to Asians? Also I feels with you on the spelling T___T Definitely. It's weird whenever people ask me, "where are you from?" I'm like, "do you want the long story or short story?" Also when I'd come back to visit the US and my parents/granparents friends would say: "are you glad to be back home?" I learned to say "yes!" but really I was thinking "Home? here? I just left home! at least I think I did... Idk where my home is. Some where between the US and China I guess..."
Yeah it's a toss up. Sometimes I identify with the US, and other times China. It just depends. Most of the time I identify with both of them at the same time. Yea... bit confusing some time.
Have you ever come across a Caucasian, living in China, who speaks English with a thick Chinese accent? (Perhaps, due to parents or grandparents moving to China, being born there and learning Chinese as a first language). Can't say I have. foreigners haven't been able to live in China for a long time. The Boxer rebellion in the early 1900's caused all foreigners to leave. The Cultural Revolution in 1949 did that again. Tiananmen square in 1989 also scared a lot of people off. China, historically, has been very Xenophobic. My parents were among the first wave of foreigners to start coming back to China.
You lived in South China right? What is the dim sum experience there like? Whats your favorite dim sum? I lived in northern China and then middle of China (sichuan province). sichuan is known for it's spicy food. huajiao is a popular numbing spice they use in dishes. but to answer your question not a lot of dim sum. We went to a special restaurant for that type of food.
Word. my parents are from Chengdu. I go back there almost every year. Dont you think we should bring hot pot to america? Most definintely.
Do you consider food from China/chinese style food "chinese food" or regular "food"? I call it Chinese food. Growing up my mom made American food, I ate Korean food at my Korean friend's house, ate Chinese food at lots of places.
Were your parents missionaries? If so, were they with a group, or by themselves? Nope. And if they were I couldn't tell you.
What aspect of Chinese people do you find most endearing, and which do you find most frustrating? Same question for day to day life in China. Brain-dead. can't think of a good answer now, will get back to it if i can.
What is your opinion on the sovereignty of Taiwan? Taiwan Is ruled by it's own government and China has no legitimate claim over it. After the Chinese civil war, one group went to Taiwan. the other group stayed in China. so they each won their respective landmasses. one's just a lot bigger than the other.
In your opinion, what is the source of the fascination that so many Chinese people, especially young ones, have for America? I met many students while in China who said their dream was to visit America. Is it our prosperity, freedom, interesting culture? It's just a Utopia to them. I think the education system starts this early on. "If you have good enough grades you could go to college in America" If you have enough money you could go to America. If your family is good enough you could live in America. It's something a lot of them can't have, it's hard to get, and that makes it valuable within itself. Movies and music also attract Chinese people to American Culture.
Did growing up in an academically hyper-competitive culture affect your perspective towards schoolwork and the importance of achievement in school, or was there a strong "American" atmosphere in your international school? There was not a strong "American" atmosphere at our school. The government wouldn't allow any Chinese people to go to our school, but there were still other asians, mostly Korean, Japanese, Singaporeans. about 10% american. Class was extremely competitive and I am many of us were perfectionists.
Is your spoken Chinese very "standard," or do you have a regional dialect? Since I moved around I have a standard accent. Most people in education system learn standard Mandarin though their parents speak a specific dialect.
How strongly, if at all, do you identify yourself as "Chinese," having grown up there? Do you feel that your home is China or America? If i had to pick one... gosh so hard. Perhaps America is more home now. I think looking like an American plays a huge role in it. Though, I would be very comfortable in China, I've had sort of a celebrity status being white.
Thanks for a really interesting AMA! I have been to China about 6 times and spent a year there after college teaching English. I really loved it the entire time, and often dream about going back there. Thanks for the great questions hope you get to go back!
You look European, not American. According to the Chinese I looked American... They always asked me if I was from america, not Europe.
Do you identify more with America or with China? Where are you more comfortable and why? Sorry if it's a vague question. It's not a vague question, but I'll give you a vague answer. I don't feel home anywhere. Here is a great video about the home identity crisis TCKs (third culture Kids) experience. For me, now after living in the US for a few years somewhat like this is home, native language, passport country, parents are from here. But when I first got here for college, I definitely didn't feel at home in America. I knew that it was a part of me but, didn't feel like I belonged here. I identify with both places in a variety of ways, and it's not one-sided enough to pick one of them.
Can you provide proof? Just uploaded an image. It's not great. Tried to find one of me at The Great Wall or some other recognizable site, but this is actually better proof that I live there.
Post yourself speaking Mandarin/Cantonese!? What's the best way to do that? youtube?
Not sure if still taking questions, but I'll ask anyways. What type of job do your parents have in which requires them to work in China? They didn't need to, they just wanted to. My dad has his MBA, did some consulting, was on the board of some international schools too.
Can you do that awesome chinese thing where you count to 10 on one hand? I can!
Howdy ho Gweilo! Lol If i had a nickel for every time I heard that..
你的中文怎么样? 住在哪里? EDIT stupid Kou3 missing from 那 and my inability to not trust spell check in any language;)。 Xian zai wo de dian nao bu neng xie zhong wen. ni hui du pin yin me?
Last updated: 2013-01-22 02:33 UTC
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